Friday, September 29, 2006

It's like deja vu all over again...

OMG - so Alex has a girlfriend. Okay. Not a girlfriend. A girl who is a friend. And he likes her. I mean he LIKES HER likes her. And I'm pretty sure she likes him likes him, too, because, well, she can't stop poking at him and she gives him things. And she's adorable.

So I'm at the soccer game yesterday, and this girl, we'll call her Nancy (no name to sling her name through the blog mud), she's supposed to be on the team...wait...let me back up.

Nancy's mom offered to take Alex home...wait...not far enough.

I get this fucking soccer schedule and all of the games start at 4pm. Which means they have to be on the field warming up at 3:30. Which, when the games are at home at Trinity is NO problem. The problem, kiddies, is that some of these games are conveniently located in places like Hobart, Munster, VALPO. Seriously? Does no one work at this place? How in the hell do they pay tuition? Anyway, a couple of weeks ago Nancy's mom approached me and offered to pick Alex up after school with Nancy on game days and get him to wherever he needs to be at 3:30. BRILLIANT. Granted, I still have to take time off just to get to the games, but not AS MUCH time. Yesterday was the first away game and Nancy's mom picked up Al and got him where he needed to be.

When I get to the game I talk to Nancy's mom, thank her for taking care of the boy and ask how things went. She says he did fine considering she had 4 girls at her house that she was taking to the game. Alex took it all in stride she said. Good man. Of course he's going to take it all in stride...he's in puppy love with your daughter.

So now we get to the part where I'm at the game. Nancy is supposed to be on the team, but is in an air cast right now from a tragic soccer play gone awry a couple of weeks ago. So now she's the "manager" and still attends the games. She comes bounding over to me at one point, "Hi Alex's mom!" and HUGS me. Okay, I have a very small personal space, so whatever. Starts chatting about this and that and whatever...small talk...watching me take pictures of Al, laughing at the pictures. She eventually wanders off and I had this flashback. I have done this. I have been the giggling 8th grade girl. I have made small talk with the parents of the boy I like.

I was frozen in time. It was bizarro world. I didn't quite know what to make of it. Of course, Julie reminded me that I was totally making out with boys at this age (Brian Fine in the 8th grade - what I didn't know then was that was my first rock star encounter...guess it stuck). Oh many a football game of making out in the park in my band sweater (remember the LMS blue?). I can remember "Hi Mrs. Fine!" and chatting it up. Sweet Jesus with a caffeine buzz...I am NOT ready for this.

At the end of the game she came to say goodbye - and - get this - complimented my coat. "I love your coat, it's really pretty." "Thanks, Old Navy" "Really?" "Yeah, I love them." "Alex must, too, because he wears all of their stuff."

Oh my.


Anonymous said...

Be careful what you blog about....
What if Alex reads this!

Rebecca said...

What, the making out with boys part? or the fact that I'm blogging about him?

Nothing I wouldn't say to him...

Anonymous said...

I've got nothing for you. When I was in 8th grade the girls that liked you, for some reason, would kick you in the balls. Maybe they didn't really like me? Nah, they loved The Jimmer.

Anonymous said...

I think you should buy Al some prophylactics....


Anonymous said...

So can we all just relax.
Alex I think is smart enough to take this thing slow. I do not think we need to worry about prophylactics, yet.
Is Alex really in the 8th grade?
So the little boy is becoming a man!

Rebecca said...

Megan, the little boy is 5'6" (already as tall as dad!) and wearing a size 9.5 men's shoe. Yeah, 8th grade already...hard to believe.

No need for any prophylatics - I don't even think he's kissed anyone yet...

Anonymous said...

Nathaniel (10) has a crush on Sammi, another 5th grader. So, being the mature parent, I start singing, "How's Sammi? Have you talked to her yet? Have you been making goo goo eyes at her?" He just sighs and says, "Mom, I'm just taking this time to get to know her as a friend."

It's depressing when your 10 year old passes your shoe size, but your maturity level??? Bloody hell!

I feel for you Rebecca.

P.S. Thanks for the article mention, and thanks to JBrave's comment on my article. Great idea.

Anonymous said...

Eileen, why do I have to set up an account to read your article? I'm too lazy for that...

Anonymous said...

Jimmer: so sorry, I don't know why, but I can send you the document real old-fashioned like if you'd rather. Please note, however, that my 74-year-old mother figured it out, so my question to the Jimmer is "What are you, like 90????"

Anonymous said...

Eileen, Loved the article, lmao
it's not that the Jimmer can't figure it out, he doesn't want too (best whiney voice)

Anonymous said...

Jeez, Jimmer. I figured it out, and you know how technology retarded I am. I'd love to go on a Diet Pepsi run with Eileen, except I live two thousand miles away!

Anonymous said...

I said I was Lazy, not that I couldn't figure it out...

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Bears Da Bears Da Bears Da Bears Da Bears.