Are we clear about the rules? we go...
Now for the bad. Screaming, raging, hellacious migraine last night. Wanted to die. Visual impairment, dry heaves, ice pick headaches all leading up to the main event, the vice gripping unyielding light-yourself-on-fire, pray-for-death migraine. I'm still not all the way over it today, my right temple is still hurting a bit. New naturopathic doctor says my metabolic by-products must have flowed into my head. I'm not sure what that means, but it doesn't sound good. I'm more than willing to ride this one out. I've ridden everything else out...brutal massage therapy sessions that left me in tears, chiropractors adjusting me and making me hurt MORE, physcial therapy hell, MRI's, multiple x-rays, yadda-yadda-yadda. Sometimes you have to take the bad to get the good. So we'll wait it out and see what happens. In the meantime she said maybe we won't do the cupping next time, just the acupuncture.
I think I'm okay with that...
Oh, I hate it when my metabolic by-products flow into my head. It seems to be happening more and more lately.
Kidding. Seriously, what the hell?
go get your temples cupped
That sucks, sorry about the metabolic-by-products situation
The pics are wicked. Put on a tank top and go drinking with Kevin and see how many dirty looks he gets
I want to be cupped.
You are so cutting edge!
Oh yeah, Kevin was like "I hope you don't end up in a car accident anytime soon, they are going to think I beat you."
And then when he was taking pics:
"Now wait a're going to use this against me - tell people I was throwing baseballs at you"
Yes, dear...that's SO what I'm going to do.
I want to come play at your house, Rebecca - metabolic-by-products or not.
Do you know if the metabolic stuff flows to the prostate?
Scott, why do you want screaming pain in your prostate?
Julie, why do you want to be cupped? Just because Rebecca did?
I bet Tiffany has been cupped...She's a weirdo like that too...
Happy Easter All, Passover too...
You should have waited according to Muhammad...
"Also on Abu Hurarya's authority, Muhammad said that "Whoever is cupped on the seventeenth, nineteenth, or twenty-first (of the lunar month) will be healed of every disease.""
Source Wikipedia.
Scott - I'm not sure if the metabolic by-products flow in any certain way...I think the idea is that they need to flow out of the stagnant muscle tissue to get absorbed by the body in a way that the body can then purge it.
I'm also on a liver cleanse, purging all that ibuprofen left behind. Hopefully it's purging the damage done in Muncie as well...
Well, if I get cupped, I'll be sure to do it on the 17th, 19th or 21st of a month.
Me, too! So I have to wait until next week!
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