Friday, December 08, 2006

Midwest girls...are we really a rare breed?

So my new television addiction is the show "My Boys." What? You've never heard of it? Stop reading my blog. Go to and watch all of the episodes....


I'm waiting...
well, you can watch them unless you're Julie...who's mad at me because I sent her an email quoting some fun stuff from the show and she can't watch it and blah-blah-blah...pitycakes.

Anyway, I got turned on to the show because one of my favorite comedians, Jim Gaffigan, is on it. He's the "Beyond the Pale" "Hot Pockets" guy. Funny, funny stuff there folks. If you've never heard of HIM, google him. He's from Chesterton! How fun is that!

The show is basically about a girl who is a sports writer for one of the Chicago papers, so the whole thing is set in Chicago, which is also cool, since most shows are in NYC or LA or Miami or whatever. So she's a sports writer and all of her friends are is her brother...and she's basically this tomboy. It's got some great one-liners...I'm giving it a permanent place in my DVR line-up, though I can always just watch the eps online (yes, Julie...that was another stab at you).

It got me to thinking - I identify a lot with this girl. And I think a lot of my friends can also identify with her. She's very very midwest to me. Midwest girls are kick ass. We are no nonsense, we like our sports, we drink beer from the bottle or a can. I think we're pretty cool, don't you? My husband would say we all have "macho woman syndrome." Are we really different? Are these truly midwest traits? I know girly girls from the midwest, too, and some would argue that I'm kind of becoming one. But I'll still drop f*bombs like they're hot. Ironically I just got this email in my inbox as I was typing this...a Jeff Foxworthy tribute to Chicago. One of the lines is:
If you carry jumpers in your car and your wife knows how to use them, you live in Chicago. Really? Women using jumper cables is a midwest/Chicago thing? Is that a slam on the vehicle we drive or the fact that the women know how to use jumper cables? Huh. I don't know. But either way, I know how to use them, do you? My dad wouldn't let me get my driver's license until I knew how to use jumper cables and how to change a tire. Just wouldn't let me.

And then THIS just happened in my office. We use this phone company, right...they do our inhouse wiring and whatnot...well they have a new kid...a new boy...a new boy that is, well, how should I put this delicately...eye candy. He's young...early twenties...and he comes in with one of those Simon Cowell super-tight t-shirts on, and lemme tell ya, it was fitting him well. Whatever. I'm old, I'm married. But the girls here? OMG - I saw them chittering in the hall and I said, "the eye candy is in the server room girls, but he'll be around" - the place went nuts. Girls were giggling EVERYWHERE. I couldn't believe it. I was walking around shushing them. One girl said "geez, you'd think we'd never seen a man before" - it was like that cartoon. A Maaaaa-aaan. *insert bulging eyes here* It was like a locker room of high school boys ogling a centerfold. It was embarrassing to say the least. Is that a trait of midwest girls? Openly ogling? I don't know...what do you think?


Anonymous said...

Don't know about the open ogling thing, but when I saw Prairie Home Companion, I laughed hysterically at theline: "Midwesterners think if you ignore bad news, it'll go away."

Even after moving away from Ohio 15 years ago, that line stills rings true for me and my experience there. These people out west have no shame in some ways, saying whatever they think or feel at any time, regardless of who they hurt or offend. It's like a different country in many ways.

Anonymous said...

boy Jim Gaffigan is pale. I didn't think he was that pale. Hot pockets (you have to say it as if you were singing it)