Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I don't believe in Beatles, I just believe in me...

You don't have to approve of gay marriage to know that this is just wrong, wrong, the whole thing, please, and consider what family means to you, and who you consider your family. If someone close to me were dying, should blood or a piece of paper matter in letting me hold that person's hand as they breathe their last? And apparently, even though they had legal medical standing, some people are so biased in their opinion on gay relationships that they still can't do what's right.

OLYMPIA — Four months ago, Lacey resident Janice Langbehn, her partner Lisa Pond and their children Katie, David and Danielle, ages 10 to 13, were set for a relaxing cruise from Miami to the Bahamas.

But Pond, Langbehn’s partner for nearly 18 years, was stricken in Miami with a brain aneurysm and died. The family says the way they were treated by hospital staff compounded their shock and grief.

Langbehn, a social worker, said officials at the University of Miami, Jackson Memorial Hospital did not recognize her or their jointly adopted children as part of Pond’s family. They were not allowed to be with her in the emergency room, and Langbehn’s authority to make decisions for Pond was not recognized.

“We never set out to change the world or change how others accept gay families,” Langbehn told the crowd at the Capital City Pride on Sunday. “We just wanted to be allowed to live equally and raise our children by giving them all the same opportunities their peers have.”

While Washington is one of a half-dozen states to recognize same-sex partnerships in some fashion, Florida is not.

Compelled to speak out

Langbehn said that the pain from losing Pond is still fresh, but she spoke at the gay pride event Sunday because the issue of legal recognition of homosexual families was too important to let go.

“I want people to be able to hold their partner’s hand in their moment of death,” she said.

Pond suffered the aneurysm just before the R Family Vacations cruise ship left Miami for the Bahamas in February, Langbehn said. After Pond was taken to the emergency room, Langbehn said she was informed by a social worker that they were in an “anti-gay state” and that they needed legal paperwork before Langbehn could see Pond.

Even after a friend in Olympia faxed the legal documents that showed that Pond had authorized Langbehn to make medical decisions for her, Langbehn said she wasn’t invited to be with her partner or told anything about her condition.

She said she wasn’t allowed to see Pond again until a priest arrived to give Pond the Anointing of the Sick, also commonly known as Last Rites.

“I was shocked. It never would have been on my radar that we wouldn’t be allowed to say goodbye,” Langbehn said. “When I was an emergency room social worker at Mary Bridge (Children’s Hospital and Health Center in Tacoma), if someone had said they were an aunt or a partner, I would have let them say their last goodbyes.”

Langbehn says she still has not been given Pond’s medical records from the hospital nor her death certificate directly from the county or the state, which affected their children’s Social Security benefits.

But she has received support from the local community and from former talk show host Rosie O’Donnell, who has e-mailed her to offer support and said she was angry over the way the family was treated. O’Donnell’s partner, Kelli O’Donnell, is a co-founder of R Family Vacations.

Capital City Pride co-chair Anna Schlecht said that Langbehn’s story drives home the reason why gays and lesbians continue to lobby for national legal recognition of their partnerships and families.

“When Janice told me the story over the phone, I started crying,” she said. “Death is hard enough. I can’t imagine having my children barred from me in the last moments of my life.”

Langbehn said attitudes changed when doctors in charge of organ donation recognized Langbehn and Pond as a couple. They accepted Langbehn’s signature on the consent forms, she said. They also allowed the children to visit with their mother, who was kept on life support while organ matches were found.

Pond, who was a volunteer with her church and with the Girl Scouts, as well as a foster mother, wished to donate her organs because she wanted to continue to give to people after her death, Langbehn said.

“I heard from the heart recipient last week,” she said. “Now he’s able to play with his grandkids again and he definitely would like to meet our family.”


Anonymous said...

Yes, this a sad story. I'm sorry for her loss. I'm also sorry that Rosie O'Donnell has turned into the Jessie Jackson of the Gay movement...

Anonymous said...

Just think, you don't have to be gay or lesbian to be treated this way, opposit sex partners whom are not married are treated without respect for decision making and or any legal rights for that matter, regardless of papers stating that your partner has that right.

Rosie O'Donnell is that last person I would want in my corner

Rebecca said...

I think you guys should ease up on Rosie...I felt the same way, I did! until a link took me to her blog and I started reading some things. I actually pulled this article that I posted from her blog.

I think she has a lot of good things to say, and I agree with a lot of it. She's standing up for the rescue workers of 9/11 who are all getting sick from that effort, she opposes the war but still supports the troops, she's donating her time to the troops at home, she has rosie's kids on broadway which is a great program for the arts - she's drawing national attention to autism. She continues to point out the horrific and criminal actions of this administration no matter what the press says about her, which is that the fat dyke should just shut up. As if her sexual orientation has anything to do with the fact that Bush is a lying war criminal. She is constantly reminding people of the innocent lives lost in Iraq and that IRAQ DID NOT CAUSE OR PLAY ANY ROLE IN 9/11. Doesn't anyone else find it interesting that we hung Saddam during this war, and have yet to find Bin Laden? Is anyone even looking for him anymore? And he DID cause 9/11!! Why isn't more of America pissed off about this? Are we truly so apathetic?

I still don't like what she did to Selleck back in the day - but lately I really think she's getting a bad rap. The media only shows what they want to show to spin something the way they want it spun. I find it interesting that Ann Coulter can call the widows of 9/11 "millionaire broads" and be held up by her party as a hero, but Rosie can't say boo without a shit parade raining down on her.

Like her, don't like her - but at least be willing to see through the media spin to make the decision...I'm glad I did.

Rebecca said...

And Pea - you're absolutely right about the fact that this doesn't just apply to gays - I actually thought about you and your beloved Ron when I read it and thought "this could happen to people I know and love."

It's gutwrenching.

Anonymous said...

I am also saddened (sp?) to read Rebecca defense of Rosie.

Rebecca - Everyone is now dumber for having read this. I award you no points and my God have mercy on your soul.

Rebecca said...

Jimmer, really - you're saddened? why? take away the media spin - why do you have such disdain for a person you do not know?

Rebecca said...

And Jimmer, I disregard the second part of your statement, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought.

chick-chick-boom! mra3=dork

Anonymous said...

That's cheap. Using the first part of the same speech I quoted...

Seriously Rebecca, Rosie is guilty of being one of the biggest spinners out there...

I don't mean Asian Spinners either.

Rebecca said...

Really? How so? I'm not asking to be contrary...I've never seen her as a spinner. I think the deal with her and DT got out of hand, but you'll have that on the big jobs. Like any of us has never started a pissing match that was just stupid. But we won't see it on E!

You seem to know what she has spun - so give it up. I'm listening...

And it's not a challenge, I'm sure she has spun some things, but she has used her voice more for good than evil. So why the bad rap? What has she spun that you thought was so outrageous that just hearing her name invokes disappointment from you to me?

It's kind of like Bono - I don't get why everyone hates him so much. Here's a guy, with a gazillion dollars, who could be sitting around a bazillion dollar house getting blowjobs from cokewhores every day of his life, and instead he's travelling the world, trying to get world leaders to talk about things like AIDS and world poverty, and people tear him apart.

I'm just trying to understand why the cynical public wants to silence every voice that might be trying to do some good.

Anonymous said...

She called the United States Military Terrorists...

Need I say more?

P.S. Their Crack whores not Coke whores...

Anonymous said...

Correction: They're

Rebecca said...

See! NO...she didn't, Jim...she DID NOT call the United States Military terrorists. THAT's the spin. The press took her comments and SAID she called them terrorists. She did no such thing. I saw the friggin' show. And the aftermath.

I knew that's what you were going to say.

What she said was:
"I’m saying if you were in Iraq, and the other country, the United States, the richest in the world, invaded your country and killed 655,000 of your citizens, what would you call us?"

She's referring to US as a nation - this administration, this foreign policy. She has stated time and time again that she supports the troops, wants to bring them home, wants to end this war to protect them. She has repeated time and time again that the policy in Iraq is not the responsibility of the soldiers who are ordered to execute the policy.

The whole reason this started was because she was lamenting the 655,000 Iraqi's who have died - they are mothers, fathers, children. Tanks have never rolled down American streets...we have NO idea what that's like. She was talking about the aftermath - that THEY the IRAQI people consider US terrorists for BEING THERE.

But when you're a right-wing Bush apologist, you won't see it that way, which is why Hasselback went off and the pundits followed.

Rebecca said...

And I dated myself with Coke whore, eh? That's so 80's of me.

Crack whore is way more 2007. Point taken.

Anonymous said...

Apparently you are as stuck in your ways as I am mine...