happy anniversary
HAA-ppy anniversary
(circa The Flinstones...)
It's been a YEAR...a full friggin year of blogging, folks...194 episodes of pure, unadulterated nonsense. I've lasted more than most sit-coms. We've pretty much covered every topic, haven't we? Booze, shoes, kids, crazy parents, husbands, vacations, booze, food, music, movies, swearing, booze, current events...
It's been quite a year, looking back. I like having this blog around, it helps me remember what the heck I've been up to.
It's also JBrave's husband's birthday. He doesn't ever come out here, not even to lurk...but I have to acknowledge the guy's birthday anyway because he's Julie's hubby and I've known him for what? 25 years? That deserves a little shout out, I guess. So happy birthday to Chris!
Now on to more important topics...no time to revel in the anniversariness of the day.
My husband, well, he's upgrading...trading in on a newer model. Not ME you sillies...the bike...the Harley. Yeah, I've had this blog longer than he's had that bike, but it's time for bigger and apparently better. Meet the new little woman. She's a 2007 Harley Davidson Road King Classic. (insert Tim Allen man-noises here)

My complaint about this bike? There is no graceful way to get on the sucker. I tried. In the showroom. In front of people. It wasn't pretty. I almost fell. It's like mounting a friggin' horse, it's so big. (That's what SHE said...chick-chick-boom! mra3=dork) So I have a vision in my head of me trying to climb on this bad boy at some bike event and looking even more like an idiot than I already do at these things. All the real biker chicks will be pointing and laughing at the newbie. Wouldn't be the first time.
Wanna hear a joke as told by the Pastor at Alex's confirmation class last night?
How do you make Holy Water?
You boil the hell out of it.
Thank you - thank you - I'll be here all week, try the veal.
Well, it's been a great year - anxious to see what happens THIS year. With the hubby managing Owen's baseball team, wine tastings, fabulous beach vacation the sequel and Alex starting high school...it's sure to be a doozy.
Time does fly when your having fun!!! I can not believe it has been a whole year!!
Keep up the good work Reba.
Great job, Rebecca. Hopefully you saw my shout out to you and your blog yesterday on Steve C.'s blog.
Thanks eggo...
And yes! Eileen - I did see your shout out... :)
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