OMG - so I had this whole post typed up this morning and then something kooky happened and phhhhhht! GONE. WTF? What key combo did I come up with that scrapped what I was doing and started editing the previous post? Bizarro-world. I'm so upset. I was funny. It won't be nearly as funny now. Or maybe it will be. You didn't get the chance to read what I wrote before. Maybe I'll be even funnier! To dare to dream...
Alex goes to a private school. And this private school just so happens to be a Lutheran school which means chapel and religion classes and priests behaving inappropriately that...that's Catholic school...have to wait for that one next year. The 8th graders at this school get to take an 8th grade trip to Washington, D.C. every year. Brilliant! And I get to go! MORE brilliant! This was the 8th grade trip I never took. I didn't get to go. Julie got to go. I didn't get to go. Just like my senior year trip to Paris that EVERYONE ELSE in my 4th year French class got to take - but not me. Even though I would have been taking a boat tour down the Seine on my BIRTHDAY. It's so pathetic, I think I still have the tear-stained brochure somewhere. And then there's the freshman year in college mandatory spring break trip to Florida. Never happened. My girlfriends loaded up the car and went without me. My parents said no.
So now I'm officially living vicariously through my son. Only slightly MORE pathetic would be if I said I chose this school because of this trip. I assure you I did not. But it was a fantastic perk. To go on this trip the 8th graders do fundraisers to offset the cost. One such fundraiser is the spaghetti dinner/silent auction/fun fair next Friday night. I'm selling tickets...and you're all buying them, right??? RIGHT??? Another fundraiser is hosting the Wednesday night soup dinner before Advent and Lent services. We worked a couple during Advent. I made soup, I brought soup, I ate soup, I cleaned up soup, we made money, I went home.
And now it's Lent, so I signed up for tonight's dinner. But that was before. That was before the weekend of no power. That was before I remembered that Monday night was the - the blue and gold banquet. That was before my laundry room became so overcome with dirty clothes that they formed a human body and trashed my house. That was BEFORE. And so here I sit, with no soup.
So I'm going to do the lamest thing ever. I brought my crock pot, empty as the day I bought it, and I'm going to leave here and stop at a restaurant and buy quarts of soup. I will pour it into my crock pot on the way over there and haul that baby in like I made it. Yes I will. I'm going to lie my ass off about it, too. That's right...lie to the Lutherans! LIE!
Alex knows the truth of course and thinks this is hilarious.
So which is more pathetic? My excitement over my 8th grade trip when I'm almost 36 or buying soup and passing it off as my own. It's pretty much a toss up at this point.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like...

Dame Helen Mirren?
Seriously - the woman is old enough to be my mother - quite literally, but did you SEE her at the Oscars? I want to be her. Right now. RIGHT.NOW. Even Kev-head was all in a tizzy about her calling her "the ultimate MILF." Move over Stifler's Mother, you have been replaced. It would take a team of hairdressers and make-up artists to get me to look half this good and I'm half her age! And I can't even TALK about the lifting it would take to get my chest to look anything close to that good in that dress. I secretly hate you Helen Mirren! No ... I love you... call me...
For those of you who don't know, I am a red carpet junkie. Award shows are my crack cocaine, and once the first of the year hits, I am in heaven straight through the Oscars. Globes, SAGs, Grammy's,'s all a little slice of heaven.
But this year sucked ass. Why? Because there was an ice storm kiddies. And when you live in the boonies in an ice storm, no one cares that you don't have power for 24 hours. And then you get power for like 30 minutes - and WHAM! right back out in the middle of your wash cycle. That sucks. It sucks even more when your generator keeps blowing fuses because you're loading it up with too much stuff, like I don't know...HEAT. And then the damn HDDVR takes 10 minutes to load. So I missed the Dreamgirls songs, I missed the shadowy acrobats forming themselves into a stiletto and I missed some critically boring awards that no one cares about. But I did see my favorite parts - the red carpet, the opening monologue (Ellen was very good this year), a bit with Al Gore (Al, I miss you and Tipper, too with her hyperbolic sensitivity to 'inappropriate music') and better yet, the song with Jack Black, Will Ferrell, and that other guy that most of you don't know, John C. Reilly. And guess how they ended their song? Foaming at the mouth over Helen friggin' Mirren.
And someone needs to get Cameron Diaz professional help - not mental - she needs a professional hairdresser. Please. Enough with the shaggy half up half down mussed up do. It's what I do about 2pm everyday here at work when I'm in the weeds. It's not a good look for me. It's not a good look on NATIONAL FUCKING TELEVISION WITH A BILLION PEOPLE WATCHING. Comb that shit, sweep it up and get it together.
So didja watch? Didja? It's okay to admit it's a safe place...I'm an addict, too. Who did YOU like?
Friday, February 23, 2007
Team Carol ...
So whether you know it or not, you've all been recruited. And there were no embarrassing tryouts! You didn't have to audition, meet an age requirement or fill out an application. Your presence on this blog is enough.
I mentioned earlier about my Aunt Carol having surgery. Well, the follow up to that surgery is the dreaded C-word....and I don't mean c u next tuesday, either... we're talkin' chemo here folks. I know some of you for sure have had experience with loved ones going through this and it sucks. Sucks like the Cubs. Worse than that. Sucks like them not having your size in a shoe sale. Probably even worse than that.
I know I can make a little light of the situation because I've been talking to Carol every day and so far she's in good spirits. Everyone say HI CAROL!! She cut off her hair in prep for losing it, which the doc says is inevitable. The bonus round? She doesn't have to shave her legs for 18 weeks. Now THAT sounds like a little bit of heaven, eh pregnant friends and friends with overly large muffin tops? (i.e. me...) ... not having to bend in the shower to shave your legs???
So I go to Pittsburgh next week to see what there is to do. Maybe she'll need my help, maybe she won't. Maybe I'll just be there for entertainment. She wants me to figure out how to spike her hair. She's making friends at chemo...she told me today she's going to try and be like me while she's there and meet people. Might as well use the time to your advantage, treatment can take 5-6 hours.
By fabulous beach vacation my girl should be rocking the coolest short-do ever and I'll be jealous.
So now you're all a part of Team Carol. Think good thoughts, pray if it's your thing, if you know about people who have been through this and have suggestions to combat side effects or whatever, offer it up. It takes a village - or a blog community - or all of it to get through the rough spots.
I actually caught a bit of a radio-evangelist yesterday while on my way to Indy. Jul would say it's the universe trying to tell me something. I think she's probably right. He said "Stop trying to control the boat and ride the waves." So that's where we are, as a family right now, riding the waves. I just want to know if the boat has a food and beverage program.
Love you Carol....
I mentioned earlier about my Aunt Carol having surgery. Well, the follow up to that surgery is the dreaded C-word....and I don't mean c u next tuesday, either... we're talkin' chemo here folks. I know some of you for sure have had experience with loved ones going through this and it sucks. Sucks like the Cubs. Worse than that. Sucks like them not having your size in a shoe sale. Probably even worse than that.
I know I can make a little light of the situation because I've been talking to Carol every day and so far she's in good spirits. Everyone say HI CAROL!! She cut off her hair in prep for losing it, which the doc says is inevitable. The bonus round? She doesn't have to shave her legs for 18 weeks. Now THAT sounds like a little bit of heaven, eh pregnant friends and friends with overly large muffin tops? (i.e. me...) ... not having to bend in the shower to shave your legs???
So I go to Pittsburgh next week to see what there is to do. Maybe she'll need my help, maybe she won't. Maybe I'll just be there for entertainment. She wants me to figure out how to spike her hair. She's making friends at chemo...she told me today she's going to try and be like me while she's there and meet people. Might as well use the time to your advantage, treatment can take 5-6 hours.
By fabulous beach vacation my girl should be rocking the coolest short-do ever and I'll be jealous.
So now you're all a part of Team Carol. Think good thoughts, pray if it's your thing, if you know about people who have been through this and have suggestions to combat side effects or whatever, offer it up. It takes a village - or a blog community - or all of it to get through the rough spots.
I actually caught a bit of a radio-evangelist yesterday while on my way to Indy. Jul would say it's the universe trying to tell me something. I think she's probably right. He said "Stop trying to control the boat and ride the waves." So that's where we are, as a family right now, riding the waves. I just want to know if the boat has a food and beverage program.
Love you Carol....
Thursday, February 22, 2007
My audience...
So now I see - it's all coming together. I blog about stuff that meets with little to no response for DAYS and now I blog about pills and booze and suddenly WHAM! You all have something to say.
Well at least I know what my target audience is, ya bunch a drunk pill popping freaks! I love each and every last one of your lush asses.
Last night I took a cooking class with the Pea and her man, Susan-the-lurker, and my girlfriend Cathy, who is not the leader of the la leche league who posts hear every now and again and lurks all the time. The class? Knife skills. My husband should be afraid, be very afraid. We got lectured on knife care - dishwasher is a BIG no. Which I guess I've always just doesn't seem like you should put large knives in there. And knowing good knives from bad knives, and cutting boards, yes cutting boards.
Now I've always been a wood girl, myself (insert your own jokes here). I grew up cutting on a butcher's block and have always loved it. Then some yahoo came out and said that we're all going to die miserable salmonella deaths if we continue to cut chicken on wood - so I added a plastic cutting board to the mix. It's a lie folks - A LIE - spawned from the same conspiracy that tries to tell us that eggs cause cancer and red meat is bad for you and cigarettes are addictive on purpose. What? That last one is true? Damn you Philip Morris!!!!
Basically wood heals. You cut chicken on wood and eventually the wood kind of fills itself in. Plastic heals not. That cut will stay there - just as deep, just as bacteria holding as the day you cut it. Ewwwwww, bacteria. So really you should always cut on wood - clean it in soapy water and let it air dry.
Okay, so this is now Friday and I think I started this yesterday, and I have no idea how to finish these thoughts...posting anyway...
Well at least I know what my target audience is, ya bunch a drunk pill popping freaks! I love each and every last one of your lush asses.
Last night I took a cooking class with the Pea and her man, Susan-the-lurker, and my girlfriend Cathy, who is not the leader of the la leche league who posts hear every now and again and lurks all the time. The class? Knife skills. My husband should be afraid, be very afraid. We got lectured on knife care - dishwasher is a BIG no. Which I guess I've always just doesn't seem like you should put large knives in there. And knowing good knives from bad knives, and cutting boards, yes cutting boards.
Now I've always been a wood girl, myself (insert your own jokes here). I grew up cutting on a butcher's block and have always loved it. Then some yahoo came out and said that we're all going to die miserable salmonella deaths if we continue to cut chicken on wood - so I added a plastic cutting board to the mix. It's a lie folks - A LIE - spawned from the same conspiracy that tries to tell us that eggs cause cancer and red meat is bad for you and cigarettes are addictive on purpose. What? That last one is true? Damn you Philip Morris!!!!
Basically wood heals. You cut chicken on wood and eventually the wood kind of fills itself in. Plastic heals not. That cut will stay there - just as deep, just as bacteria holding as the day you cut it. Ewwwwww, bacteria. So really you should always cut on wood - clean it in soapy water and let it air dry.
Okay, so this is now Friday and I think I started this yesterday, and I have no idea how to finish these thoughts...posting anyway...
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Jeez - we're not...pill poppers!
Actual words spoken by JBrave. And it's true. I'm not. I hate taking pills...even when I'm supposed to.
So after the waterfall extravaganza (no, I didn't take pictures - and I'm totally wishing I had. I was too stunned to do anything like that.) I was pushing water out of the garage and taking everything out of that closet under the stairs and needless to say, my shoulder and my back ... ugh... a mess. PAIN my friends with a capital p and that rhymes with b and that stands for BOOZE. Yes indeedy. I needed some booze. Did I drink any? No. Not that night. I was too tired. Actually I think Kev-head and I each had about half a glass of Bob...but nothing significant.
Well by Saturday it was like the day after a car accident. You know - the day you REALLY feel it when you've done something stupid. Like hit a telephone pole, or rammed your four-wheeler into a tree...or in Kev-head's case, try to prove that you can still do a backwards somersault. Yeah, that's right, you heard me. Backwards.somersault. OMG - I almost peed my pants last weekend. The sight of my hubby with his legs in the air pushing with all his might. Now some of you might think that's a typical Saturday night at the'd be wrong. In my case the stupidity was moving all that shit. Kevin says it's because I don't delegate well. I say it's because I'M ALMOST 36 AND HORRIBLY OUT OF SHAPE. Nah...really? Muffin top you say? Just how big are they making muffins these days? Well lemme tell ya...
So Saturday I tell Jul that I'm not sure if I want to go home and open a bottle of red and drink the whole thing OR take a muscle relaxer and a vicodin and go to bed - I was HURTING. Not only that but I needed to numb my own embarrassment and frustration at being THAT SORE over some boxes (well, they were heavy) and some water (it was cold in that garage). Her response? *GASP* Rebecca - we're not...pill poppers! Go home and open that wine!
Halfway through the bottle I realized the wisdom of my friend. I put myself on a heating pad, climbed onto my tempur-pedic mattress (it's developed by NASA!) with my glass of red and fell to sleep watching TV. How's that for a rockin' Saturday night? At least I'm no pill popper.
So after the waterfall extravaganza (no, I didn't take pictures - and I'm totally wishing I had. I was too stunned to do anything like that.) I was pushing water out of the garage and taking everything out of that closet under the stairs and needless to say, my shoulder and my back ... ugh... a mess. PAIN my friends with a capital p and that rhymes with b and that stands for BOOZE. Yes indeedy. I needed some booze. Did I drink any? No. Not that night. I was too tired. Actually I think Kev-head and I each had about half a glass of Bob...but nothing significant.
Well by Saturday it was like the day after a car accident. You know - the day you REALLY feel it when you've done something stupid. Like hit a telephone pole, or rammed your four-wheeler into a tree...or in Kev-head's case, try to prove that you can still do a backwards somersault. Yeah, that's right, you heard me. Backwards.somersault. OMG - I almost peed my pants last weekend. The sight of my hubby with his legs in the air pushing with all his might. Now some of you might think that's a typical Saturday night at the'd be wrong. In my case the stupidity was moving all that shit. Kevin says it's because I don't delegate well. I say it's because I'M ALMOST 36 AND HORRIBLY OUT OF SHAPE. Nah...really? Muffin top you say? Just how big are they making muffins these days? Well lemme tell ya...
So Saturday I tell Jul that I'm not sure if I want to go home and open a bottle of red and drink the whole thing OR take a muscle relaxer and a vicodin and go to bed - I was HURTING. Not only that but I needed to numb my own embarrassment and frustration at being THAT SORE over some boxes (well, they were heavy) and some water (it was cold in that garage). Her response? *GASP* Rebecca - we're not...pill poppers! Go home and open that wine!
Halfway through the bottle I realized the wisdom of my friend. I put myself on a heating pad, climbed onto my tempur-pedic mattress (it's developed by NASA!) with my glass of red and fell to sleep watching TV. How's that for a rockin' Saturday night? At least I'm no pill popper.
Monday, February 19, 2007
We put the old in cold...
Well well was cold on Friday. COLD people. So cold, in fact, that we had a pipe burst in the garage. "It is his love, it his his passion..." It is his fault he didn't lock the garage....
So yeah, here's me...coming home with the kids. The Kev-head is out at a bachelor party. Whoo-hoo, partay! We went out for pizza. I opened the garage door and in a flash - huh - why is there water on my garage floor? That is a LOT of water on my garage floor. There's usually only that much water on my garage floor AFTER my car is in it. I wonder...OH MY GOD LOOK AT ALL OF THAT WATER STREAMING FROM THAT PIPE! A waterfall is what it was and who knows how long it had been going on. I called the Kev-head who luckily picked up and told me how to kill the water to the house. Needless to say, he had to leave the partay - and before the "entertainment" arrived. When he got home he said he had a bunch of "singles he didn't get to use" - okay Mr. Funnyman - grab a squeegee and shut your pie-hole - you're not using them on me.
Yes the water got into the house, too - the closet under the stairs? Trashed. Seriously - like I could splash in puddles in there. That carpet? We just ripped it out babies. No use in trying to save it. I mean seriously - dark, damp closet with a house full of asthmatics? That's what I need - a mold problem all over my Christmas decorations.
The rest of the weekend wasn't bad after that. Where else could it go from there??
So yeah, here's me...coming home with the kids. The Kev-head is out at a bachelor party. Whoo-hoo, partay! We went out for pizza. I opened the garage door and in a flash - huh - why is there water on my garage floor? That is a LOT of water on my garage floor. There's usually only that much water on my garage floor AFTER my car is in it. I wonder...OH MY GOD LOOK AT ALL OF THAT WATER STREAMING FROM THAT PIPE! A waterfall is what it was and who knows how long it had been going on. I called the Kev-head who luckily picked up and told me how to kill the water to the house. Needless to say, he had to leave the partay - and before the "entertainment" arrived. When he got home he said he had a bunch of "singles he didn't get to use" - okay Mr. Funnyman - grab a squeegee and shut your pie-hole - you're not using them on me.
Yes the water got into the house, too - the closet under the stairs? Trashed. Seriously - like I could splash in puddles in there. That carpet? We just ripped it out babies. No use in trying to save it. I mean seriously - dark, damp closet with a house full of asthmatics? That's what I need - a mold problem all over my Christmas decorations.
The rest of the weekend wasn't bad after that. Where else could it go from there??
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Ahhhhh Valentine's Day - the holiday for love...
Views differ on Valentine's Day and the need to celebrate it.
View #1: It's a Hallmark holiday - I don't have to do anything.
View #2: I love Valentine's Day! I'm buying a red dress and red shoes and a fun card for my significant other. I'm going to get candy and flowers and get a fancy hotel room for great sex!
View #3: Oh shit, it's Valentine's Day???
View #4: I hate this fucking holiday. Yet another reminder that I'm alone and relationships suck!
View #5: I'll celebrate it, but I really don't know what to do, or what to buy.
Where do you fall?
View #1 has been repeated to me time and time again, usually by married people. If the person is a married woman, she says it because she knows her husband won't do anything, and she'll be disappointed, so she's resigned herself to her fateful lack of romance in her relationship. If the person is a married man, that's just an excuse because he's too lazy, for ONE DAY in the fucking year to step up to the plate and acknowledge and honor his relationship with his spouse. Probably married to the woman making the same comment. Seriously - guys - is it that hard? Is it truly THAT HARD? Buy a card, say I love you, buy one flower at the drugstore on your way home. Ask about her day - Hallmark doesn't have to have anything to do with it if you don't want it to. These same men probably forget their anniversaries and don't buy their wives anything for their birthdays. Pa-thetic.
View #2 - only said by people who are dating. By the second Valentine's Day together with their boyfriend/girlfriend, they probably fall into one of the other categories.
View #3 - single men.
View #4 - single women.
View #5 - Everyone else.
The Kev-head is a romantic at heart. And sometimes he can really surprise me. Yesterday we decided to come home after work, have a nice dinner with the kids and chill out. He did buy me a card, and had the kids make cards for me, too. That was nice. They cleaned the kitchen before I got home, too, so I could cook dinner. This was very nice. We had mimosas while I was cooking dinner, and then while dinner was in the oven we all went into the living room for "cocktail hour." I'm trying to bring this tradition back. Just some time set aside for us to all be in one place, no TV, no phone - just us - chatting about whatever. It was nice. We had dinner together, the boys got their little goody bags of Valentine's candy.
For those of you sharing view #5, I found a how-to for celebrating a meaningful Valentine's Day. If you have a spouse sharing view #1 - print this and leave it out - once a week until next year.
View #1: It's a Hallmark holiday - I don't have to do anything.
View #2: I love Valentine's Day! I'm buying a red dress and red shoes and a fun card for my significant other. I'm going to get candy and flowers and get a fancy hotel room for great sex!
View #3: Oh shit, it's Valentine's Day???
View #4: I hate this fucking holiday. Yet another reminder that I'm alone and relationships suck!
View #5: I'll celebrate it, but I really don't know what to do, or what to buy.
Where do you fall?
View #1 has been repeated to me time and time again, usually by married people. If the person is a married woman, she says it because she knows her husband won't do anything, and she'll be disappointed, so she's resigned herself to her fateful lack of romance in her relationship. If the person is a married man, that's just an excuse because he's too lazy, for ONE DAY in the fucking year to step up to the plate and acknowledge and honor his relationship with his spouse. Probably married to the woman making the same comment. Seriously - guys - is it that hard? Is it truly THAT HARD? Buy a card, say I love you, buy one flower at the drugstore on your way home. Ask about her day - Hallmark doesn't have to have anything to do with it if you don't want it to. These same men probably forget their anniversaries and don't buy their wives anything for their birthdays. Pa-thetic.
View #2 - only said by people who are dating. By the second Valentine's Day together with their boyfriend/girlfriend, they probably fall into one of the other categories.
View #3 - single men.
View #4 - single women.
View #5 - Everyone else.
The Kev-head is a romantic at heart. And sometimes he can really surprise me. Yesterday we decided to come home after work, have a nice dinner with the kids and chill out. He did buy me a card, and had the kids make cards for me, too. That was nice. They cleaned the kitchen before I got home, too, so I could cook dinner. This was very nice. We had mimosas while I was cooking dinner, and then while dinner was in the oven we all went into the living room for "cocktail hour." I'm trying to bring this tradition back. Just some time set aside for us to all be in one place, no TV, no phone - just us - chatting about whatever. It was nice. We had dinner together, the boys got their little goody bags of Valentine's candy.
For those of you sharing view #5, I found a how-to for celebrating a meaningful Valentine's Day. If you have a spouse sharing view #1 - print this and leave it out - once a week until next year.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
I have this friend...
So I know most people start stories with "I have this friend..." and they are really talking about themselves in some horribly obvious way. But I assure you, I am not talking about me. Really. I'm not.
I have this friend, and she's pregnant. See...told you it wasn't about me. While I'm a veritable playground for conception given my estrogen levels, I am not pregnant. So this friend, she has a big decision to make. Her baby is due on April 25th. But due to reasons I won't go into, she has to schedule her baby's due date. So here's the dilemma...
If she schedules this BEFORE April 21st, she is changing the baby's birth sign. I know I'm tied to my astrological sign. I'm an Aries through and through - and I love being an Aries. 12 o'clock on the zodiac clock, baby - the king of the astrological signs...actually the ram of the astrological signs. So what if she does change this baby's birth date??? What does that mean? Will the baby be a closeted Aries in Taurus clothing? She can't pick the 20th - we just found out this is Hitler's birthday and I completely disallow this.
She can wait until the 23rd, which is still Taurus territory, and then maybe, just maybe the baby chooses to be an Aries, but that takes the whole "scheduled" part out, and that's not great either. What if the baby chooses the 20th??? I think the baby is probably already smarter than that. The 23rd is Shakespeare's birthday, so that sounds pretty good.
For those of you (I'm lookin' at YOU, Jimmer) who think that she's thinking about this way too much - you can suck it. This is a big deal...HUGE...or I wouldn't be bringing it to the blog.
What are your thoughts? Have a preference on a date?
OH!!! AND HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY...I guess this is truly a holiday for "lover" (read "lovahs") and not us old married folk, or it would have been the subject of the blog today...maybe I'll rant about that tomorrow. But I love you all - seriously - like I would marry you.
I have this friend, and she's pregnant. See...told you it wasn't about me. While I'm a veritable playground for conception given my estrogen levels, I am not pregnant. So this friend, she has a big decision to make. Her baby is due on April 25th. But due to reasons I won't go into, she has to schedule her baby's due date. So here's the dilemma...
If she schedules this BEFORE April 21st, she is changing the baby's birth sign. I know I'm tied to my astrological sign. I'm an Aries through and through - and I love being an Aries. 12 o'clock on the zodiac clock, baby - the king of the astrological signs...actually the ram of the astrological signs. So what if she does change this baby's birth date??? What does that mean? Will the baby be a closeted Aries in Taurus clothing? She can't pick the 20th - we just found out this is Hitler's birthday and I completely disallow this.
She can wait until the 23rd, which is still Taurus territory, and then maybe, just maybe the baby chooses to be an Aries, but that takes the whole "scheduled" part out, and that's not great either. What if the baby chooses the 20th??? I think the baby is probably already smarter than that. The 23rd is Shakespeare's birthday, so that sounds pretty good.
For those of you (I'm lookin' at YOU, Jimmer) who think that she's thinking about this way too much - you can suck it. This is a big deal...HUGE...or I wouldn't be bringing it to the blog.
What are your thoughts? Have a preference on a date?
OH!!! AND HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY...I guess this is truly a holiday for "lover" (read "lovahs") and not us old married folk, or it would have been the subject of the blog today...maybe I'll rant about that tomorrow. But I love you all - seriously - like I would marry you.
Monday, February 12, 2007
The Grammy's - what a let down...
Okay -so you're kidding me, right? Did anyone watch the Grammy's last night?? Lemme get this straight - The Police...THE POLICE are back together for the first time in forever, and they get one song. ONE SONG? And while Roxanne is great and probably their most well-known song, it's not even close to their best and THAT's how they open the Grammy's??? ONE SONG? And I have to listen to not 1, not 2, not 3 but FOUR songs by Rascal Flatts and Carrie Underwood saluting a country artist whose name is escaping me and Don Henley of the Eagles. Now I love Don Henley as much as the next guy - but seriously? 3 Eagles songs PERFORMED BY SOMEONE ELSE and ONE Police reunion song? Seriously?
And where were the great duets/group sings that the Grammy's are known for? They had the singer/songwriter set , which was really just the 3 artists playing their own deal with the others bringing in the occasional harmony. And John Mayer makes me throw up in my mouth a little - I just can't stand him - sorry to his fans. It's that muppet-like thing he does with his tongue and that half-lisp half-whisper singing style. I just can't do it. Boy can play, though - and his lyrics are great. John Legend, however, could sing me the phone book and I would swoon.
How much plastic is involved in keeping Smoky Robinson's face together, exactly? I love the man, I do, and he sounded good - but I've owned baby dolls in my youth whose faces were softer.
How do I love the Dixie Chicks, let me count the ways. I think they won every category they were in - so take that Reba! I know she was just loving every minute of her introduction about "honoring Texans" in music - don't even get me STARTED on that one. And then she gets a big kick in the ass when her honoree comes out and declares his love for the Chicks. AWESOME. I though Natalie could have been a little less dramatic - the fact that they were winning everything was statement enough.
And then? THEN I was completely underwhelmed by the Chili Peppers...I know the new album is supposed to be brilliant, but it's the GRAMMY'S, and no matter how much Flea jumps around, it's not going to make that song a show stopper.
How is your Monday? Snow is a comin' for those of us south of the river...
And where were the great duets/group sings that the Grammy's are known for? They had the singer/songwriter set , which was really just the 3 artists playing their own deal with the others bringing in the occasional harmony. And John Mayer makes me throw up in my mouth a little - I just can't stand him - sorry to his fans. It's that muppet-like thing he does with his tongue and that half-lisp half-whisper singing style. I just can't do it. Boy can play, though - and his lyrics are great. John Legend, however, could sing me the phone book and I would swoon.
How much plastic is involved in keeping Smoky Robinson's face together, exactly? I love the man, I do, and he sounded good - but I've owned baby dolls in my youth whose faces were softer.
How do I love the Dixie Chicks, let me count the ways. I think they won every category they were in - so take that Reba! I know she was just loving every minute of her introduction about "honoring Texans" in music - don't even get me STARTED on that one. And then she gets a big kick in the ass when her honoree comes out and declares his love for the Chicks. AWESOME. I though Natalie could have been a little less dramatic - the fact that they were winning everything was statement enough.
And then? THEN I was completely underwhelmed by the Chili Peppers...I know the new album is supposed to be brilliant, but it's the GRAMMY'S, and no matter how much Flea jumps around, it's not going to make that song a show stopper.
How is your Monday? Snow is a comin' for those of us south of the river...
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Top 100 in no particular order...
So in keeping with the music theme, I've comprised over several days a list of my Top 100 songs of all time. I may have missed some, so feel free to contribute. This was really tough for me, as I love so much music from so many different eras. I toiled, edited, removed and replaced several songs, but I think this is pretty good. If you don't know them, shame on you - go out to iTunes and give them a listen, and then immediately download them.
In no particular order...
1. Let's Stay Together - Al Green
2. Dr. Feelgood - Aretha Franklin
3. Solitude - Billie Holiday
4. Use Me - Bill Withers
5. Where is the Love - Black Eyed Peas
6. Could you Be Loved - Bob Marley
7. More - Bobby Daren
8. Wanted Dead or Alive - Bon Jovi
9. It's not Unusual - Tom Jones
10. I Can't Make You Love Me - Bonnie Raitt
11. Ain't Nobody OR Tell Me Something Good - Chaka Khan
12. Low - Cracker
13. Just Like Heaven - The Cure
14. We Just Disagree - Dave Mason
15. Tempted - Squeeze
16. Try a Little Tenderness - Otis Redding
17. Son of a Preacher Man - Dusty Springfield
18. She Talks to Angels - Black Crowes
19. Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters - Elton John
20. My Name Is - Slim Shady
21. Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac
22. Stand Back - Stevie Nicks
23. Pink Houses - John Mellencamp
24. Sugar Magnolia - Grateful Dead
25. American Idiot - Green Day
26. She's Gone - Hall & Oates
27. Sara Smile - Hall & Oates
28. Problem Girl - Rob Thomas
29. Bright Lights - Matchbox 20
30. Head over Feet - Alanis Morrissette
31. Blackbird - The Beatles
32. She's Got a Way - Billy Joel
33. A Day in the Life - The Beatles
34. Fool in the Rain - Led Zeppelin
35. Ramble On - Led Zeppelin
36. Don't Speak - No Doubt
37. Dance to the Music - Sly and the Family Stone
38. What it Takes - Aerosmith
39. Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
40. Black - Pearl Jam
41. Southern Cross - CSNY
42. Somebody to Love - Queen
43. Hold on, I'm Comin - Sam and Dave
44. Shelter Me - Ray LaMontagne
45. In Your Eyes - Peter Gabriel
46. In Your Eyes - Jeffrey Gaines
47. Cry Love - John Hiatt
48. The Tighten Up - Archie Bell & the Drells
49. Rock me Right - Susan Tedeschi
50. Hurt So Bad - Susan Tedeschi
51. Crazy - Seal
52. At Last - Etta James
53. Bad Love - Eric Clapton
54. Sunshine of your Love - Cream
55. Lover Lay Down - Dave Matthews Band
56. Crash - Dave Matthews Band
57. Against All Odds - Phil Collins
58. Maybe - Janis Joplin
59. Control - Puddle of Mudd
60. Chain of Fools - Aretha Franklin
61. Far Behind - Candlebox
62. Hemorrhage - Fuel
63. The Reflex - Duran Duran
64. White Lines - Duran Duran
65. I Am I Said - Neil Diamond
66. Cherry Cherry - Neil Diamond
67. Overlap - Ani DiFranco
68. It's Probably Me - Sting
69. Message in a Bottle - The Police
70. Do What you Want - OK Go
71. Don't Stop Til You Get Enough - Michael Jackson
72. ABC - The Jackson Five
73. Like the Way I Do - Melissa Etheridge
74. I'm the Only One - Melissa Etheridge
75. Ray of Light - Madonna
76. Like a Prayer - Madonna
77. Somebody Told Me - The Killers
78. Ordinary People - John Legend
79. A Song For You - Leon Russell
80. The Letter - Joe Cocker
81. You Can't Always Get What You Want - Rolling Stones
82. Gimme Shelter - Rolling Stones
83. Been Caught Stealing - Jane's Addiction
84. Sex Machine - James Brown
85. The Wood Song - Indigo Girls
86. Changes - David Bowie
87. Romeo & Juliet - Mark Knopfler/Indigo Girls
88. All that we let in - Indigo Girls
89. Jump Around - House of Pain
90. In my Life - John Lennon
91. Maybe I'm Amazed - Paul McCartney
92. I Wish - Stevie Wonder
93. Proud Mary - Creedence Clearwater Revival/Ike & Tina Turner
94. Dark Side of the Moon - the entire album - played in its entirety it's genius.
95. Back on the Chain Gang - The Pretenders
96. Baby I'm a Star - Prince
97. Purple Rain - Prince
98. One Way Out - The Allman Brothers
99. The Story in Your Eyes- The Moody Blues
100. Ring of Fire - Johnny Cash
Well, there it is...for what it's worth. Do you agree? Disagree? See a glaring omission? Get on the record books now! There are some country songs I thought of putting on there - He Stopped Loving Her Today is one...Van Morrison was put on the list and removed several times, as was Cat Stevens, Emerson Lake and Palmer and Yes.
In no particular order...
1. Let's Stay Together - Al Green
2. Dr. Feelgood - Aretha Franklin
3. Solitude - Billie Holiday
4. Use Me - Bill Withers
5. Where is the Love - Black Eyed Peas
6. Could you Be Loved - Bob Marley
7. More - Bobby Daren
8. Wanted Dead or Alive - Bon Jovi
9. It's not Unusual - Tom Jones
10. I Can't Make You Love Me - Bonnie Raitt
11. Ain't Nobody OR Tell Me Something Good - Chaka Khan
12. Low - Cracker
13. Just Like Heaven - The Cure
14. We Just Disagree - Dave Mason
15. Tempted - Squeeze
16. Try a Little Tenderness - Otis Redding
17. Son of a Preacher Man - Dusty Springfield
18. She Talks to Angels - Black Crowes
19. Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters - Elton John
20. My Name Is - Slim Shady
21. Rhiannon - Fleetwood Mac
22. Stand Back - Stevie Nicks
23. Pink Houses - John Mellencamp
24. Sugar Magnolia - Grateful Dead
25. American Idiot - Green Day
26. She's Gone - Hall & Oates
27. Sara Smile - Hall & Oates
28. Problem Girl - Rob Thomas
29. Bright Lights - Matchbox 20
30. Head over Feet - Alanis Morrissette
31. Blackbird - The Beatles
32. She's Got a Way - Billy Joel
33. A Day in the Life - The Beatles
34. Fool in the Rain - Led Zeppelin
35. Ramble On - Led Zeppelin
36. Don't Speak - No Doubt
37. Dance to the Music - Sly and the Family Stone
38. What it Takes - Aerosmith
39. Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
40. Black - Pearl Jam
41. Southern Cross - CSNY
42. Somebody to Love - Queen
43. Hold on, I'm Comin - Sam and Dave
44. Shelter Me - Ray LaMontagne
45. In Your Eyes - Peter Gabriel
46. In Your Eyes - Jeffrey Gaines
47. Cry Love - John Hiatt
48. The Tighten Up - Archie Bell & the Drells
49. Rock me Right - Susan Tedeschi
50. Hurt So Bad - Susan Tedeschi
51. Crazy - Seal
52. At Last - Etta James
53. Bad Love - Eric Clapton
54. Sunshine of your Love - Cream
55. Lover Lay Down - Dave Matthews Band
56. Crash - Dave Matthews Band
57. Against All Odds - Phil Collins
58. Maybe - Janis Joplin
59. Control - Puddle of Mudd
60. Chain of Fools - Aretha Franklin
61. Far Behind - Candlebox
62. Hemorrhage - Fuel
63. The Reflex - Duran Duran
64. White Lines - Duran Duran
65. I Am I Said - Neil Diamond
66. Cherry Cherry - Neil Diamond
67. Overlap - Ani DiFranco
68. It's Probably Me - Sting
69. Message in a Bottle - The Police
70. Do What you Want - OK Go
71. Don't Stop Til You Get Enough - Michael Jackson
72. ABC - The Jackson Five
73. Like the Way I Do - Melissa Etheridge
74. I'm the Only One - Melissa Etheridge
75. Ray of Light - Madonna
76. Like a Prayer - Madonna
77. Somebody Told Me - The Killers
78. Ordinary People - John Legend
79. A Song For You - Leon Russell
80. The Letter - Joe Cocker
81. You Can't Always Get What You Want - Rolling Stones
82. Gimme Shelter - Rolling Stones
83. Been Caught Stealing - Jane's Addiction
84. Sex Machine - James Brown
85. The Wood Song - Indigo Girls
86. Changes - David Bowie
87. Romeo & Juliet - Mark Knopfler/Indigo Girls
88. All that we let in - Indigo Girls
89. Jump Around - House of Pain
90. In my Life - John Lennon
91. Maybe I'm Amazed - Paul McCartney
92. I Wish - Stevie Wonder
93. Proud Mary - Creedence Clearwater Revival/Ike & Tina Turner
94. Dark Side of the Moon - the entire album - played in its entirety it's genius.
95. Back on the Chain Gang - The Pretenders
96. Baby I'm a Star - Prince
97. Purple Rain - Prince
98. One Way Out - The Allman Brothers
99. The Story in Your Eyes- The Moody Blues
100. Ring of Fire - Johnny Cash
Well, there it is...for what it's worth. Do you agree? Disagree? See a glaring omission? Get on the record books now! There are some country songs I thought of putting on there - He Stopped Loving Her Today is one...Van Morrison was put on the list and removed several times, as was Cat Stevens, Emerson Lake and Palmer and Yes.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
DJ - play me something new...
This blog started about music, and I realize that it's been awhile since I actually discussed music. What a shame, because it's something I motivates me...makes me happy...takes me places, in time, in space...
Too philosophical this morning...yeah, I thought so, too.
Through another blog I found this band on myspace (which I adamantly oppose, btw, as it robs people of any logic, but it seems you can't listen to anything new anywhere else.)...check out Ultraviolet. I think it's what Gwen Stefani would be doing if she cared at all about being relevant and not some pop sensation sampling the soundtrack of the fucking Sound of Music. Seriously? Seriously, Gwen, you went from being a cutting edge ska/pop diva holding up a middle finger to all things in the social norm, and now you're trying to be some white girl rapper dressed like harajuku? I was a huge No Doubt fan, and this? No. But Ultraviolet, I love these guys...and they're unsigned. Check out the track Dead on the Dancefloor. These guys are like Devo meets PJ Harvey meets KC and the Sunshine Band. If I was a club kid - this would be my jam. (Where are my glow sticks???)
I listen to XRT a lot - yesterday on the ride home they were really busting out the tunes...the new Patty Griffin sounded really good.
Are you watching Idol??? One of the supposed 12 male finalists is Chris Sligh...he was that guy with the crazy fro who sounded like the white Hootie. He's got two bands out on myspace - they're okay. Basically everything like every band you ever heard in college (including my ex-husband's band) - but his vocals are killer and that's what should get him far. With his attitude I can see him sticking this thing out for the long haul. He's my pick to win it.
My girl Gina Glocksen out of a chick rock band here in Chicago is back in it - and according to some spoilers, makes it to the top 24. I loved this girl last year and thought they made a mistake when they tossed her out of Hollywood. I know most of you are shaking your heads and saying "how does she remember this shit?" I don't know, I just do. I really liked her last year, so she sticks in my head. I thought I saw a blip of her running down the hall with a golden ticket and thought "hey, that looks like Gina from last season!" I thought they might have slipped in old footage for filler, but sure enough, it's her. Hooray! A non-blond girl might have a fighting chance this year.
How many more blond hair country girls are they going to pick and say "I like you, you're different." Different than who? The other 52 artists who are already IN country music and are singing through their nose just like them? I'm looking at you Kelly Pickler, Faith Hill...Bailey whats-her-name from last night.
I'm glad the stupid auditions are over - we're looking at the best of the best and the worst of the worst tonight. I'll be glad when we're in Hollywood. What are you listening to? Anything good? Anything new?
Too philosophical this morning...yeah, I thought so, too.
Through another blog I found this band on myspace (which I adamantly oppose, btw, as it robs people of any logic, but it seems you can't listen to anything new anywhere else.)...check out Ultraviolet. I think it's what Gwen Stefani would be doing if she cared at all about being relevant and not some pop sensation sampling the soundtrack of the fucking Sound of Music. Seriously? Seriously, Gwen, you went from being a cutting edge ska/pop diva holding up a middle finger to all things in the social norm, and now you're trying to be some white girl rapper dressed like harajuku? I was a huge No Doubt fan, and this? No. But Ultraviolet, I love these guys...and they're unsigned. Check out the track Dead on the Dancefloor. These guys are like Devo meets PJ Harvey meets KC and the Sunshine Band. If I was a club kid - this would be my jam. (Where are my glow sticks???)
I listen to XRT a lot - yesterday on the ride home they were really busting out the tunes...the new Patty Griffin sounded really good.
Are you watching Idol??? One of the supposed 12 male finalists is Chris Sligh...he was that guy with the crazy fro who sounded like the white Hootie. He's got two bands out on myspace - they're okay. Basically everything like every band you ever heard in college (including my ex-husband's band) - but his vocals are killer and that's what should get him far. With his attitude I can see him sticking this thing out for the long haul. He's my pick to win it.
My girl Gina Glocksen out of a chick rock band here in Chicago is back in it - and according to some spoilers, makes it to the top 24. I loved this girl last year and thought they made a mistake when they tossed her out of Hollywood. I know most of you are shaking your heads and saying "how does she remember this shit?" I don't know, I just do. I really liked her last year, so she sticks in my head. I thought I saw a blip of her running down the hall with a golden ticket and thought "hey, that looks like Gina from last season!" I thought they might have slipped in old footage for filler, but sure enough, it's her. Hooray! A non-blond girl might have a fighting chance this year.
How many more blond hair country girls are they going to pick and say "I like you, you're different." Different than who? The other 52 artists who are already IN country music and are singing through their nose just like them? I'm looking at you Kelly Pickler, Faith Hill...Bailey whats-her-name from last night.
I'm glad the stupid auditions are over - we're looking at the best of the best and the worst of the worst tonight. I'll be glad when we're in Hollywood. What are you listening to? Anything good? Anything new?
Monday, February 05, 2007
Living my dream...
I had a dream...I very long ago. And recently I was talking with a friend who is living my dream.'s true...he's....he's....buying things from infomercials.
When I was a little girl, I wanted the bedazzler, the ginsu knives (they could cut cans and then cut a tomato!), I wanted the beads you put in your hair, and even the knitting machine. I would wait for these commercials on Saturday mornings and write down the addresses as fast as I could on my large lined paper with the chunks of wood still in it. I swore I was going to save my allowance money and purchase these must-have items. I could doll-up my old blue jeans AND help mom in the kitchen while looking at my chia pet in the window.
It was such a wonderful world - the world where I ordered everything I saw in the infomercials. But that world was never to be. I never made myself that one of a kind stocking cap. *sigh*
And now, I'm still just as bad...many a time I have picked up the phone...and almost ordered
The One Sweep - they were offering 2-for-1 if I called in the next 10 minutes!
The Eggstractor - haven't you ever fought with hard-boiled egg shells and LOST??? No more!
The Pasta Pro!! - I love this pot - it's genius! I have peeled off layers of skin draining pasta incorrectly with the lid of a pan.
But mostly, mostly I want the magic bullet. And he has one. I've seen these in the store. They cost like $60. Now, as with my dilemma of my do I justify $60 on a food processor, blender, electric juicer and coffee grinder that occupies only the space of a coffee mug? Even if it stays handy on your countertop for instant meals and snacks, I just can't do it.
I've almost ordered all of these things, and yet I haven't...but I'll drop money like it's hot on countless bottles of wine. Huh. What does this say about me?
The worst part about this person who owns the beloved bullet - yeah, it's still in the box. BLASPHEMY! That's some sort of heresy against the infomercial gods, I'm sure. Oh the smoothies I could be making...the marguaritas...the salsa...oh the salsa.
He owns the laser level, too. Oh the agony!
So why DON'T I buy these things? I have the money - I could if I wanted to. Maybe I'm afraid. Maybe I'm afraid that if I start buying the infomercial products it will become like crack cocaine for me. And then I'll be that girl maxing her credit card out on QVC giving my kids obsolete coins, fake jewelry and bathroom with my cats. Hmmmm, I already have a lot of cats. Clearly I can't start shopping QVC....but do they have shoes? Maybe just a peek...
When I was a little girl, I wanted the bedazzler, the ginsu knives (they could cut cans and then cut a tomato!), I wanted the beads you put in your hair, and even the knitting machine. I would wait for these commercials on Saturday mornings and write down the addresses as fast as I could on my large lined paper with the chunks of wood still in it. I swore I was going to save my allowance money and purchase these must-have items. I could doll-up my old blue jeans AND help mom in the kitchen while looking at my chia pet in the window.
It was such a wonderful world - the world where I ordered everything I saw in the infomercials. But that world was never to be. I never made myself that one of a kind stocking cap. *sigh*
And now, I'm still just as bad...many a time I have picked up the phone...and almost ordered
The One Sweep - they were offering 2-for-1 if I called in the next 10 minutes!
The Eggstractor - haven't you ever fought with hard-boiled egg shells and LOST??? No more!
The Pasta Pro!! - I love this pot - it's genius! I have peeled off layers of skin draining pasta incorrectly with the lid of a pan.
But mostly, mostly I want the magic bullet. And he has one. I've seen these in the store. They cost like $60. Now, as with my dilemma of my do I justify $60 on a food processor, blender, electric juicer and coffee grinder that occupies only the space of a coffee mug? Even if it stays handy on your countertop for instant meals and snacks, I just can't do it.
I've almost ordered all of these things, and yet I haven't...but I'll drop money like it's hot on countless bottles of wine. Huh. What does this say about me?
The worst part about this person who owns the beloved bullet - yeah, it's still in the box. BLASPHEMY! That's some sort of heresy against the infomercial gods, I'm sure. Oh the smoothies I could be making...the marguaritas...the salsa...oh the salsa.
He owns the laser level, too. Oh the agony!
So why DON'T I buy these things? I have the money - I could if I wanted to. Maybe I'm afraid. Maybe I'm afraid that if I start buying the infomercial products it will become like crack cocaine for me. And then I'll be that girl maxing her credit card out on QVC giving my kids obsolete coins, fake jewelry and bathroom with my cats. Hmmmm, I already have a lot of cats. Clearly I can't start shopping QVC....but do they have shoes? Maybe just a peek...
Blame it on the rain
that was fallin fallin
Blame it on the stars
that did shine at night....
Well, well, well...there had to be a winner, and there had to be a loser...and in the end, it pretty much went how I expected. In the end, Rex delivered exactly what he had delivered all season, an inconsistent turnover-filled mess. And not that Peyton and the Colts didn't have their fair share of whoopsies (I'm looking at you Vinatieri!), they just seemed to have the poise under pressure. If the Bears had been up at the half, they might have had a fighting chance, they sure came out of the gate looking good. But they just didn't have the stamina to make it.
It was a fun Superbowl party, the kids were entertaining. Some were cheering for the Colts, some for the Bears.
I do have one complaint. The commercials. They were not as good as they have been in years past. I thought Sierra Mist had some good things - Jim Gaffigan was, of course, hilarious. But a lot of the commercials I'd seen before, and they weren't impressive. A lot more advertisements for upcoming shows. A lot more drug commercials - I don't remember seeing drug commercials in the past. Just overall disappointing. I can remember coming to work in years past and watching the Superbowl commercials on the web and laughing my ass off. This year I can't think of a single one that I feel the need to run right out and view. (Except the Jim Gaffigan beard combover - that's good stuff right there) What are you doing Superbowl ad people???
Prince totally brought it. I thought he was fantastic, even in the Purple Rain.
Hubby got soaked, but had a good time, I believe. And now the excitement is over and it's back to life as we know it.
Blame it on the stars
that did shine at night....
Well, well, well...there had to be a winner, and there had to be a loser...and in the end, it pretty much went how I expected. In the end, Rex delivered exactly what he had delivered all season, an inconsistent turnover-filled mess. And not that Peyton and the Colts didn't have their fair share of whoopsies (I'm looking at you Vinatieri!), they just seemed to have the poise under pressure. If the Bears had been up at the half, they might have had a fighting chance, they sure came out of the gate looking good. But they just didn't have the stamina to make it.
It was a fun Superbowl party, the kids were entertaining. Some were cheering for the Colts, some for the Bears.
I do have one complaint. The commercials. They were not as good as they have been in years past. I thought Sierra Mist had some good things - Jim Gaffigan was, of course, hilarious. But a lot of the commercials I'd seen before, and they weren't impressive. A lot more advertisements for upcoming shows. A lot more drug commercials - I don't remember seeing drug commercials in the past. Just overall disappointing. I can remember coming to work in years past and watching the Superbowl commercials on the web and laughing my ass off. This year I can't think of a single one that I feel the need to run right out and view. (Except the Jim Gaffigan beard combover - that's good stuff right there) What are you doing Superbowl ad people???
Prince totally brought it. I thought he was fantastic, even in the Purple Rain.
Hubby got soaked, but had a good time, I believe. And now the excitement is over and it's back to life as we know it.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Go team!
I am not going to start a firestorm of controversy over the Superbowl - but I am pulling for the Colts. I think I've made it very clear that I'm Steelers fan tried and true...this year I love both teams and will be happy with whoever wins. But deep down, I'm more a Colts fan. Please don't disown me, Bears fans...can't we all just get along?
My original plan was to have a Superbowl party - like I did last year when my beloved Steelers earned "one for the thumb." But then...then my husband, whom I hate, was offered a trip to the game, and so he is right now sitting in an airport in Dulles awaiting his connecting flight to Miami. The bastard. I mean seriously. SERIOUSLY? He's going to the f-ing SUPERBOWL. THE game ... the big show. It's almost grounds for divorce.
So now my Superbowl party is down to me and Chris and Hayden and Alex and Owen because Julie has a photo conference in Indy. WHAT? Who schedules CLASSES on Superbowl Sunday? Photo people, that's who.
But then Chris couldn't get the day off of work on Monday, and neither can Julie, so now they are not coming.
That leaves me and Alex and Owen. And Alex doesn't watch football.
So that leaves me and Owen. Hmmmmm, not exactly a party, though Owen and I have been known to scream loud enough for several people. Shocking, I know.
Now there's a decent chance my Roselawn wife and her family will be coming at least that's two more adults...but 3 more kids!!! So we're still outnumbered. I told Owen he could invite some friends over, so now it's a kids party. I guess I should look at the bright side. It will be a much cheaper event. I won't need nearly as much beer. The kids usually only drink one or two and then they're done.
But seriously folks. I love the Superbowl...and Prince is playing halftime. Love him or hate him - he's talented and will put on a good show. He wowed the press with a mini-concert. He's definitely got the catalog to pull from - but I doubt he'll be pulling out Sexy Mother Fucker...which is a bit of a disappointment for us all.
My original plan was to have a Superbowl party - like I did last year when my beloved Steelers earned "one for the thumb." But then...then my husband, whom I hate, was offered a trip to the game, and so he is right now sitting in an airport in Dulles awaiting his connecting flight to Miami. The bastard. I mean seriously. SERIOUSLY? He's going to the f-ing SUPERBOWL. THE game ... the big show. It's almost grounds for divorce.
So now my Superbowl party is down to me and Chris and Hayden and Alex and Owen because Julie has a photo conference in Indy. WHAT? Who schedules CLASSES on Superbowl Sunday? Photo people, that's who.
But then Chris couldn't get the day off of work on Monday, and neither can Julie, so now they are not coming.
That leaves me and Alex and Owen. And Alex doesn't watch football.
So that leaves me and Owen. Hmmmmm, not exactly a party, though Owen and I have been known to scream loud enough for several people. Shocking, I know.
Now there's a decent chance my Roselawn wife and her family will be coming at least that's two more adults...but 3 more kids!!! So we're still outnumbered. I told Owen he could invite some friends over, so now it's a kids party. I guess I should look at the bright side. It will be a much cheaper event. I won't need nearly as much beer. The kids usually only drink one or two and then they're done.
But seriously folks. I love the Superbowl...and Prince is playing halftime. Love him or hate him - he's talented and will put on a good show. He wowed the press with a mini-concert. He's definitely got the catalog to pull from - but I doubt he'll be pulling out Sexy Mother Fucker...which is a bit of a disappointment for us all.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
If I only had a brain...
So I mentioned that placement exam Alex had to take to get in to high school - to see first of all if he met their requirements for attendance and second of all where he falls in their grand scheme of things. Remember how I said he was cool as a cucumber?
We got the scores back last week - we were very pleased. He's scoring at an 11.4 grade equivalent in math, 11.5 grade equivalent in reading. I've always known he's a bright kid, and like I said...he doesn't buckle under the pressure like his mother. He only missed 2 problems in the entire math section. Brilliant. But the best was yet to come.
Yesterday we got a letter. Alex performed so well on this exam that he's in the top 11 - top 11 test scores out of 202. He got a scholarship! He was beaming. Alex is a quiet kid - keeps to himself - mostly the "don't look at me" attitude. He likes to stay in the background. But last night - last night was all about him and he knew it. He knew it and he loved it. It was fun to see him so puffed up. We called his dad, grandparents...and each time I had him read the letter over the phone. It was really great. I'm relieved because now I feel really confident in him going there.
And now for the Owen. Owen is heartbroken. He was chosen from his class to participate in the school spelling bee. He studied...and studied...and in the end the word they gave him wasn't on the list. I tried to explain to him that the list wasn't about was about learning how words are formed so you can know how to spell anything. I explained that he didn't waste his time - that he still walked away knowing more words than the other kids who didn't get picked. I even tried the old "you should just be proud you got picked" speech. Nothing doing. It leveled him. What do I say now?
This morning I left my cell phone at home. Shocking, I know. So Kev-head was trying to call me...and the phone was ringing and ringing. Owen saw it sitting there. So he promptly picked up the house phone to call me and tell me I left my phone at home. The problem...he called my CELL PHONE to tell me I left my cell phone at home. Realizing his mistake he called Kev-head and told him. Hilarious.
So my house is literally the "wide world of sports" - we have the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. How are you guys?
We got the scores back last week - we were very pleased. He's scoring at an 11.4 grade equivalent in math, 11.5 grade equivalent in reading. I've always known he's a bright kid, and like I said...he doesn't buckle under the pressure like his mother. He only missed 2 problems in the entire math section. Brilliant. But the best was yet to come.
Yesterday we got a letter. Alex performed so well on this exam that he's in the top 11 - top 11 test scores out of 202. He got a scholarship! He was beaming. Alex is a quiet kid - keeps to himself - mostly the "don't look at me" attitude. He likes to stay in the background. But last night - last night was all about him and he knew it. He knew it and he loved it. It was fun to see him so puffed up. We called his dad, grandparents...and each time I had him read the letter over the phone. It was really great. I'm relieved because now I feel really confident in him going there.
And now for the Owen. Owen is heartbroken. He was chosen from his class to participate in the school spelling bee. He studied...and studied...and in the end the word they gave him wasn't on the list. I tried to explain to him that the list wasn't about was about learning how words are formed so you can know how to spell anything. I explained that he didn't waste his time - that he still walked away knowing more words than the other kids who didn't get picked. I even tried the old "you should just be proud you got picked" speech. Nothing doing. It leveled him. What do I say now?
This morning I left my cell phone at home. Shocking, I know. So Kev-head was trying to call me...and the phone was ringing and ringing. Owen saw it sitting there. So he promptly picked up the house phone to call me and tell me I left my phone at home. The problem...he called my CELL PHONE to tell me I left my cell phone at home. Realizing his mistake he called Kev-head and told him. Hilarious.
So my house is literally the "wide world of sports" - we have the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. How are you guys?
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