Thursday, June 29, 2006

Well it seems I owe you an apology...

Sorry I haven't been around much this week guys, but this morning my boss walked in and announced that tomorrow is his last day. Yeah, that's right...I'm the only systems geek here now. Holy shit. Usually techies have to give at least a 30 day notice...I get 2. 2 days to learn stuff I don't know. I'd like to think I can figure it out...but he does the windows stuff. I am not a windows girl for crap's sake. I'm the cool unix back-end, backup, firewall girl. aaaaaagggggggghhhhhhhh. Remember how I was wondering how they could possibly be paying an IT staff this large for a small firm. Well, this is how. I am freaking out.

In other news Brittany Spears is pulling a Demi Moore and being all naked with her pregnant self on some magazine that I would never buy in a million years. Why? Why is this necessary? Is it PR rebuttal for that absolutely HORRID interview she did with Matt Lauer? Did you SEE that train wreck. She was wearing a tank top with her pregnant breasts spilling over the top...she had JBF hair (can't afford stylists, sweetie??) and was chewing gum. CHEWING GUM. On national TV, while talking to Matt I her PR person? Because of course I would have thought that was FINE, but we all know that I should just.shut.up.

The Republicans are at it marriage, flag burning, what's next? English as the National Language? I find it hilarious that they are so against "big government" until it involves them trying to shove the church up my ass and let the Bible dictate my constitutional amendments. Hey Washington, here's a clue...if the BIBLE is your defense for an amendment - then it shouldn't be an amendment. Yes, it's clear that the states don't support gay marriage. Well if that's the case, why do we need an amendment when the states are handling it just fine? Oh yeah, midterm elections. And Ann Coulter? Someone needs to take her down a notch. I do not understand why she gets so much press. Let me get this straight. The widows of 9/11 are "broads" because they are "happily" making money off their husbands deaths...but you are what? a saint for making money off a book calling them names? There are a lot of laws that were founded because victims families stood up and made sure that nothing tragic like that could happen to other people, why should these WOMEN be afforded any less luxury if our own government is partially to blame for what happened. And how dare she call me Godless. Last time I checked only Jesus was supposed to judge...but apparently she's got the market cornered. Whatever. Tiffany, I hope you're loving this, I'm on a roll.

I'm too pissed off and crabby these days to make any sense over what I'm seeing on the news. And I'm paying over $3.00 a gallon for gas, and $50 for a bottle of muscle relaxers that I can't function without because my specialist is too damn busy to see me and tell me if and what is wrong with me. Education is plummeting, medical expenses and gas expenses are rising, minimum wage is apparently good enough even though inflation is on the rise and the fucking grand old party wants to base it's platform for re-election on THIS???? Sweet Jesus, I'm moving to Canada.

I'll bring the funny back, I swear...once the pain subsides and I figure out everything I need to know here. Give me until Wednesday...a good drunk over the holiday will do me some good. I hope my sister-in-law is making marguaritas...


Anonymous said...

I was starting to have blog withdraws!!! Sorry about all the crazy shit at your work.
Juls told me last night that tigger quit!? I think we all need a good old fashion drunk fest 4th of July weekend.

Anonymous said...

Wow, was it on his terms??? I hope so, and I hope he found something. At least he won't have the travel time, or will he?? Good Luck Scottish you were one of the good guys!!!

Rebecca said...

Yes, Tigger is gone, pea is gone (but still here with us!!)...Tigger left on her own to pursue employment elsewhere. She gave a 2-week notice, but they said with all the craziness going on that they'd just assume move forward and try to figure out how they are going to distribute the work without her. So Wednesday was her last day.

Pea - it was not really Scott's decision, it's kind of rolled into the big layoff picture. I think he was hoping to stay until the end of summer. He's not bitter or angry or anything. Like we said the other day, finding a job is a full time job, and he really hasn't been able to devote any time to finding a job in Michigan because he's always here.

I will miss him.
I already miss my tigger and my pea.
It's very quiet around here.