Thursday, March 06, 2008

When did I become a once a week blogger???

Shame on me. I must improve this. Are you guys still out there? Keep checking daily, I will make this happen.

Quick Idol rant: Carly Smithson - who likes this girl? I mean seriously...can she sing? Yes. Do you care? NO. She's just so...diva-esque and I hate everything that comes out of her mouth. Who is she appealing to? And Amanda Overmyer? There are thousands of women across this country alone who could have and have done that same cover of that same song. Meh. And Randy Jackson? Quit smoking Paula's crackpipe - how you can watch Brooke's BRILLIANT performance and say that she didn't bring anything new or original to it?? WHAT? Yeah, even Pat Benatar has done an acoustic version of that song - it sounded nothing like that. Shut up Randy.

Child update:Owen is actually managing to wear two matching socks everyday, on his feet. Doesn't that sound great. Ummm...yeah...he's now into Jeff Hardy arm socks. ARM SOCKS. Why is it always about socks with him? Don't know what they are? First of all, good for you...I think I'm dumber for knowing. Check them out. His are orange and black but you can get them in all colors...yes he wears them every day. Yes, he wears them to school. Yes, he wears them around the house. Ridiculous. Whatever. Alex wore a cape. Owen has arm socks.


Alex is well, Alex. He lost his coat for the second time this year. Well, not lost...but left behind. I almost killed him the first time. This time he was helping the theatre techs after school and left it in the theatre, which was then LOCKED. With his backpack and coat inside. Nice. He's totally my kid.

Wish me luck for bowling tonight...


Scott Smith said...

I watched 30 minutes of Idol last night. I'm sure there have been more pointless, less entertaining shows - I just can't think of one right now.

Kathy said...

I miss you Scott

Anonymous said...

I have been reading, and checking, Rebecca. Keep writing. But I must admit, I think I'm outgrowing Idol. I think it's jumped the shark.

Anonymous said...

I kept busy with Anthony Bourdane (sp?) I love him, I want to travel with him...

Uhhhh, yeah, Alex is totally your kid, lets see, how many times have you had to go BACK for you purse???