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OMG - look what I found
So, I've decided that it's time to get my own bowling ball. Not because I'm good - I'm not - last night 122, 111, 125 - poo. The balls looked good going down but in the end...nuthin. The reasoning is simple - and I'm going to be very candid here, I have boy hands-sausage fingers. Some girls have cute little dainty hands with slender fingers. Me, not so much. One girl on my team offered to let me use her ball one night. Ummmmm, yeah...miss pencil fingers? I can't even get my pinky in that hole up to the 1st knuckle...let's not even talk about my thumb that swells through the night as I bowl. I think I have the strangest span, too. My fingers are fat but my span is small. I'm lucky if I can palm an orange. To find a house ball that doesn't weigh a zillion pounds with big finger holes and a small span? Good friggin' luck.I think I'm going shopping this weekend. Goody. Originally I was thinking very girl-like - that I wanted my ball to match my kick-ass retro shoes. But then I found this...
Isn't she a beauty?? I love it. And I could use one of my terrible towels to wipe her off when I bowl. It's perfect. It's better than perfect. It's the perfectest. It was $96.95 on some website, but I found it on ebay and put in a bid. If I win I'll get it for half that even with the shipping. I LOVE ebay.I think the only way I'm not going to get this ball is if I find a Diet Coke ball. Google can't seem to find me one. They have Coke balls, but no DC. Bummer. Maybe a dirty martini ball? HA! A ball that looks like an olive? Even better. No way I'm getting some sparkling girly thing. Just ain't happening.But I still secretly wish I could get one to match my shoes.
I rolled a 470 last night...Not bad but not good.
I told you that you're better off having a ball drilled to your hand...
When are we going bowling??? Nicole could probably show you a thing or too...Three weeks ago, she and Rich (Eggo's Husband) split the "Stay Clean" pot. That would be bowling a game without missing a mark. They both took $53...Not bad on a $1 investment.
Have I mentioned that I LUVVV code tags?
Good luck with the ball...I think you should buy the "Eye" Ball. It has an eye in the center that always looks up...It's kinda freaky...
I have seen the eye ball - it's very freaky.
This ball is plastic, which is fine since I'm a beginner - I don't want to get too involved with the different coverplates or whatever.
I don't know when we're going bowling! It would be fun. We're definitely in for Thanksgiving this year.
And all that "mark" stuff is confusing for me. I'm just rolling the ball down the alley for now.
Sorry - coverstock - not coverplate. I really have researched this and actually do know a little bit.
Are you really going to get a Steeler's ball? I'm sorry, but I can't sit by silently as an Ohio native and let you do that. Bears? A team from the Canadian Football League? Owen's football team? Anyone but the Steelers.
I think my husband had a 620 last night. He has been on a real roll lately, watch out at Thanksgiving.
It has been a tradition for our family to go bowling after Thanksgiving dinner for what 15/16 years now? I am bowling Sunday night and am so excited. I am not a world class bowler but I do think it is a very fun sport. I aim to get 100 each game. I think my best was a 150.
Reba I completely understand about the fingers not fitting the women size balls. I too have fat puggy fingers that never fit the 9 to 10 lb balls I prefer to throw.
How do you leave code tags?
I want to go bowling
Oh Eileen - you have to forgive me - I was born into this...I was born in Pittsburgh baby, with a terrible towel in my mouth. My childhood heroes are Terry Bradshaw, Lynn Swann and Mean Joe Green.
If I can forgive you for choosing Diet Pepsi over Diet Coke - we can certainly get past my neverending love for the Steelers...can't we???
have you checked out Storm bowling products, you can get one that looks like a baseball
Eggo, I'll explain code tags in a seperate email. It allows you to use italics or bold, if you haven't picked up on that.
Ohio is lame...
"I love it when she calls me butter cup." Anyone know that song?
Ok, back to my computer. Virus...
Ohio is lame...
Excuse me, Jimmer, but could you elaborate? I know I jumped ship 13 years ago by moving away and never looking back, but I'm still curious why you think it's lame.
Have you noticed who's kicking butt on the college football scene lately?
Yeah Yeah, OSU...Well maybe I would respect them if they had a halfway competitive schedule...
I've been to Ohio before. Cedar Point was gay and King's Island isn't that far off. I've neva been to the Football Hall of Fame before. I'm going to go on a limb and say that the coolest thing in Ohio is my nephew Chae!
Well, Brad's Diamond Club wasn't bad either...
Okay, I understand and see your point. I grew up in Cuyahoga Falls, a suburb of Akron, and my husband grew up in Hartville, an Amish town right near the Football Hall of Fame in Canton. But isn't that whole area basically "Indihio?" I mean, is there much difference between there and "there" where you are?
Coolest things in Ohio? Chae (naturally), drive-thru beer barns, Amish country and the Indians.
Carol - I KNEW you would love it!! Can you believe it? For me it was love at first sight!
Jimmer, are you kidding me? Country? Seriously - kissy, kissy, smoochy smoochy - why are earth are you bringing up that awful song?
Pea, when we go bowling, I promise I'll invite you.
Been to the Diamond Club - it's not that great. Hell...uncle Dug-o fell asleep for crap's sake.
Okay, so why go with the Steelers ball when you can have a KISS ball? I'm sure you'd be the only one on your block with one. (Only your blog would send me searching a bowling ball site!) P.S. They also have a Bart Simpson one, but I was specifically looking for a Bangles, GoGos or Duran Duran. No luck.
Above is the link to the KISS ball. Check it out.
Bowling, Huh. I've got a 12 lbs glossy red ball. Hasn't been used for about 20 years or maybe longer. Gathering dust. You probably would have to fill and redrill the finger holes which might effect the balance. But, it's free.
And the Thanksgiving bowling has been going on for about 45 years. Went T-day bowling before we were married! Quite a tradition - better than sitting around watching football!
Eileen - I love that my blog sent you to a bowling site. GENIUS.
Joy - I might take a look at it just to see if I could ever use a 12 pounder. Then I could start to build my "arsenal" as they call it in the bowling world. hee. I said arse.
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