Friday, July 18, 2008

C'mon lemme see ya shake a tailfeather....

Happy Friday one and all! Well, both my boys are gone, gone, gone. We safely stuffed Owen away at Indiana State Troopers Camp yesterday. I think the boy was honestly nervous. I could have left Alex at the curb of Loyola University with all of his gear and he would have just waved good-bye. Owen needed a little more hand-holding. You'd think, with him being the seemingly more outgoing one, that he would just bolt from the car and be done with us...not so. He's typically a little leary of new situations, wants nothing to do with recognition (he's MORTIFIED that I sent the press release on him winning the essay contest to the paper), and won't actually choose to talk to people he doesn't know. Who's his mother???? Crazy talk.

I had to force him to go over and meet his roommate..."I'll just meet him when we get up to the room, mom" he said through gritted teeth and much eye rolling. He was concerned about wearing a sleeveless shirt to camp because he didn't know what kind of impression that would make. He was worried that he would be hanging out with "all smart people, and I don't know how smart people act!" Ummmm, Owen, the camp isn't ONLY for essay's just that we didn't have to PAY for camp because you're an essay winner. And if you're definition of smart people is kids who write essays...guess what? YOU'RE in fact a SMART PERSON.

Holy mother.....
So much worry in my little one.

So we went and talked to the roommate anyway, didn't really give him a choice, and I'm glad we did, and I think he was, too. They had quite a bit in common...they both play lots of sports, like watching wrestling on TV, have the same uniform (long basketball style shorts and under armor)...I predict that he's having a good time. He hasn't called for me to come get him yet, which is encouraging...not that I really expected him to. Once he got in the mix, I'm sure he took a firm hold on his heritage of having friends before other people have seats. He'll probably want to have his roommate over to the house (they live in Southern Indiana now, but are moving to LaPorte soon)

The name of Alex's band at camp is Sideshow. He said he's having a good time, learning stuff, playing a ton, and that his guitar players are lazy...well, only two of them. His roommate is like he and play and play. The other two are good for a couple of runs, and then they want to take breaks. Ummmmm....for $1800, you can break when you sleep, baybees...until then, shut up and play.

I pick him up tomorrow and I'm excited to see the concert. There's a concert tonight where the bands will be playing songs they've learned to cover, I guess. I've ordered the DVD of tonight's concert as well as the concert they're giving tomorrow with their original music. Very exciting!

I'm already tired of the heat...even as I sit here in my air conditioned office....

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