Friday, June 02, 2006

The chicken story...

It's a two post kind of day...
Some of you may remember
the duck story...well, my neighbors are working overtime on the "Who wants to be White Trash" show, so it just keeps getting better.

One day I look out my living room window and see a deck box in my neighbors yard. Right on the property line, out in the grass...far away from any patio, and hence far away from any patio furniture. This confuses me.

What confuses me even more is that later in that day I see my neighbor carrying some wire fencing from the back 40. Hmmmm...

Then the fencing goes up in a circle from the ends of the deck box. What in the WORLD is he doing?

And then the chickens go in the fencing. Yeah, 3 roosters and 5 chickens, I think. And the deck box is the chicken coop. Right on my property line. Roosters. That crow. At 4 am. And are right in the sightline of my dog kennel. Where I have 3 retrievers. Seriously? You're kidding me, right? You have 10 fucking acres and you put your roosters and chickens right in front of me, right in front of my dogs. In a deck box. A DECK BOX.

This was a little over a week ago. And since then I've been trying to be careful about letting my dogs out, because I'm afraid if they go anywhere near that fence, it's game over.

One day last week, one of the rooster jumped on top of the deck box and promptly out of the "coop" while my dogs were out. I told Alex to keep the dogs occupied near the pond,and ran to get the neighbor to fetch his escaped rooster. Then on Saturday, Joe discovered the coop while Krypton and Jessie were playing in the pond. He circled the coop, scaring the chickens half to death causing them to all fly OUT of the coop. Chickens really are stupid. Don't go in the deckbox, fly out of the very fencing that is protecting you from this large toothy creature circling your pen. Joe was so amazed and startled at the sight of this he did nothing. I put the dogs away and the neighbor kids got all the chickens back in the coop. All is well.

All of these stories have one thing in common. My presence. My dogs listen to me more than anyone in the house.

Yesterday I tell Alex and Owen to let the dogs out for a bit. I had chewy bones for them, and usually if you give them something like that, they each lay in a different section of the yard chewing and wagging and generally staying out of trouble. At least that' s what happens when I'M there. But yesterday I wasn't there. I was enjoying a cocktail with my husband after work. I tell Kevin "I told the boys to let the dogs out"... he responds with "Well, there's a dead chicken waiting to happen" No, nooooo, I say, it'll be fine...they're giving them chewy bone'll be fine. Do we remember what happened the last time I said something would be fine? It resulted in Alex standing in front of a room full of people chewing his gum like a cow. I should clearly remove this phrase from my repertoire. I know nothing about things being fine.

Not 15 minutes later Alex calls and says "Well, the dogs discovered the chickens today."
Me: "Is everything okay"
A: "Jessie killed one of them"
Me (freaking out): "Are you kidding me? A rooster or a chicken"
A: "One of the little brown chickens. She carried it over here and by the time I got her to drop it it was dead and she had ripped one of the legs off."
Me: "Oh my God. Where is the chicken now"
A:"I threw it into the woods. Burying chickens really isn't my thing."


So we don't know if the neighbors were home or not, or if they have noticed they are one chicken shy of a full deckbox, but I have to go talk to them about this. I heard it through the grapevine that they only paid $5 per chicken. So do I just go offer them money? I have to acknowledge the chicken massacre, don't I? Sweet Jesus...again...this is my life. Couldn't make this shit up.


Anonymous said...

Don't you dare offer the stupd MFs any money, offer to have them over for a chicken bar-b-q and some tips on having live animals on property. Someone has to educate this dumb ass, may as well be you, everyone hates you anyway...

Anonymous said...

Oh, Sugar Snap, you're brilliant!! I would have just said let the dogs have at it, but I like the barbecue much better! 10 acrea and they have to put it in front of dogs? That's not dumb; it's heaven for the dogs.
Maybe if you don't say anything, they'll think it's a coyote that got the chicken - or a fox. Is this deckbox coop near their house? Couldn't they put it behind their house? Where most animal housing is anyway?
This was a good one, Rebecca! Lurker Iowa, did you get as big of a kick out of this one as I did?
Love ya, Joy

Anonymous said...

I want "Chicken Man" by the Indigo Girls to be playing as we read this.
"Chicken Man, Chicken Man, Chicken Man hold my hand...

Copy and paste to have a listen-

it's not the best part of the song- but oh well...

Anonymous said...

I think the dogs are the solution to your problem. As far as replacing the chickens, I am leaving that up to you. Personally, I would probably react like Alex and keep tossing them in the woods. That's how I roll.

What the hell is a deckbox? The frame of a deck without the floor?

Anonymous said...

Jimmer, hey welcome back. A deck box is a place to keep your lawn furniture cushions when you are not using them, or to keep stuff like candels or deck stuff when not lighted or being used. It is diffently NOT a place to store ANY animal, clearly this guy is a JACK ASS

Anonymous said...

It's good to be back.

Um, we try to say paper plate instead of JA. I've been really bad when in earshot of my nephew and need everybody's help reinforcing the anti-cussing stuff.

Pea, thanks for clearing that up for me. Also, thanks for clarifing that you can't put lit candles in there...

Anonymous said...

O.k. now here is the question that I have spent all night awake trying to find the answer to...You are at a party, you run out of paper plates, you say "Hey Rappie, can you get me a paper plate?", what does she bring you? A paper plate or a jack ass?

Anonymous said...

Sugnapea-- you are Fucking HIS.TER.I.CAL!

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

Anonymous said...

I believe a neighbor mediation is in the works.
Clearly these two animals can not co-exist without clear boundaries , like relocating the chicks, creating a large fully covered area to protect them. Talk with the neighbors, not about the one death, but about your concerns for their chickens (butter up even when you know they are a paper plate- it increases their likelihood of change. Love the story, Alex's response: priceless

Rebecca said...

Oh Tiff - you know Al - he IS priceless!!!

Good to see you out here and that you're laughing at what you're missing over here.

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.