Monday, October 15, 2007

No, no, no...I don't have an update

And believe me, it's killing me WAY more than it's killing you. Oy. I can't take the pressure.

FOOTBALL SEASON IS OVER!!! And I know I shouldn't sound this happy about it but I can't help it. I just can't help it. One less thing to do. Hooray. The game yesterday was pitiful...mentally, our boys never showed up. They had themselves licked before they took the field. What can you do with that? Buncha head cases that team. I knew when MC scored the first touchdown that it was over for us. Rallying is not something our boys do. In any sport. ugh. Instead of getting mad, they get defeated.

Alex jammed again last night - and this time I sang with him. Good times. He really likes going up there, now...and there's so much for him to learn! He watched Steve for a bit, and Steve could tell he was paying attention, because when he got up there to play, he started mimicking some of the stuff Steve was doing. It's all improv and great - I'm so impressed by him. I purposely improved the hell out of some of the songs I sang with him so he could play around. Fun fun fun....

Bears, Bears, Bears...tsk, tsk. How did you let that happen? Oh yeah Adrian Peterson. Your nemesis for the day.

I love Devin, love, love watching him play...

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