I got some money cuz I just got paid...
Well happy Monday to everyone...how was the weekend? Good, good...
Mine was...well, busy. Friday night found us in Cheesetown for Chris's birthday - Village Burgers...mmmmmmmmmmmmm. It didn't help that I ate my weight in onion rings, either. Whoops. That's seriously a problem. IU lost - and based on that performance on Friday night, lemme tell you all - PICK ARKANSAS. If you don't know what I'm talking about - then you haven't printed your NCAA bracket yet - and that's just wrong. Get it together, people!
Saturday found my head cold descending into my chest and I felt like someone was sitting on me when I woke up. Stop. Rewind. Kev-head, Jimmer - don't go there. I take that statement back. I spent the morning doing laundry and really...REALLY...why do I have SO MANY SOCKS WITHOUT MATCHES???? I know this isn't exactly exciting blog material, but seriously - what is going on? Even when I make sure I put them in the wash IN PAIRS - this is how bad it's gotten. I counted 1, 2, 3,4,5,6,7,8 socks - 4 pairs - in my hand - and put them in the wash. And when I folded that VERY FUCKING LOAD - I only had 7. 7 socks. 3.5 pairs. Can someone please, please explain THAT to me before I launch myself into a pit of angry alligators??
Saturday night Alex's band came over to practice. We set them up in the basement...which was fine, but just plan on doing nothing else for those 3.5 hours...because there's no escaping teenagers with amps. Not even with earplugs, a couple of beers and a box of benadryl, believe me, Kev-head tried. They actually sound really good - but a 20 minute version of "Hey Joe" - that could grate on anyone's nerves, and I like my Hendrix.
Sunday was so busy I thought my head would literally spin off my neck. Sent Kev-head off to the airport at 4 in the morning...got up and went to 8:00 church, then confirmation class, then we had to drive back home so I could drop Owen off with a friend to go to Rensseltucky - he had art on display at the college. Why didn't I go, you ask? Well, because I had to drop him off, head to my nephew's birthday party in Portage and then to Alex's concert in Valpo. aaarrrrrgggh. Before I dropped Owie off I wanted to stop at the pharmacy to get him a disposable camera to take with him - but alas - there was a squad car in the parking lot and a big poorly written sign on the door that said "Close due to Roberry, investigation in progress." ummmmmm, okay, so you can spell investigation but not ROBBERY??? I love my town.
Alex's concert was good - I'm sure my dad thoroughly enjoyed the 3 bands that performed before his, considering their musical repertoire consisted of Ozzy, Metallica, Black Sabbath, more Ozzy, more Sabbath, Pink Floyd...oh and Sabbath. Talk about someone wanting to light themselves on fire...
Something totally cool happened at the blues jam last night - someone brought in a video camera and a laptop and put us live on the internet!! How cool is that?? So here's the deal...I think he's coming back for my birthday bash on March 30th. You have two choices - the first one being the best...
1. BE THERE! It starts at 5pm
2. WATCH FROM HOME!! Bookmark this site: http://live.yahoo.com/thespotstudio
You can comment and he'll tell us about it and it will be *almost* as good as being there!