So let's dance, the last dance...toniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight....
It's the last night of bowling, folks. LAST NIGHT. 33 weeks of trying to knock down those crazy pins...33 weeks of beers and disappointment. I'm always so happy when bowling season starts. And even happier when it's just such a long.damn.commitment...especially for me when my family is busy and involved. Maybe it will get easier when Alex drives. Maybe I should just throw in the towel. Kev-head and I have talked about finding a couples league - I don't think their season is as long. That would be nice...
That grass that started growing out back? It's really filling in...the other areas are still a week or two behind it, but if it looks anything like that - we should have a nice green yard again by summer.
BATTER UP!!! Baseball season has started my friends...yes it far not tooooooo involved, but the game schedule hasn't come out yet. Opening day May 3rd...very excited. I do love watching Owen play baseball. Of course, the stress of watching him pitch is a stomach turning experience, but every year it gets better.
We took the boys to Wrigley the other night for the Cubs game...I do love Wrigley field...and Wrigleyville - I really do. I've only ever held one sports team close to my heart...the beloved Steelers (moment of silence, please....) and now I really think I am...a CUBS FAN. I hate the Cell, for starters...sorry, Jimmer.
The weekend found us busy as usual...Alex's band came over on Friday night, and Saturday we had our family portraits done by...JULIE BRAVEMAN PHOTOGRAPHY of course!! She sent me a little tidbit of what she shot and it's all great stuff! (like I expected anything different). It's so fun to see all of her new equipment that she's built up over the years...and all of the good, so good. Have you booked your family portrait yet? No???? Well get out to and a representative will contact you shortly!
And I have to say this out loud...I went shopping for new jeans. I'm a size 8 again. BRILLIANT. I haven't worn a size 8 since before Owen was born. After Alex and before Owen...that was a long time ago. It's fun to be back there again!!
How are you guys?
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Thats it we're breaking up.... I could not possibly by associated with a C.U.B.S. (Could U Be Serious?) Fan. Wrigley great, if you enjoy mass quanitys of drunks, no bathrooms,no parking, and the Bataan Death march out of the SINGLE entrance/exit they have. Don't even get me started on the food, or the organization.
Comiskey (as it will always be known to me) has parking, great food, numerous bathrooms, venders that bring magaritas, did I say grilled polish with onions? Plus the extra added bonus of having the CITY'S ONLY BASEBALL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP IN MY LIFETIME!!!!!!!!
Notice I refrained from calling it 'The World's Largest Gay Bar'
Darren - with specific address to the bathrooms - I found plenty of them (I broke the seal too early!) and they had a wonderful woman in there moving everything along. It was actually one of the better sporting event bathroom experiences I've ever had.
The hot dog with onions was FANTASTIC, and the beer vendors were frequent. What kind of sissy ass park needs MARGARITAS??? Puss. Drink your beer from a plastic cup and shut it!
Why do you need parking when you have the EL?? And heaven forbid you walk out of the park and have somewhere to go to celebrate the WIN with other fans...unlike THE CELL where you walk out and drive away as fast as possible so you don't get carjacked.
And there are just as many drunks at Sox games as Cubs games ... have you met the Anton family?? (HA...that was funny...I'm funny)
And there's more than one entrance...but it was a cattle prod getting out of there...
And we're not breaking up - you wish you knew how to quit me.
If we're breaking up it's going to have to be over more than a sox/cubs religious war.
I disallow it.
So it is written.
So it shall be done.
I'm with D on this one, Sorry Rap...bout time you got new pants, hey, I like looking at your butt, not a bunch of fabric...get it together Crum
MMMM warm beer in a PAPER CUP Damn It!!!! Should I start on the people in attendence at said Cubs games... ask them what the score is....if you can pry them away from there freakin' cell phone or Iphone, or PDA. And don't wake up Grandma in the row in front of you for the score, she gets cranky without having an Special Export (which I thought only exsisted in my fathers fridge, in a STEEL can mind you) upon wake up, or as I like to call it the LAME AS CELIBERTY 7TH INNING STRETCH.
Come on OZZY Friggin OSBOURNE??? Does he even know what a baseball is, let alone a CUB?
Besides, The two most recognizeable Cubs in history, were Sox first.
I am now putting my half of the BFF necklace into an envelope and mailing it to you, as you have broke my heart...
That Would Be MEEEEEE!!!!
Wheres Your Mose's NOWWW!!!!!
That would be LAME ASS, for those of you scoring at home....
Now In right Field.....
Adjust your scorecards accordingly....
D - you can expect that envelope back stamped "Return to Sender....address unknown..." sing it with me y'all.
I refuse, refuse, refuse to accept your break-up proposal. I mean, c'mon - a Kennedy is married to a Republican in California, for crap's sake, why can't we be friends? (why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends....sing it again people!)
And I LOVE that you retyped your comment for clarity and STILL misspelled CELEBRITY.
Where's your moses now...that's good stuff right there.
Hey Rebecca - are you going to be at Ragan's CCC in a couple of weeks??
I'm REALLY hoping that Eileen and I and the other girls are going to get the opportunity to buy you a drink and have a face-to-face chat!
Kristen - YES!!! Eileen and I have been emailing about plans...she mentioned something about HOB on Weds and 2nd city on Thurs. I'm waiting to see how bball schedules are working out and if hubby is interested in attending with me...
but one way or another - we are SOOOOOOO going to meet in the city, baby! YEAH!!!!!
I think the Dingo ate your baby.
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