Thursday, June 22, 2006

What are YOU reading?

I'm about halfway through the book "Night" - written by holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel years ago, but has just recently been re-translated (he originally penned the book in Yiddish) by his wife and has been featured on Oprah.

I've started "The Year of Magical Thinking" by Joan Didion- which is also a book on death and dealing with death. I think. I'm not that far in to determine what the book is actually about.

And I'm reading "The Wedding" by Nicholas Sparks - which isn't about death. Phew! I was beginning to think I had a theme going.

I haven't finished any of them, but I can already tell that at 127 pages and subject matter that is so compelling I could (and probably will) weep - Night will be the first book I finish. Probably tonight. The imagery is shocking, but the book is well-written. Not feeling up to watching Schindler's List ever in my life, I'm surprised that I'm making my way through this book at all. I guess we'll see if I'm able to sleep tonight before I decide if this was a good idea. I tend to keep these kinds of tragic images with me for quite some time. I can't read most of what's in the paper any more. I just can't. I get depressed almost to the point of physical illness. I'm not sure what's wrong with me that makes me so empathetic or whatever that I simply can't let go of stories like this, or news stories about tragedy, or the "Sunday's Child" section of the paper. Is it my Catholic guilt that I'm not doing enough? Is it because secretly I would love to be in the peace corps or the red cross teaching English and providing medical care to underpriveleged children all over the world?

My boss just finished "America's Report Card" by John McNally...his friend since college and published author of several books/short stories. Scott is mentioned in the acknowledgements. I would like to start reading this as well. It's a funny horrible story about me and Mr. McNally. He was at Scott's wedding last year. My husband used to work with a man named Dan McNally. They were friends and I used to talk to him occasionally. So at Scott's reception, never having met his friend/author, I walk up and introduce myself saying "Aren't you Dan McNally" - and he has this look of horror on his face...and corrects me that his name is actually John. Oy. Open mouth and insert foot. I tried to defend myself that the mixup was because of my husband's co-worker, but the damage was done. Brilliant Rebecca, simply brilliant. And then Scott tells me later that John does not forgive or forget such things. Great. So now I'm the girl who has forever insulted him.

This is not the dumbest or most embarrassing thing I've ever done.
But it's close.


Anonymous said...

Just finished "Confederacy of Dunces." It was excellent. Laughed out loud many times. And I'm now working my way through "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" which a woman chose for our book club. But best book of the year for me was "Peace Like a River," written by a Minnesota Public Broadcast writer, Leif Enger, based on an ongoing story he'd tell his boys at bedtime. Absolutely marvelous. Very To Kill a Mockingbird-esque.

Anonymous said...

"The Lamb" what a hoot this one is, it is the scripture according to Jesus's childhood friend Biff. HIGHLY recommend this one.

Rebecca said...

OMG - I LOVED "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" - I must have read it 20 years ago. I should read that again. I'll have to look for the other two you mentioned. I hope to get these 3 books finished soon and I have "Live Bait" on tap as well - it's part of a murder/mystery/suspense series written by a mother-daughter team. I think the first one was Monkeewrench. I recommend them if you like that genre.

Rebecca said...

LOVED "The Lamb" - I highly recommend it as well.

Anonymous said...

As I'm reading "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" I keep thinking about "Angela's Ashes." Have you read that? Do they seem similar to you?

Rebecca said...

I haven't read "Angela's Ashes" - so I can't compare the two. But now I'll have to read that, too!

Anonymous said...

Read "Angela's Ashes" and the follow up "Tis". Liked them both. Amazing how quickly his eyes were cleared up in America - realistically and metaphorically. Read "The Secret Life of Bees" - loved it and highly recommended it. Read "The Girl in the Cage" - young adult book about the actual caging of Majorie Bruce, the daughter of Robert the Bruce, by Edward Longshanks to lure Robert out of hiding so he could defeat the Scottish. Didn't work. Robert the Bruce led the Scottish to freedom from England. Tried to read "Reading 'Lolita' in Teheran." Couldn't really get into it. Like a Russian novel with so many characters with strange sounding names I'd have to draw a chart to keep them straight, but Tiffany said it's powerful. Starting "Son of a Witch" the sequel to "Wicked" by Gregory Macguire. Then I want to read "Eragon" a fanciful favorite of the more reading prone sixth graders that I teach. About dragons and all. Gotta keep up with them.

Read "Night" a long time ago. Can you believe it's on the Indiana reading list for 6th to 8th graders?

I love summer vacation!

Rebecca said...

Joy - Alex loves the Eragon series...there are two so far I think? If you want the sequel, let me know...we have it. He read them a couple of years ago when they first came out. I think there's a movie coming...

I know that "Night" has been appearing on school reading lists all over. Are you surprised that it's on reading lists or surprised that it's on INDIANA reading lists?

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that it's at that level. Much better to wait until they can understand the effects of WWII and Hitler. Maybe eighth grade, but sixth is too young for a required reading. Maybe a very mature 6th grader like Alex was at that age, but not most of them.

Another great book if you like Chicago history is "The Devil in the White City." Can't remember the author's name, but it's based on a true story of a serial killer during the Chicago's World's Fair. Creepy and a lot of Chicago history and sites that we would recognize today.

Anonymous said...

Rappie.....I have both "Angela's Ashes" and "Tis". i'll pull them out for you to borrow. good books.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading Wicked right now. I had to find something to fill my empty heart as I wait for Harry to come back. Harry Potter to you who think he is not worth the time.
I have to say that Wicked is way more dark then I really expected. Mom would love to read the squeal when I am done. Also mom to have a copy of "The Devil in the White City?"
Everyone Joy's birthday is in 6 days!!!!!!

Rebecca said...

My whole family loves and reads the Potter books...big fan.

Glad I didn't read Wicked before I saw the musical...I heard it's pretty dark.

Anonymous said...

You lame-o's read too much. Get out and enjoy life. Go for a bike ride, a swim in the pool, or something rather than keeping yourself couped up in the house all Summer. If you are introverted, try writing your own story. (Mom Joy, I especially think you would write one hell of a story and have the time (Summer Vaction) to do it.) I just finished writing one of my own. "How to Get Liquored Up in 3 Hours." The research for this piece of Non-Fiction was intense...My point is, instead of sitting around reading other people's experiance and go out and make your own.

P.S. Sorry I've been out so much. I've missed the blog and all of the bloggers.

Anonymous said...

Does the above instruction apply to porn as well???

Anonymous said...

Who "reads" porn?

Conversly, if you want to right about your sexual escapades, please include pictures.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Eggo, I love you!

Rebecca said...

Jimmer - so glad to have you back - that response was hilarious.

"the research for this piece of non-fiction..." - BRILLIANT.

Anonymous said...

You may want to take a look at "Lessons From Joan: Living and Loving with Cancer, A Husband's Story" by Eric Kingson (Syracuse University Press, 2005).

See Syracuse University Press:
