GREETINGS bloggers...still with me? I'm out here in sunny, sunny, sunny Sedona (high temps have ranged from 95-115) with the fam. We've done so many things....
let's see...
Flight on Friday was uneventful. Car rental was smooth, getting out of Phoenix was a breeze. We even took in Montezuma's Castle on the way up...
It didn't get bad until we got to our first house...
A little house in Clarkdale, AZ - the plan was to check out Jerome and generally relax....sounds great yes? NO. We walk into the house and ... covered in powder. A crystally yellow/white powder. On the floor, on the furniture, on the bedding, on every exposed surface. Ummmmmmm....whodawa?? Ummm, yeah...a fire extinguisher had exploded in the place before our arrival. Are you eff-ing kidding me??
So we have to find another place to stay. Now I'm hot, I'm tired, I've been up since 4am and my relaxation mecca is covered in a substance I can hardly breathe...
So we find a hotel in Sedona - basically the only hotel pamphlet I had in my little vacay folder (yes, I'm that gay), and it turned out just fine. Hell, I slept Friday night away. Two beers some pizza and a pillow.
Saturday was 115 degrees, people. Even the lizards are staying under rocks...but us? We hike West Fork. And pick up the Harley...
Now I could recount every nook and cranny of this vacation ... but I refuse to be that relative we all have showing the slides on the living room wall at grandma', that's not me (well, not yet...I'm so subjecting you to all the dinner with Colleen and Michael...hooray!)
But so far, the most important part of this trip...was when we were literally standing on a corner in Winslow Arizona....
The kids didn't find this nearly as entertaining as the kev-head and I did....but I can tell you this... we bought more souvenirs here than any other stop on the trip...and we've hiked and biked and hung out with hippies...we've fished and swam and come home to the electric company on our rental property because beavers took out an oak tree that took out power lines and snapped the electrical pole right outside Alex's bedroom.
First a fire beavers???
Who does this happen?? The good news is that we were hangin' at the Petrified Forest when the power was out for hours...the bad news was that we had the electric company outside our windows and in the woods cutting up the beaver disaster for the evening. naked hot tubbing that night.
Seriously...we did what we would have done anyway - sat outside, drank wine, ignored the children until they begged for dinner....
More later...Grand Canyon tomorrow....more pics, more info....all to come. We're having a blast...
I love that it's 8 million degrees there and you still won't fkn wear shorts!!!! Glad you're having a blast "standing on the corner"!
What's up with that? Why won't you wear shorts? Is it your freakishly large right calf?
You two leave her alone, next she'll stop wearing skirts because of your jiiving, and if that happens, I'm coming after both of ya
ohhh the good ole family vacations! Gotta love them....
looking forward to more pictures
Hey, those were some of my co-workers restoring your electricity! Wouldn't that have been a hoot if that happened on Saturday night while I was there and had known some of the crew?
Fabulous evening and dinner - we had such a good time. Wish you'd all been there. And that house! I want that house!
Oh Tigger - that was the ONLY day I didn't wear shorts, actually - you'll see in other pics...
And it's really because of my freakishly fat knees that I don't wear shorts...something about skirts makes them look not so freakish I guess. I don't know - quit psychoanalyzing my lower-wear!!
More pics to come, Suz - we MUST pick a date for the Cubs game!!!
and seriously - I'm standing on a corner in Winslow AZ....can we NOT comment on my pants and laugh with me here - this was hilarious.
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