Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Honeeeeey, I'm hoooooome....

Well I'd love to say that it feels great to be back, ummm, yeah - that would be a lie. A LIE. I love that beach house like I would marry it and it's Africa hot out here and I have too much to do and grrrrr. I think my tan started fading the minute I crossed the Michigan/Indiana border. Bugger.

I'd forgotten how much I missed the beach. Living only an hour away, you'd think I'd get to the lake more...but the hubby doesn't like the beach, and we have a hectic schedule...and, well, I just never get there. But I went down there almost every day of vacation. You know I love it if I was willing to climb those stairs more than once in a day to do it. Holy hell those stairs are horrible. But the beach, the beach is really something. Either you love it or you don't. I could and did sit there for hours reading, sunning, playing in the sand. I even went into the lake a few times...of course, it has to be bath water warm for me...but I did it. And now that I actually have a tan? I want to go back. What are you doing this weekend, Jul? Oh yeah, you'll be out of town...bugger again.

I read a couple of books while I was of them was set in London. So I am hereby adding a new word to my insult vocabulary. Tosser. I used it on Kevin the other day and it felt really good, so I think I'm sticking with it.

Football has started. Owen was sweating it out at practice yesterday. SWEATING. Ew.

More later ... I'm still settling in...


Anonymous said...

Pole Smoker would also be a good one to add to your vocab...I will be going to the beach on Friday if you want to hang with the Pea...glad you are home, glad you are tan, and glad you have some wine

Eileen B. said...

Bugger and blimey are also must-have vocabulary words to steal from the Brits.

Rebecca said...

HA! That's funny - I used bugger twice in this post and didn't even realize I had done it. Apparently that book had an affect on me!