Tuesday, June 05, 2007

My busy schedule is now robbing me of the funny...

Holy fatigue, batman! It's almost over, it's almost over, it's almost over, it's almost over....it's my life, it's my mantra...it's all I can do to keep afloat. 100 people at my house on Saturday, and I haven't done anything. ANYTHING. No cake, no decorations, no ordering food...NOTHING. I'm pitiful. I've been so busy here at work I haven't had time to think. Luckily we already bought a big canopy tent, and before any of YOU say it...SAVE it. It's not going to rain. It's in God's hands. Seriously. It will be fine.

So between now and Saturday I have to use lunch hours and Wednesday after work to buy decorations, plates, napkins, utensils, booze, side dishes, fireworks; order cake and food, coordinate with my husband to get everything picked up and set up.

And we have graduation tonight.
And a game Thursday night.
And a game Saturday morning.
And a meeting with the church people on Saturday morning.

And it's supposed to rain all week so we can't cut the grass.

BUT - the seeds I planted in my new vegetable garden? You should see the size of the plants I have already! It's so exciting. My green beans, peas and sunflowers are all inches above the ground. It is the most wonderful thing to come home to, let me tell ya.

Wish me luck - I need it...before I pull my hair out. Once I get through this weekend I SWEAR the blog will get better and I will be funny again...promise. (That's if, of course you thought I was funny to begin with. If not, get off my blog.)


Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Pea, Eileen, Kathy or Eggo provide a guest blog to take the heat off of Rebecca? I've done it twice and nobody likes them so I'm out. I could blog about the new kitty I guess...

So, come on people, help the poor woman out...

Anonymous said...

This, too, shall pass. And then it's Sunday! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

"And nobody likes them?" Whaaaa?

I love your guest blogs Jimmer.

Rebecca said...

Someone call the waaaahhhmbulance for Jimmer...he's hurt...

Anonymous said...

I would love a guest blog about the new kitty