Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold.

Otherwise known as: When you're a Jet you're a Jet all the way...

Yeah, that's right. I'm talking about gangs and territories and kids beating each other up.

So last night the phone rings and it's Owen's friend Roger. Love the Roger. He can be a little pouty and mouthy, but mostly he's a great kid and he and Owen get along really well. He's a little stouter than Owen (my Ethiopian famine victim) and is not afraid to throw down during their 'friendly' games of football. At Owen's party, Roger was accused of over-tackling little Noah during the game, which caused the kids to gang up on him during the water balloon fight, which caused Roger to cry and I had to take him inside to 'have a moment.' Oy.

So Roger and Owen have quite a curious conversation:
O: Did you talk to him? He came over?
O: Oh really? He said that?
O: You talked to him?
O: Okay, that sounds fine.
O: You need me to do what?
O: Oh, you want me to spend the night? Let me ask my mom.

Kevin and I hmm-n-haw about it and eventually say yes. I'm still cooking dinner at this time (yeah, it's 8:30...seriously)...and while I'm cooking Owen idles up beside me.

O: Mom, will it still be dark when I go to Roger's?
M: Yes, it's practically dark now.
O: Oh, because Roger wanted to go to the playground. (Roger lives near the school)
M: I don't think you'll be doing that. Roger (Roger's dad's name is Roger, too) is not going to let you do that.

Thinks about this for a minute.

O: know how Billy and Roger are mortal enemies.
M: I think I remember something about that.
O: Well Billy really hates Roger. He sent this 4th grader to Roger's house to get him to come to the playground. I think Billy wants to beat Roger up.
M: Oh really.
O: Yeah, Roger says he needs me for back up.

Ummm, what? Whodawa? What was that? You want to go to your friend's house, to spend the night, because he needs you for back up in some brawl in the playground?? Yeah, NO. So I'm trying not to freak out about this. I assure Owen that there's no way Big Roger is letting them go to the playground at night. And that it's not up to Owen to be Roger's backup, and if that's the only reason Roger wants him to come over, then he's not going. I'm kind of ranting, but not yelling...telling Owen that Roger has a choice here, he doesn't have to go. And Owen is trying to remember why it is that he told me any of this, as it's clearly upset me.

M: Hand me the phone.
O: (panicked) Why?
M: I'm calling Roger's dad.

Oh shit...the look on Owen's face was priceless. You could see it, he was mortified. I didn't care. We're friends with this family. They own the pizza place. They brought me pizza and cinnamon rolls at all hours of the day and night. I owe it to Roger to let him know what his son is scheming if, in fact, there is a scheme.

Bottom line, I call Roger and ask if there's any way these kids are going to the playground tonight. He assures me that no, there's no way in hell. I ask him if he knows the plan. He verifies that he does indeed know about the Billy threat. Says Roger told that 4th grader to pound sand. Well, maybe not that, exactly. But told him that he's not going to the playground. YAY Roger! Big Roger was sitting there when Roger told Owen the story, and it was he who piped in when Roger asked Owen to spend the night "Tell him you need him for backup, man." That part was meant to be a joke...that Owen didn't get. Roger and I laughed and I explained everything to Owen. I think he was relieved, deep down, my sweet-hearted child. I told him that Roger made a very good choice in not going, and that Owen made a very good choice in telling me what was up, even though it really wasn't up at all, and that fighting never solves anything anyway. He agreed, but told me "If anyone messes with my friends, I'm so backing them up."

Yes, you will, I'm sure...

So crisis gang wars were waged last night. I'm sure he and Owen played Dance Dance Revolution instead. Now that's more like it.


Anonymous said...

so 4th graders are planning brawls at the playground and 7th graders are already having sex......I want another child WHY exactly.....????

Rebecca said...

And a GIRL at that? I'm so done.

Anonymous said...

WHAT??? with the 7th grader???...oh hell never mind.

OWEN is a peach, peach, peach, so sweet and kind, I mean, when you love showing your butt off as much as he does, you can't possibly be a fighter.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, this is a man thing that you women will not understand. Whether it happens at a playground late at night or it happens at the baseball diamond, or it happens at school, it doesn't matter. At some point, it's going to happen. If this Billy kid or maybe Billy the Kid can get a 7th grader who would be willing to go to a 4th grader's house and make threaten(sp?) comments (rather than having sex with that time) it tells me that it's going to happen. In a perfect world it wouldn't, but, we all know that the world is full of mistakes, which is how we learns things, by learning from our mistakes...

Wow, I should get to work early like this more often...That's some of my best blog work...(patting myself on the back...)

Anonymous said...

Besides, Reb, you're like 40 and can't have kids any more....

Rebecca said...

MEAN! Jimmer...that was mean. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

HILARIOUS, Jimmer! totally high-fiving you!

Anonymous said...

Bek, you know I love you and that I was just kidding. You're only a couple of years older than me...

Rebecca said...

Big 3-0 this year for you Jimmer...