I'm so glad you all enjoyed the cookie story. Because there's even more hilarity where that came from. From the same day. Seriously.
But to tell you that story, I, of course, have to tell you this one...
Tuesday during the day, I was determined I was going to find a bowling ball. I want my own ball, dammit! Is it so much to ask? Apparently so. But I digress. So I mention to Nick the programmer that I'm going out and he asks me if I'm going anywhere near Best Buy - yes...he asks if I'll pick him up a copy of "Nacho Libre" - apparently someone else in the office did and if you buy it now, you get this mask with it. Sure, no problem. Well this whole conversation takes place within earshot of the man in the corner office, who is now intrigued and would also like a copy. Fine. 2 copies of Nacho Libre with masks coming right up. Whatever.
I don't find a bowling ball, I find the movies, I pick up a box lunch from Heavenly Ham (LOVE!) and I'm back at the office. Brilliant. Except that I don't buy widescreen, don't think in widescreen and apparently the man ONLY thinks in widescreen versions. Whoops, my bad. I tell him that I'll exchange it, because I'm bound to be going that way again, as I'm determined to pick up a bowling ball.
So....I put the movie in my car, work until 3am (stop.singing.kathy.), drive home with my window down in the freezing cold looking like a drunk, sleep a couple of hours, get the window fixed, Owen comes home with cookies...you're all with me, right? Good. So I tell Owen to go get in the car with the cookies and I'll be right out.
I come out of my house, I'm walking through the garage, and there, in the car...is this:

Um, Owen, that mask isn't ours. Oh, it isn't? No...I was taking that movie in to exchange it for someone. Oh, sorry. Yeah, well, you didn't know. I guess we own it now. Cool, can we watch it tonight?
We get to Best Buy and they have the widescreen version with the mask, I go to work, give it to the man, all is well...and we hand out stolen Halloween cookies and fix phone system problems all day.
So now you understand why the cookie thing was even MORE hilarious for me when it was happening. That day was unbelievable. Seriously.
whoa! owen has a knack for this petty theft business. too funny.
Oh yeah! I know...all in the same friggin' day. I wish you could have seen him just sittin' in the car, playin' with the radio...wearing this mask. I almost crapped my pants.
OMG, that kid is a freaking hoot
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