Thursday, September 07, 2006

No sugar tonight in my coffee, no sugar tonight in my tea

No sugar to stand beside me
No sugar to run with me....

It's a Guess Who kind of day.

No time for a summer friend
No time for the love you send
Seasons change, and so did I
You need not wonder why
You need not wonder why
There's no time left for you
No time left for you

I love my kids, I do. You know I do. We all know I do. But right now? Right now I want to sell them. Sell them for some serious cash. Because they are costing me a FORTUNE. Seriously.
The little one?
Book rental? $150
New back pack $20
Football fees? $110
and then I have to feed the growing bastard!

And the big one?
Book rental/registration? $205
Band fees? $50
Soccer fees? $25
Soccer gear? $65
Percussion kit? $72 rental for 4 months.

Sweet Jesus on a roller coaster - I found out YESTERDAY that Alex started soccer TODAY. A full 24 hours notice now Alex is at after school care. Then he'll go to soccer...and then he has to spend the evening at the bowling alley with dear old mom.

Speaking of which, I got some bowling kicks today. They make them now so they hardly even look like the "traditional" bowling shoe, but I don't really like those. I wanted something retro. Something that screams - I BOWL! And I found them. They are navy on one side, powder blue on the other with a red stripe down the tongue and on the heel. I LOVE these shoes. I'm wearing them now. Trying to break them in a little so they're not so stiff. And YES Jimmer, I'm wearing covers on them right now, too, so I don't damage the sole or get dirt on them. Geez. Whatddya think I am? A friggin' amateur? I bowl a 104 average right now - I'm practically a semi-amateur.

But I got off track. This is about the Guess Who...and my lack of time. Lack.of.time.
Tomorrow Alex has band and then soccer. Owen has to be picked up by 5:30, but Alex's practice doesn't end until 5:45. Then Owen has a sock hop at 7 and a slumber party after. Tomorrow Alex has a car wash fundraiser for the Washington, D.C. trip and Owen has football. Kevin and I have plans to divide and conquer with the kids and their conflicting schedules. Which leads me to wonder...will we ever eat dinner as a family again? Will we all ever actually be home at the same time? The answer is YES! But only on Wedesdays. So there is a new rule. Wednesday is don't bug the Crum's day. Because we'll be doing laundry, and opening mail, and maybe, just maybe actually sitting down to a meal together.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Football ends October 8th. Soccer ends technically October 17th. I can do this. I can make it through. Don't even talk to me about scouts. and music lessons. and bowling. and Kev-head whining that he's not putting enough miles on his HD.

And people wonder why I drink.


Anonymous said...

I love it when you refer to your children as "growing bastards". hilarious!

Rebecca said...

Seriously...I can't even talk about the fact that Owen has outgrown all of his jeans and Alex is now wearing a men's size 9 - but really could be wearing a men's 9 1/2 shoe.

Killing me.