And so little time. As you might have guessed from my lack of posting, I was busy as a bee last week. So glad THAT's over. Phew! Working at work? Whodathunk? This week isn't looking any better actually, but I thought I would take a minute and introduce you to...
my family.
Ah yes...the family portrait. I had the first one...FIRST ONE taken for the church directory this year. I was very excited about it. And here it is...

Doesn't it look sweet? Isn't it nice. I mean, it's not the best...but it'll do. Jen says I look too fake. She CLEARLY doesn't understand how much I hate myself in pictures...that's a good smile for me. My eyes are open. The boys have their hair cut now, so they don't even look like that anymore.'! What? What's that? Oh won't do. Because I'm not showing you the whole picture. On purpose. You see...if I show you the whole picture, you'll laugh. If I show you the whole goes...

Ummmmm, yeah...that would be my husband's hand ON MY ASS in the church directory photo. Seriously? Seriously...did they pose all the families this way?? And my hands, ugh, my hands...all pudgy and dry and folded in my lap. Ew. And you can see that strange little bench we were straddling. But mostly, my husband's hand is on my ass in the church pic. Great. It just looks weird, the way he's sitting, and wholly unnatural. Oy vay.
I'd also like to take just one minute and bitch about my brackets. I was fine. FINE until the Longhorns decided to act like they've never played basketball before wasting the brilliance of Durant who should go pro next year. I picked 12 of the Sweet 16, which is good, I guess. And congrats to Scottish, the Salukis are once again in the dance...
Friggin Longhorns.
I think you should do a family picture when Kev Head gets the new bike!!!
They should crop the picture like you did. If not for the hands for the fact you can see the bench.
Kevin looks really geeky. lol
This is hilarious! And it's not like he's just resting it there. He's really grabbing it.
We have the bike, Eggo - it is in the garage as we speak waiting for the weather to get nice.
Eileen - I had such high hopes for this picture - the first REAL family photo. And then I pick it up - and see the hand, and I wanted to DIE.
Kevin does not know how to smile in pictures. ugh.
Except for Kevin's hand on your ass, which is hilarious, I think it turned out pretty good.
Where is his other hand???
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