Wednesday, September 20, 2006

It's a blogger's life

Guest Blog provided by the Jimmer
*copied and pasted directly from an email, and in the interest of the blog comes with the following disclaimers:
Submissions posted reflect the views and opinions of the interested party only and do not necessarily represent the views of the blog.May be too intense for some viewers.No animals were harmed in the production of these documents.Avoid extreme temperatures and store in a cool dry place.Beware of dog.Breaking seal constitutes acceptance of agreement.Do not place near flammable or magnetic source.Falling rock.If condition persists, consult your physician.User assumes full liabilities.You must be present to win.

Some of you may or may not know that Rebecca has been extremely busy at work these last few days. So, since I’ve commented on it in the past, she asked if I would “pinch blog” for her. At first, I was thrilled. However, over the last few hours I’ve realized that this isn’t as easy as it seems. Picking a topic and rambling about it is usually my thing. Ask anybody that knows me. But, when it came to my “15 minutes of fame” I began fumbling around. What should I write about? Does anybody care about that? After all, in my opinion the object of the blog is to spark conversation amongst this group. Isn’t it? Which means, the only measuring stick for a blog is the number of responses one gets, right? I don’t know, you tell me. Then again, maybe you don’t care about this. Anywho, I finally realized what a blow, or boost, a blog can be to the blogger’s self-esteem. Which brings me to my point; I think we should all take a moment out of our day to thank Rebecca. Since the inception of the blog, she has brought us entertaining quips that take us out of our daily lives and has given us a moment to relax and keep things in perspective. So, Hooray Rebecca!! Hooray Blogs!! Boo No Responses!!

P.S. I couldn’t submit this without making a couple of comments about sports. After all, I’m consumed by it.

1) White Sox – They are in trouble. 11 games left and they need to win at least 10…

2) Cubs – They have been done since the season started.

3) Bears – Looks like we actually have an offense this year…How long will that keep up though?

4) Black Hawks – Who cares? You can’t even watch the home games on TV. They did win their first preseason game last night though.


Rebecca said...

Thanks for the entry, and thanks for the apprcciation Jimmer. It IS hard. It's why I should really make notes throughout the day about blogging subjects.

And as Alex has now started saying "Boo Owen, Hooray Ramen" Noodles that is. College food. Salt slam.

Ya'll start commenting, ya'hear?

Anonymous said...

Nice blog Jimmer, you did a great job, and I love the disclaimer and YES RapC should be hip hip horrayed, so there you have it.

I DO have to disagree about the no post mentality. One can certainly read the posts, roll on the floor and pee their pants and totally enjoy it, and have nothing to add so they don't post.

DON'T MEASURE the meat of the blog by the number of posts, in fact, go back and you will find that the ramble with the most posts, the posts have nothing to do with the ramble (I know, sparking thoughts amongst ourselves) and sometimes I don't post because somedays I don't want to hear myself let alone have anyone else listen to me

Anonymous said...

My brother the blogger! This is such a proud day!
Re ba Rocks Re ba Rocks!!!!!!!!!!
I have to agree with Pea. Some days I guess I may feel my response is not good enough for the blog. I mean who knows who all is truely reading this.
As for sports:
I hate to say it but I do not think my beloved Sox will have a repeat.
Cubs Suck!!
Bears are actually making me feel bad for not choosing any of them to be on my fantasy football team.
Blackhawks- I was never really into hockey. I didn't even realize they weren't on strike anymore.
What about Norte Dame? What a beating they got last weekend. ouch.

Anonymous said...

a BLOG is a weB LOG.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Blog is the contraction universally used for weblog, a type of website where entries are made (such as in a journal or diary), displayed in a reverse chronological order.

Blogs often provide commentary or news on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or local news; some function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. Most blogs are primarily textual although some focus on photographs (photoblog), videos (vlog), or audio (podcasting), and are part of a wider network of social media.

The word blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

Anyways... Good job Jim. Hooray Rebecca...but I hardly believe it's that hard for you... you heart talking about yourself and your life. That's why you make a good blog leader. A bleader, if you will.

NOW- Rebecca didn't mention WHY Alex has choosen the Hooray Ramens.... he said, "because I can't hooray beer!" (TOO FUNNY!)

Which reminds me of our summer beach vacation ... I asked Owen he'd always hang out with us the way he does, because I want him to even when he is in his 20s. He responded, "Yeah, I'll have out and drink beer with you. And you can tell my Mom I said that."

Boo people taking more time off (4days) when they just had a bunch off (10 days) two weeks ago. I can't keep my own SHIT up and do yours too!
Hooray Beer!

Anonymous said...

O.k. I have a topic

What are your views on a couple (man and woman-NOT TALKING SAME SEX HERE) getting married in the church without a State license. I have been researching the topic and find various views...

What are your thoughts??

Rebecca said...

I do love sharing the insanity that is my life - but sometimes you type it up and you're like "why would ANYONE care about this" - the only reason is usually because it evokes some emotion, it's funny or you're making it funny, it's sad, it's traumatizing, whatever. So it's hard sometimes to figure out what to write about, especially when you write (almost)every day.

Pea - after our talk on Friday - I know where you're coming from and you have to do whatever is right for pea. On a selfish note I support this because there might be a party with food, and I might be invited.

But it's really not about me.

Anonymous said...

Oh Rap, I do love you, perhaps I should re-consider the same sex marriage??? and this blog IS bringing me out of my funk...

but before I go any further, I guess I better ask his thoughts first huh??

Rebecca said...

Ask his thoughts about same sex marriage with me, or ask his thoughts about separation of church and state marriage to you?

No funk allowed, unless of course it's supplied by the BEP or parliament funkadelic - or sly and the family stone "daaaance to the music" ooooooh - or chaka khan...chaka khan let me rock you let me rock you chaka khan, let me rock you that's all I wanna do...

smiling yet?

Anonymous said...

his thoughts about separation of church and state marriage to me silly rabbit..

HELL YES I'm smiling now, cause I can see the dance you are doing in your chair as you have various songs going thru your head

Anonymous said...

Usually love to post, except when it's on a more personal level (your hometown, your kids) because, let's face it, I don't KNOW the kids or the town, so I'm kind of the Ally Sheedy character sitting in the library spilling sugar on my Captain Crunch sandwich and watching all the cool kids relate. Make sense?

Anonymous said...

Oops. I just realized I posted that on the jimmer's entry instead of the earlier "why don't y'all post" entry. Sorry. See? this is why I'm not at the cool table.

Anonymous said...

Pea, I'm not sure I understand your conflict between Church and State. You want to get married in the Church but do not want to obtain a State License? Why? Don't they usually issue a State License where ever you get married? Furthermore, don't you NEED the State License to combine assest, add to employer sponsored health plans and the like? I'm confused.

Please elaborate on this delema. (sp?)

Anonymous said...

Oh and Eileen, there is only one table at this forum. There is no need to worry about where you are sitting.

Rebecca said...

Well said, Jimmer!

Anonymous said...

Yes Jimmer, well said.

To answer your question, in this particular case there would be no combining of assessts, no adding to insurance policies ect, the purpose of the marriage would be to, bless if you will, the union in the eyes of God. The marriage is not a financial one. To do the actions you listed, yes, one would need a license from the State, but in this case those actions would not be taken.

The license is something you have to apply for, you can be married in a church without one, but you have to be careful as you have no "legal" rights as to assessts, ect, and furthermore there are no and will be no children to consider. The marriage would be ceremony, if you will, purely selfish and as far as my problem with the State, well, I won't go on that rampage, that would take days.

To sum up: I want to continue to be a single person in the eyes of this fucked up State and Government, yet have the union blessed.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. But if you love the person why should the idea of joining finanically even matter?
Move to Illionis and live together for 7 years and you'll be married.

Anonymous said...

There are specific reasons to NOT join financially-I won't get into that, we have been together for 9 years 8 of that we have lived together

but I do see your point

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I do believe that in the States the DO recoginze common law-the couple has to declare their intent for the common law marriage with the State-so even in that case, the State is involved in the union

Anonymous said...

all of you must google "Janice, it ain't funny" and watch this video! freaking hilarious! its quite comparable to the star wars kid video

Anonymous said...

I'm not trying to beat this up, but I tend to do that.

But, basically Pea, what I'm hearing is you want to have your cake and eat it too...However, as Rebecca said, it's your call and I would just be inserting (ha ha I said inserting)or forcing my will on you. I wish you the best, fellow poster.

Anonymous said...

you said "inserting" and "forcing my will"


and what is wroing with eating cake and having one too??? I do that daily