Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Seriously - I'm sorry lovely bloggers...

OMG...here I am. I am okay. I promise. Still breathing in and out, still floundering in the wake of fabulous beach vacation. Still haven't managed to get my doo-hickey in here to get the pics off my camera. Whoops. I suck. Get used to it. Fall '07 is the season of the sucky Rebecca. I peaked too soon this year. The start of the school year will be a disaster as usual with me weeping into my wine nightly.

Last night Owen and I joined some friends at the Chicago Bears Training Camp. It's only about 40 minutes away, not bad...I can't believe we haven't done this sooner! Because I love football. LOVE football like I would marry it. I really would. Have you seen the pants on these boys? Hellloooooooo...and these boys? Even better looking in person than they are on the big screen. And by big screen I'm of course referring to the 40" LCD flat panel television that my husband WON on Friday. WON...as in, we paid nothing for it. And I believe him, because slick as he is, I don't think even my hubby could hide a $2K purchase from me post-vacation, no way. I'm hawking that checking account something fierce post-vacation. So the TV is, where else, but in our bedroom. Yeah, ummmm, we removed the mirror above the dresser, and that's where the television is. It's brilliant. I love it. Why would I want to look at myself when I can look at Monday night football that huge in my room. BRILLIANT!

The hubby wants to watch porn on it. Ummm, no. Have you seen the men who star in porn? They're hideous. Hid.e.ous. I'm sure this is really working for him - some blond hair, some big boobs up on the screen...but then there's the dude, and really? REALLY? No. No one really wants to have sex with those dudes without getting paid. No one. Nasti-ass skankified porn stars with their porn star faces that they make. Ew. I don't need to see that at all let alone on a 40" HIGH DEF. I'll pass, thanks. I told him when he found porn with good looking male actors we'll talk.

But this isn't about porn is it? Nooooo...this is about FOOTBALL. Robbie Gould? So much better looking in person. Urlacher? LOVE him. But the man to watch, and I have no idea if other sports writers are talking about him...Mark Bradley. Watch him, folks...he's going to be big. BIG. Love him. Grossman is still horrible, I don't care what any of you say. I have to figure out how to get into the VIP section. I wonder if Kev-head knows someone who knows someone who can get us in there. YEAH baby! I got some great pics and they had activities for the kids. We didn't even get to see it all. I'm so going back next year. I have to figure out how to get to Latrobe for Steelers training camp!

On a sad note, Alex didn't make the soccer team. He seems to be handling it well. On a sadder note, the dress code at his school changed. He can no longer wear khakis. I'm so glad I ALREADY BOUGHT HIM 3 PAIRS IN THE SPRING. Tossers. Seriously? What's wrong with khaki's??? Why navy blue pants only? Seriously. Killing me.

School starts Thursday for Alex, Friday for Owen. Strap in folks - here we go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You could always sell that 2K TV to get alex uniform money!

School starts this week? I thought it started next week!