Thursday, September 28, 2006

Bad things happen to good people...

I don't really want to be a downer, but something's been going on that most of you know about, some of you don't.

We lost someone in our community last Friday evening. Randy Rollins and his daughter Sara were killed in an automobile accident on Rt. 10 in Knox. Randy was a volunteer fireman, EMT, little league coach. He touched our lives through Scouting - his son is a scout in my pack. Randy always made sure the kids got to see the firetrucks and talked about fire prevention, came "camping" with us at the lock-in in the spring. What I knew of him, he was a great guy, great father, great humanitarian. What I'm finding out is that I didn't know the half of it.

I was sad all weekend, and now I'm sad again today because the calls are coming in with the funeral arrangements. Anything I have to say about any of this is going to sound cheesy and cliche. Life's too short. Live for today because you never know what can happen. Make sure you tell the people in your life how much they mean to you. Hug your kids. Call your parents and tell them you love them.... But it's all true. So do it. Now.

On a much lighter note - Alex has started a blog. He's very excited about it.
Eileen has a new column and it's HILARIOUS - there's also a picture! So go out and meet our friend in Oregon!


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm sad to hear about your buddy and it sounds like he'll be missed. Rebecca is right about all those things she referred to as Cliche' (sp?). That's the tricky part since these are the easiest things to take for granted. I really do love it when my three year old God Son Hayden calls me at 7:30am on a Saturday morning and asks "Jim wanna go breakfast." Even though, most Saturday mornings I'm not thinking about doing anything except sleeping Friday night off.

I love everyone, especially my Mommy. Hopefully she reads the Blog today!

Anonymous said...

so true, so true, there is nothing worse than regret, so make sure you don't have someone, tell someone, hug someone, keep it real

Sorry about your friend