Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I'm old and other obvious statements...

This past weekend Alex had to rise and shine early on Saturday morning to go take...his placement exam for high school. HIGH SCHOOL. HIGH SCHOOL. Are you all feeling me here? Do you realize that my son - my baby will be interviewing and then scheduling his classes for his freshman year in high school just 3 weeks from now??? Are you kidding me? Where did the time go? I mean, was it so long ago that I was scheduling my classes for my freshman year of high school??? Okay, yeah, it was...but whatever. He's a bright kid - I wasn't too worried about the exam. He was cool as a cucumber.

His mother, on the other hand, is a notorious test choker - yeah, that's right...I said it. I choke. I know stuff going in, I don't know anything when they say "begin". It's horrible. It's a horrible feeling. I actually almost cried during my RedHat exam - it was pitiful. And I've only been working with RedHat for 5+'s not like it's new to me or anything...and then I took 5 days of class...well...actually 4. My husband sort of interrupted my training with kidney stones...but nevertheless - I should have aced this thing. But I didn't. Grrrrrr.

When he came out of the test I asked him how he felt he did - he said that out of 298 questions there were only a couple he didn't know. Huh. A couple? That's it? The kid didn't look the least bit rattled. You should see me after a test - hair frazzled, lips bitten, red-faced...shaking...he looked like he'd just been hanging out watching a movie for 3+ hours. Calm under pressure. That used to be me, didn't it? When did this anxiety kick in? When did I turn into an examination freakshow? Hmmmmm, examination freakshow would make a pretty good band name.

Anyway...I will let you all know how what the results are. They made him write an essay - what his goals are at Andrean. He said he wrote something about preparing for college, coming out of his shell and improving at soccer. Sounds pretty good to me.


Anonymous said...

Here's my "I'm old" moment...I'm working out at the gym and they are playing some awful Metallica/Marilyn Manson/-sounding music, so I ask the trainer (20 years or so) if he could change it. "To what?" he asks. "Anything but this," I say. So next thing I know he's put on OLDIES. Could have killed him.

Rebecca said...

OMG - smartass...I would have flung my sweat towel at him.