Thursday, August 09, 2007

I'm back in the saddle again...


Well, not really. Post vacation work days suck. Post vacation home days are lazy. Kevin came home and started busting ass. But that's him. I think he was actually sitting on vacation making mental lists of all of the things he was going to accomplish when he got home. He actually doesn't know how to relax. His idea of a good time is getting something done. The only task we completed on vacation was emptying wine bottles...and beer bottles...and we were quite successful in that endeavor. But that's still not enough for him. Tosser.

Eileen - you'll be happy to know that my bed is unmade since my return. And it's a disaster. I even made my bed on vacation...but that's mostly because the bedroom was right off the main living quarters of the house and it seemed unsightly to have it disheveled day after day...especially since people were walking through to use our shower. When you're in a pretty house like that one, you just want to keep it...well, pretty.

Last night I came home from work and did nothing. I watched a bunch of shows I had DVR'd while I was gone. But basically I came home, cracked a beer and sat on my getting-larger-by-the-minute ass. I just couldn't do it. Anything. I was so glad it rained the last couple of nights so I didn't have to water my plants. I made hot dogs for dinner. I left the dishes for the kids this morning. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. Kevin picked the kids up from football, which was great, because that perpetuated my laziness.

My nailpolish from my pre-vacation manicure is chipping away - I thought several times about getting out the nailpolish remover and some cotton balls, but that would have required me going upstairs, and I just.couldn' So now it's sandworn and making me look like a two bit crack whore. Okay, maybe not that bad...but it really looks awful. And I have places to go tonight after work. Ugh.

To further display my pitifulness, I wanted a glass of wine last night...but the bottles and the opener and the glasses were upstairs...while the beer was in the frig in the garage. So I picked the beer.

I'm sure none of you feel sorry for me. And I will snap out of it...probably not until after the weekend. Tigger wants me to come over for a "porch night"...kind of like "deck days" at Julie's...only it's on the porch...and it's at Tigger's. That should snap me out of my funk appropriately.

I can't find my little doo-hickey to get my pics off my camera. When I do, I'll share some highlights. OH! I just remembered where it is. Okay. I'll try and do that tomorrow.


Eileen B. said...

I haven't made my bed in over a week and that's with my in-laws visiting. You'd think I'd have more healthy shame in my life. Oy.

Anonymous said...

that doo-hickey is probably upstairs