Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Mother of the year award...

OMG. I am perfectly willing to admit that I am not on the ball all of the time. I'm not. I miss things, forget kids don't always inform me of things...

But this takes the cake.

Alex is in concert band at Andrean. It's not a huge program - nothing at Andrean outside of football would be considered a large program. 16 kids, maybe, in band. 30 kids, maybe in choir. So a couple of weeks ago I saw the Christmas Concert on the schedule and that tickets were for sale. Well, with basketball and other things happening, I wasn't sure when we'd be able to go and didn't think it horrible that I didn't buy tickets in advance. I can just pay when I go...right? It's just a little band/choir performance...right?


The thing is sold out. Whodawa? Sold out? Sold out for THREE STRAIGHT NIGHTS. If you don't already have a ticket the best you can hope for is to show up and pray someone else doesn't. It's not just a little band/choir deal. It's band, choir, string ensemble, pep band, pep band with soloists, pep band with full choir, jazz ensembles, the dance team ... HUGE deal with LOTS of kids involved, and lots of parents, students, grandparents and whatnot wanting to attend.

Oh boy.

And me without my tickets. So I guess we'll be going tonight and tomorrow to try and get in. The thing is 2 1/2 hours long with intermission.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

