Monday, June 19, 2006

Monday morning you sure looked fine...

Good morning ramblers! WOW! What a weekend...lots to talk about, so awaaaaaay we go.

First - Julie and Jimmer are back in they better be out here...none of this blah-blah-blah we were gone so we have a lot to catch up on nonsense.

Friday night - Owen's game...NOT good. Lost to the slaughter rule. That's never happened to us before. Owen is not hitting. The mighty Casey's bat is very cold. Struck out twice on Friday and 3 times at Saturday's game. I hope the Kev-head gets him out in the yard tonight to practice or tomorrow's game will be disastrous.

After the game some ladies came over for some cocktails. Hilariously good fun. Kids in the pool/hot tub at midnight. Good times. Discussions were all over the table. The bad part? The bug fest that was my house after the ladies left. See, when you have 6 kids, all running in and out to talk to us, play tag, generally be kids...the bugs that are "walking towards the light" just keep coming and coming and coming. The counter where I was mixing martinis? OMG - completely covered. I spent a solid 20 minutes after the ladies left just wiping dead bugs off my counters, stove, inside my sink...ewwwwwwwww. The pool table downstairs? Vaccummed it once, and you can't even tell. Seriously. That bad.

And now the moment you've all been waiting breeding.

Yes, I'm studding out King Krypton of the Crumerosa. Yeah, that's right, that's his name. I never said we were normal. Took Kryp over to his new girlfriend's (Maxie) house on Saturday morning. I didn't quite know how he would act, or what we would see. He's been humping on Joe so much I was worried I might have turned him prison gay. Maxie is in heat and I guess for dogs, that's the equivalent of being in your mid-30's sexual peak. She was all over my boy, who was really more interested in peeing on everything he could. Twice. Three times. She was jumping near him. Over him. Around him. Trying to mount HIM. Huh? (Is that her saying, "No, do it like THIS!") Yeah, I'll never understand dogs. Which I guess is kind of okay. Kryp tried to do his thing a couple of times but she would have no part in it. Today they seemed more on track when I dropped him off. He's got today and Wednesday to make this happen. I'll keep you posted.

Saturday's game was not good either. We didn't have enough players and Owen couldn't hit. I think we lost 11-4. Yikes.

I have more from the weekend, but I don't want this post to be eons long...I'll stretch it out into the week.

For now I must leave you with this: I'm going to Madonna and you're not. Most of you could care you I say...WHATEVER. I have loved this woman forever and it's going to be a GREAT show. Me and the to the United Center, for FREE. Kev-head scored some majorly good tickets from a vendor. YEAH baby!


Anonymous said...

I woud like to do a shout out to my baby girl who is 1 1/2 today!!!
I just can't get over the fact that I have a 1 1/2 year old.
Everyone say Happy Birthday Vivian.

Do you think Krypton is really ready to be at the Stud status? I mean it took Kevin like what 35 years? I love ya Kevin!!!

Rebecca said...

Hey, he's a 3 year old hunk, what can I say??

Beautiful Vivi - she was so adorable yesterday.

Raincouver said...

can't stand concerts (too many plebes), but Madonna still rocks. Have a great time!

Anonymous said...

Dress cool for the concert. Madonna has the air turned OFF for her concerts. The United Center gets pretty warm.

Anonymous said...

Ahh yes no air and Madonna, I can smell the stank now