Thursday, April 13, 2006

Leavin' on a jet plane...

It's hard to believe, but I had never been on a plane before I was 30. In 5 years I've flown several, honeymoon, vacation...and I'm leaving for Pittsburgh today with the Janet. Spring cleaning grandma's house, visiting with the PA family...good times. Should be good wine and good food involved, and my aunt said her hot tub is fired up which should be good on the shoulder. I love Pittsburgh airport. I've flown into it a few times now, and it's really great to get around in (they have a subway system to help you navigate the terminals). I'l be back on Monday... my Aunt has DSL, so I may still be able to blog a bit while I'm there, the stories that come out of PA are always hilarious. My family is something else.

Owen had baseball practice last night. It looks like the boy is going to be playing first base. For never having played, I thought he looked pretty good. Caught a fly ball, took a couple of grounders, caught most of the throws to first. His batting wasn't so great, but the couple he did connect with weren't too shabby. One made it to the outfield, and he got a home run out of it due to the 'overthrows.' Kev-head is coaching and I thought he did a nice job with the boys last night. We know a lot of the boys and their parents from Scouting, so even though this is our first year involved with little league, we're not strangers. My old neighbors - the Spencers - their oldest boy is on our team, so that's fun, too. I feel like we don't get to see them much anymore and that makes me sad.

Not much to say today...shoulder is still feeling good...everyone keep your fingers crossed that it stays that way!

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