Thursday, May 31, 2007

C'mon baby light me on fire...

Seriously...aaaaaaaagggggggggghhhhhhhh. I cannot win. CANNOT win. Hang with me here people and give me a paper bag to breathe's going to be a doozy.

We have 10 baseball games in the next 21 days. Yeah, you heard me...10 games. 21 days. Professional ball players who get paid millions don't keep this kind of schedule. Okay, so maybe they do...but these are KIDS for crying out loud. And we parents have JOBS, and lives and OTHER CHILDREN.

In addition to that, I've got potentially 3 soccer games in 3 different cities over the next two weekends.

AND I've got Alex's 8th grade graduation one of these upcoming nights.

In addition to THAT I'm throwing two different parties - one for Owen (not at my house), one for Alex (at my house) over the course of the next two weekends.

I planned Alex's party before I realized that his soccer team was supposed to go to the Chicago Fire game that day. And now? His team has been selected to scrimmage on the field before the game. And he can't go. Which he's actually fine with...but it still pisses me off. And frustrates me. And then his music teacher calls last night and asks if he can play percussion in church this Sunday. Ummmmmm, what? And then his dad emails and asks if he can take him for the night after the game on Saturday. Ummmmmm, and miss Owen's party?

Seriously - really - light me on fire.


Anonymous said...

Being busy sorta sucks. I need to get rid of my commute. It's 1hour 20 minutes each way... Mother Fucker. No wonder I don't feel like doing much when I get home... it's 6pm and i have to feed the fam and bath and blah blah blah...

Being busy sucks.

Anonymous said...

Three little ducks go into a Bar..............................

"Say, what's your name?" the bartender asked the first duck. "Huey," was the reply. "How's your day been, Huey?"

"Great. Lovely day. Had a ball. Been in and out of puddles all day. What else could a duck want?" said Huey.

"Oh. That's nice," said the bartender. He turned to the second duck, "Hi,
and what's your name?"

"Dewey," came the answer from duck number two.

"So how's your day been, Dewey! ?" he asked.

"Great. Lovely day. I've had a ball too. Been in and out of puddles all day myself. What else could a duck want?"

The bartender turned to the third duck and said, "So, you must be Louie?"

"No," she said, batting her eyelashes.

"My name is Puddles."

Anonymous said...

Bathing is over-rated JBrave, cut that out of your schedule and you should be fine

Anonymous said...

Won't you be glad when the boys can drive???

Rebecca said...

You have no idea.

I've actually contemplated handing Alex the keys and saying "don't get caught."

Anonymous said...

Whine Whine Whine. Suck it up Beer...

Rebecca said...


remmij - I'm not whining, I'm bitching. Getting it out of my system. It's a good thing.