Thursday, July 05, 2007

It's my party and I'll....

drink if I want to
drink if I want to
drink if I waaaaant to
You would drink, too, if it happened to you...

oh my oh my...what a fun 4th of July. We threw together a last minute holiday party for Tuesday night since none of us had to work on Wednesday. It started with inviting one other family over - and that turned into inviting all of the coaches from the all-stars team and their families over - and THAT turned into inviting the other families that we usually hang out with in RL...and then of course, I had to call Julie...all together, with kids...9 families, 35 people. 35people for a last minute, planned on Monday night at 8pm after practice, get together. We had food, we had booze, we had fireworks. We had kids playing ball in the yard (with16 kids, we practically had two complete teams), we had kids jumping in and out of the pool, into the hot tub and back into the pool.

On Tuesday someone here at the office said "the last minute parties are the best" - and I think they're right! The guys never left the deck. They just kept pulling more chairs around the table out there - it's supposed to seat 5 - there were 9 of them, and their coolers. The women took over the inside main level. We ate in the living room, we drank in the kitchen - and then someone decided we should play a game. "Do you have any games?" Sue asked. Ummmm, yeah - and then I unleashed the game closet. "You have an impressive collection of games" said Cinde. Yes - let's play! We chose Outburst - and while there are updated versions of this game, our version is circa 1986 - ummmm, that's 2 decades of outdated material. Hilarious. One of the topics was "Brands of Coffee" - and it was hysterical that all of the brands we named (Starbuck's, 8 o'clock, Seattle's Best) didn't make the list, of course - but my answer of Sanka was there as well as Brim and Nescafe...seriously - BRIM??? Hilarious. By this time the drinks were flowing as were the shots of cherry pucker. Yeah, you read that right - we were doing SHOTS of PUCKER. What are we? 19? F-ing brilliant. And this game involved shouting - so there we are, 9 women around a table drinking and shouting. Our children would come upstairs for snacks holding their ears, because let's just say it sounded like there were more than 9 of us by the time that sound bounced off the hardwood floors, the walls and the sliding glass doors with nothing to absorb it. And we all like to talk. And yell. And laugh. We had to impose a "no one under the age of 21 in the dining room" rule - because we also all tend to be a bit vulgar. WHAT? Shocking!!

And then there were fireworks. Chris was all upset because he didn't feel like he bought enough. I don't know what he was thinking, because they put on quite a show! And we didn't have to leave the house! Another round of cocktails for all my men!

Then it was into the hot tub for the ladies.....and just when our conversation turned VERY adult-only - we find out that some of the kids were on the other side of the wall spying on us. Holy mother - I will not tell you what we were discussing (it wasn't horrible, it wasn't even about sex - it was just plain not suited for children) - of all the times for them to spy, it had to be then? The amount of damage control that came afterwards was staggering. We're still emailing about it. Oy.

It was a grand time - I got an ab workout from laughing so hard. Yesterday was more low key, with people returning to the house to pick up left chairs, left food containers, forgotten shoes and clothing, know...the usual. :) Julie and Chris and H spent the day at their "vacation house" in the pool and playing in the yard.

So happy birthday America - I love you like I would marry you.


Suzi/Elizabeth whichever one works said...

oh how i wish we lived around there. Brad and I with the kids would have taken the party over the top! Just trust me on that one :)
Oh one can wish cant they!!!!

Rebecca said...

Oh Suzi - I do so wish you lived closer - you would have had a ball. My girlfriends in Roselawn are hysterical!

The point when my friend Cinde leaned over, randomly teased Julie's hair and then sprayed it with hairspray - hysterical! Jul was like "omg - did you just tease that???" And Cinde was like - yeah, and I need to get the other side. Too funny.

Anonymous said...

It was a hoot! It was hysterical when Cinde started spraying my hair and teasing it.... I guess it's too STRAIGHT for her. I don't think I've ever been so shocked... I was laughing my butt off... and all these friends, umm, they are loud. So I fit right in.... some were way louder than me (surprising) and I loved them all.
Carla... OMG... this girl can laugh.

Bek didn't mention that Kevin drained the hot tub the next morning.... between the kids, moms, marshmellows, spilt alcohol... you name it, it was probably in the hot tub!

Suz- I loved the suzi/elizabeth whichever one works sign in.

One last note... we Brave3 did hang out all 4th with our good friends. It was wonderful. Their house is very awesome. Hayden couldn't be more at home. "Aunt Bekka's is so fun!" During my afternoon swim Bek was out talking to us and said, "oh, we're just hanging out at our vacation house!"
It made my friend Rebecca smile.

Suzi/Elizabeth whichever one works said...

I thought the "whichever one works" was fitting. I like it.
the 3rd we did hang out with all of our neighbors and everyones kids in the cul-de-sac. All adults drinking our beers, kids with juice, fun had by all. We did some good fireworks as well :)