Oh yes, I'm getting older. I have never been more painfully (and I use that word quite literally) aware of my age than I am today.
The weekend was good....Friday night Sox game - Owen's name in lights. That was fun. I had to talk to the peeps at guest services to find out when his name would be up there so we wouldn't be in the bathroom or buying churros or something. We weren't. Thanks guest service ladies. They not only told me the inning (the 3rd) but the message number he was in the line-up (18). We had fans there cheering for Owen, but unfortunately they were above us and we never heard them. Bummer. Thanks cheering fans!

Saturday found us gardening and doing housework and general stuff...I got to sleep in a little which was nice.
Sunday Kev-head and I took the motorcycle to church. We have a contemporary service and jeans are appropriate attire, so we assumed bike leather was too. It's a fun thing, to walk out to the parking lot after the service and fire up the hog. Good times.
That night was the blues extravaganza at Bozley's. 13 headliners in as many hours. It was crazy insane. All of my favorite people were there! I got to see Jon & Laura, and jam with Killer Ray and Pistol Pete. Love, love, loved jamming that night. Weather was fine - even Owen came out to hang out for awhile. Of course, he was more interested in playing bean bags and eating a sundae...but hey, he was there!
Yesterday...well yesterday is what sunk my battleship. We knocked out some long overdue house chores (I filled 4 garbage bags with old clothes from Owen's dressers) and I called some friends to meet at the ball field for a little parent/child softball game. The kids of course wanted it to be parents vs. kids...oy yoy. I'm no spring chicken, lemme tell ya. And somewhere with my age came this fear - this fear of getting hit in the face with the ball. I was playing 3rd and shortstop at first...and every time I'd try to field a grounder I was *pretty sure* that thing was going to take a bad hop and square me in the face. I'd be a version of Marcia Brady coming to work with my nose all huge...would Davy Jones come and take me to the dance?? I don't think so. I didn't play completely horribly. I had at least one nice hit. But boy am I paying for it all today. My legs are sore. My shoulder is sore. My fingers are swollen like little sausages. It's not pretty. I was never an athlete in my younger days, and I'm sure not one now. But I tried! And we had fun. We're definitely going to have to do that again. A couple more families added and we'll have full teams. I better start practicing. We ended the game in a tie...13-13. The kids wanted extra innings, but we parents? We were licked. We didn't have the extra innings left in us.
So here I sit, very aware of my nearness to 40. Trying to pretend that I don't have to live on anti-inflammatories today.
I think I like it better when I'm just screaming from the stands...
Okay Rebecca...I'm looking backward at you from 40 and it's not that bad. I just finished three hours in the yard weeding, raking, etc. and I can still walk. (But check with me in the a.m.) Ibuprofen is my friend as well.
Good Lord you crack me up!!!
I miss your face and I sure do love you.
Hey, help me out, look and see if you can find a cubs game for us to come out for.
The joy of having passed the mid-century mark is that not only do I know I have no business on a ball field but no one else expects me to be out there either. :-)
Just remember, this too shall pass. And until it does, let's have a little red wine to help ease the pain.
Colleen - you read my mind m'dear...and considering that it's still FREEZING most nights, I'm still in red mode.
I did buy some fabulous whites (and have my eye on a few more) for when the weather finally does change. :)
Suz - I love you, too...
Thanks Eileen - I really think it's more just being out of shape than actual age...but I choose denial on both. I'll drink to that!
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