Friday, November 10, 2006

Goodness gracious great balls of fire!

Well, the maiden voyage of my new ball is over, and I have to say, the results were pretty good. As long as we don't talk about the second game, I'm good. Let's just pretend that one didn't happen. They took too long to get me my pizza bread, I was distracted...I was tired. Whatever.

Game 1: 133, Game 3: 154. I was very happy. Had to sand down my thumb-hole - and I still have more of that to do, I think. It's a work in progress.

Next week? Pajama night. Going to be a fun one. ;)

I want to talk to you all now about something near and dear to my heart. A subject I almost can't talk about without welling up. Britney and K-Fed. Or as they're now calling him K-Fed-Ex....or sometimes just Fed-Ex. Seriously? This is NEWS? Ummmm, let's see. Backup dancer with pregnant girlfriend, LEAVES pregnant girlfriend who already has one of his children for backwoods hilljack gum-popping blonde with a great rack. THIS is a Jerry Springer episode, not something that should be taking up days worth of space on CNN. So now this jackass has procreated 4 times...4 TIMES people! My favorite part? They made that stupid show together, so there's all this footage of their "love." Can you imagine? Pick an ex, any ex - now picture yourself in a reality television show with that person. Now you break up and THAT stupid fucking drunk shit is out there for all eternity. Did any of you SEE that mess? You think drunk dialing is bad? Try drunk TV show. Something for the kiddies later on.

Ummmmm, I'm starving this morning. I drove last night so I didn't have many beers, which means there was no need for my Friday morning grease run to Mickey D's. Nothing better than a sausage biscuit with cheese and a fountain diet coke to get your motor runnin'. I guess my body is used to Friday morning breakfast, because I am dying right now for that biscuit! Whoops, my bad.

Okay bloggers - this is actually important. What? I wasted all that time on Brit & biscuits and I actually had something of substance to say? Here we go. Owen wants a girlfriend. Kevin and I have repeatedly told him that he's too young to have a girlfriend. What's the point? He's in the 4th friggin' grade! His friends have girlfriends. Why do you want a girlfriend? we ask him. So he has someone to slow dance with at the sock hop. Okay. First of all - why are there slow dances at at elementary school sock hop??? Someone please explain this to me. And these mothers of these girls think it's CUTE when their daughters have these "boyfriends" and WEAR THEIR FOOTBALL JERSEYS AT THE DANCE. Excuse me? What? So let me get this straight. You want this girl to be your girlfriend, so you can slow dance with her and she can wear your football jersey. Yeah, I paid $40 for that jersey and I don't know this girl and she's not wearing it and she's certainly not wearing it home BECAUSE YOU'RE IN THE 4TH FUCKING GRADE. So what mother's are letting their sons do this? Do they just not know?



Anonymous said...

Um, let's see. Don't care about K-Fuck or what ever you call him. Good bowling scores but you can't leave us hanging. What's the second game score? I bowled for shit last night. It's probably because I had other things on my mind. Once the beers kicked (shot too) I did better. 134, 159, 224. We won the third game and the series so it was a good night. I had a string of 4 strikes in a row...That's how you add up pins for a good score.

Um, I say let Owen have a girlfriend. No jersey wearing though. That's too clingy...

Anonymous said...

I have to say I can not believe the boy asked you. I mean he could totally have a girlfriend without you knowing. THey are so young. Next Vivian will have a boyfriend when she is in Preschool, ya right her father will probably not let her have one tell she is 30. Ok your right I'll be like my own father, "academics are more important then boys"

Reba sounds like your warming up for Turkey bowl!!! Will your family be out this year?

Rebecca said...

Second game didn't break 100 - I haven't done that since the first night.

The thing is, he wants the girlfriend because "the popular boys" have girlfriends who sit across from them at the lunch table. We're not starting this status crap now. We're just not.

The boy asked us Meg because we've instilled in him that he can't have a girlfriend.

I cannot WAIT for Turkey Bowl. The Crums will be there and ready to rock baby!

Anonymous said...

I might have to just happen into the bowling alley for this one. Just to observe for awhile.
Anyway, you're not nuts, Rebecca, the other mom's are! Stick to your guns. Why does the school allow sock hops anyway? Do they get a DJ and everything? Stupid!! We don't allow it until the end of sixth grade. Well, practically. They did have a DJ for Fun Night, but it was sort of like run-around-the-gym night. Valentine's Day we don't have stupid parties. We do get a DJ - for one hour - the last hour of the day; no fancy dresses or flower,etc., and sixth grade only! Then at the end of the year WIS and LIS get together after school until 5:00 for a mixer. That's it!
We're letting our kids grow up too fast. They're loosing childhood! They're the ones that are going to grow up and think life's boring because they've done it all at a younger age and have nothing to look forward to. OK, I'll get off my soap box.
Tell Owen he should play the field and let the girls know that his jersey is special - it's his!

Rebecca said...

Mostly the sock hops are just that "run around the gym" time. Usually Owen just does the line dances and pals around with the guys all night. But now I don't know.

I think I may have to chaperone this one.

Anonymous said...

Mom, we'd love to have you at Inman's for the Turkey Bowl.

Anonymous said...

" Usually Owen just does the line dances and pals around with the guys all night"

I bet this is the problem, now that they guys have girlfriends, Owen has no one to hang with. Seems silly both ways if you ask me, why does he need a girlfriend, just ask a girl to dance.

Rebecca said...

Tricky - cold little Swedish corner? 5 am? Yikes!

The girls as status objects - I totally see your point and that is what really bothers me about the whole thing. When I was questioning a fellow PTA member about the use of slow songs at this age level at all she said "I thought you were a Democrat, we're supposed to be liberal." And my exact response to her via email was:
"I'm a total liberal, but that doesn't mean that I approve of fostering early age dependency on the opposite sex for status."