Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The proverbial cookie jar...

I don't usually talk about current events much in my blog. Everything is so fucked up I don't even know where to begin.

So let's start with Foley - who got his hands caught in the cookie jar. Emailing and instant messaging pages, Mr. Foley? Are you serious? Who is this stupid? He might as well have showed up at one of the "sting" houses set up by Dateline or 20/20 or whoever is running those houses catching the pervs. And if the Republicans truly did know about this last fall, when it was happening and they sat on it...how stupid are they? We found out about Monica, kids, we were going to find out about this. Now a bunch of them look bad instead of one of them looking bad. Why are you covering for a perv soliciting underage youth?? How do you justify that in your political agenda? I just.don't.get.it. I fell asleep during the Colbert Report last night. Damn it! I bet it was good. I must start recording that.

3 school shootings in the past week is it? Or two weeks? And now Bush wants to have a conference on school violence. Really? A new war on terror in the schools? I'd like to see Bush up against the typical high school girl. He's better off in Iraq. I watched the Primetime special on mean teens or whatever it was. It's a whole new ball game. The IM's, the text messages, leading people on to think they're your friend and then slamming them down. I can remember when 3-way calling got big and some people would have a 3rd person listening on the line and try and get the other person to talk about them. It was cruel then, it's cruel now. Now kids have pills and guns and websites helping them kill themselves or other people. They have broken homes (and by broken homes I don't necessarily mean divorced, I mean their homes are BROKEN, not working, not functioning) and parents who are working too hard or playing too hard and not paying enough attention to them to figure out that they're in trouble. What in the fuck is going on? It's so scary....so scary to be the parent of a school age child right now. You raise them right, you give them goals and then they get taken out by some kid at school they had nothing to do with? Or they decide to go to Washington and better their resume and be a page and get sexually harassed by government officials who have been so closeted their whole lives because the religious right can't come to grips with the fact that we have separation of church and state in this country.

I tell my kids I love them every morning before I leave/drop them off. Every.morning. Even the 13-year-old who sometimes, even now, still says it back. Even when we're in front of the school, even though he sometimes sounds like he doesn't mean it. I think we all realize I'm an involved parent. Kevin and I both are. We only get one shot at this ... only one shot at them being 13 and 9. One shot at childhood, adolescence and their formative teen years. I have probably irrevocably fucked them up, but I keep getting back on that horse. Where is everyone else? Why do I feel like one of a handful of parents who are even still in the race? Why are you letting your child wear that to school? Why are you giving your 9-year-old a cell phone? WHO in the fuck do they have to call??? What have you done to your 13-year-old to make them so hateful that they have to needle someone else literally to death? And what the fuck is Dubya going to do to change that??

/end of rant.
Thank you for listening. I feel better now.


Anonymous said...

I understand 100% Reba. I'm more scared shitless that this is all what is going on now, what can I expect in 10 years when Viv is in Middle school. Kids are having sex earlier doing drugs and drinking earlier. I may end up being one of the strictist parents out of her group of friends and I have no problem with that. A lot of my friends got away with whatever they wanted. And now I am not saying I was chained to my bed but I had discipline and that is what a child/teenager needs.
There were 3 school shooting and a possible could have been in Vegas. What is it that people want to kill our youth? I say go to a strip bar and shoot them up. The world is only getting scarier and scarier and that is why we HAVE to be involved parents.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ, why is everything "Dubya's" fault? You mention church and state and the seperation of such but keep in mind there is also a seperation of the Federal Government and State's Rights. Furthermore, while I agree there are a lot of sick-os in this world, including Mr. Foley, keep in mind that most of children's attitudes do come from home.

Now, with that being said, people like YOU , Julie, Mike 3, Megan, Doug, Tiffany, Mom Joy, Big Mike, Nancy and (although I don't know most of you personally) probably everyone else that contributes to this blog should be commended as parents.

Finally, I would just like to add one thing. These things that are being done today; molesters, school shootings, murders and what not are all things that most of us will and should never understand. The minute you understand these things you become as sick as the ones that commit these haneous crimes.

Rebecca said...

I'm not saying it's Dubya's fault, Jimmer - I'm saying he's now saying he wants to be involved and I don't see how he's going to do anything valid.

I agree with you - what's sending these kids and ultimately these adults into fits of incomprehensible heinous acts is happening at home, so what the fuck is some "conference on school violence" that Dubya intends to have going to help anything? The people who will participate and ultimately respond are not the people who need the help. Everyone is going to look around and say "not my kid."

My point about separation of church and state and the Republican party is that they are overrun, overruled by the religious right governing their decision on what constitutes marriage and healthy relationships. A couple of years ago, two other senators were discovered having relationships with pages. Both pages were of legal age. One was a man with a man, another was a man with a female. The gay man basically said "I'm gay and I've been hiding it." He was re-elected. If more gay men, in government, in life, didn't feel it was necessary to hide it, and could pursue healthy, happy, open relationships...maybe there wouldn't be so much sexual tension in the world creating problems in school, in government - so much judging, so much ridicule. And that's being handed down to the children, right along with everything else.

And that, that IS Dubya's fault. Bringing an issue to the government that has no business being in the government, no business being on the agenda. If the Bible is your argument for passing an amendment - you better slow your roll.

I do think we should all be commended as parents. What's scary is that our kids our involved with people who are not. Good kids, innocent kids with involved parents were killed in Columbine. And there's nothing those parents could have done to stop it.

Anonymous said...

W's statagy is much like Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No Campaign", it's a bunch of bull crap, but it makes them feel as if they are addressing the problem and the idiot public (present company excluded) buys into it. Smoke screens and mirrors my friends.

Now, I can understand anger, I can understand alienation (sp?), I can understand a whole bunch of shit, but hey, take you fucking self out, leave everyone else out of it. It that is the way someone wants to handle their self loathing, fine, but I cannot understand why anyone would want to go into a school, McDonalds, their workplace, and start shooting, TAKE YOURSELF OUT AND ONLY YOURSELF, wtf.


I am not sure if the world is getting worse.

Anonymous said...

and as far as the Dateline: To Cath a Preditor. The guys that get caught constantly say they have seen the show, yet they still try to get with a minor, AGAIN WTF. I have tried to console myself by thinking perhaps this is more smoke and mirrors, that the producers of the show thought this would be a good way to disway preditors and that the show is fake and that the preditors are actors, but if it is real, again, I will say it, men are limited, and they think with their DICKS, though there are exceptions, not many.

Anonymous said...

oh, and sorry, that's Predator, my rant makes me type bad

Rebecca said...

It's also dissuade, not disway, Pea...but we all know what you mean.

The primetime special on mean teens was actually even more frightening for me than the "to catch a predator" series.

These kids were supposed to be "pretending" and "playing a role" - what we found out was that even pretending, even "going along with it" gets pretty personal pretty quick. It was heavy stuff.

Anonymous said...

I can't think staight, I'm all pissed off.

Rebecca said...

Me, too! Me, too! I need an attitude adjustment.

Anonymous said...

No Pea. Don't change it at all. "To CATH a preditor" is wonderful. Catheterize them or chop it off - it's all the same to me.

I actually thought you meant the error to be funny.

After the Amish school and the Bailey, Co, shootings it makes me all the more nervous about being a mom to a small adorable girl. The world is getting worse.