Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Cheer up sleepy jean...

So once again, I've tried to blog several times to no avail. In the wake of this national tragedy, I'm finding it difficult to find the funny. This is becoming like 9.11 to me, where the intense, never-ending media blitz is engulfing me, depressing about you? I just can't imagine! And the news that someone was actually concerned - granted, this was 2 years ago - but concerned about him enough to alert the police? That's some seriously scary stuff he must have written. So what happens now?

On a much lighter note - acupuncture today, kids. I'm very excited to go see Minna again. I haven't taken ibuprofen in 2 weeks. TWO WEEKS. That's HUGE for me.

AND I'm ... sing it with me now... all by myself....all by MYSELF....the young Kathy has left the building. Tomorrow morning at this time we will have a new edition to our blogging family. A baby girl - who's name is....yeah, I have no idea. Kathy has beaten this horse to death, pardon the reference, my horse-loving baby-having friend. I've stopped asking "does she have a name" and started asking "what's the frontrunner today?" I don't think she'll know what to name her until she sees her. I have a feeling she'll come to some conclusion in the morning and then change it again once she's born. It happened to her. She was supposed to be...wait for it...a REBECCA. Yeah, that's right. A Rebecca. hahahaha. And at the last minute she became a Katherine.

Also worth mentioning...we're halfway through chemo with Carol now. Hi Carol! "Chemo with Carol" sounds like a bad talk show on discovery health. She's bald as a baby but doing okay. Carol, my mom and I talk frequently and are frequently relaying information back and forth between each other. On Monday, Carol was telling me that my 90-year-old Grandma is having trouble with her balance and keeps falling. My uncle wants her to start using a cane. She won't. So I relay this information to my mother.
"Hey mom - you might want to talk to Carol, Grandma keeps falling all the time."
"She keeps falling? Why is she falling??"
"I don't know? Because she's 90? Talk to Carol."

Fast forward to yesterday. I get an email from my mom. She's emailing Carol to see what's going on with Grandma. She wants to know why grandma is crying so much.

Last night I talk to Carol again and she asks me about the crying. I have no idea. "She's not crying when I talk to her...she must be crying with my mom." Carol and I have at least a 10 minute conversation about how grandma must be more worried about Carol than we think and blah-blah-blah-discussion-cakes. Carol says she'll talk to Grandma.

Now I talk to my mom. I tell her that I talked to Carol. We don't understand the crying.
"Does she cry every time she talks to you?" I ask
"She's not crying with me" says mom
"Then why are you asking about crying??"
"Because of what you said the other day!"
"What did I say the other day?? I never said she was crying!"
"Rebecca, you told me that Carol told you that grandma was bawling all the time."

OH MY GOD. I didn't say BAWLING, I said FALLING. I said she's FALLING all the time - as in losing her balance because she's 90 friggin years old!!!

At this point my mom and I lose it. For the love, are you kidding me?? Laughing my ass off. Here we're all getting all concerned about grandma because she's crying all the time - and it's not even friggin' happening. Carol and I have now decided that all important information must be in email form only. I'm glad I didn't call my grandma on this one. Can you imagine? The conversation with an already forgetful 90-year-old about her crying and being upset when she's not? THAT would go over well.



Anonymous said...

I do not think this is anything like 9/11. I'm sorry but I feel that is an inappropriate reference. I understand where you are coming with the media and all but I just feel they are in two different ball parks. One issue is in Yankee Stadium and the other is in PetCo Park (San Diego). They are both tragic but one delt with National Security and a threat to our country and the other is an isolated incidence.

On another note, where is everyone getting the "Wait for it" reference. It's killing me. If it were Killing Me Softly it would be ok, but it's not.


Rebecca said...

Jimmer - I am in no way saying that these incidents are related in the level of their tragedy, but to say that this is an "isolated incident" after things like Columbine and other school violence issues is just nonsense. It's not isolated. It could happen anywhere, anytime. This, in fact, is scarier to me in that I don't foresee a terrorist taking out my building anytime soon. But I can absolutely imagine some depressed tortured child walking into either of my son's schools and shooting up the place.

Julie and I were talking this morning about how the media blitz on events like this and 9/11 adds to the anxiety of a nation that tops the world in anxiety-ridden afflictions.

They are absolutely related in the sense that the constant media focus and media attention to the tragedy is scary and alarming and depressing and upsetting. I have to stop watching, stop reading, stop listening. It's too much. It upsets me.

Anonymous said...

I love Grandparent stories. I can't talk. Josh is here now.

Anonymous said...

Boooooo Josh.

Hurray Beer!


Rebecca said...

Jimmer, I LOVED your response to the previous post! I would have packed up the dog and stayed in Chesterton!!

Anonymous said...

I personally love the "Wait for it" reference. I steal all of my best sayings from this blog and hijack them into my articles and will share all of my profits when I write a book.

Just as soon as I write a book.

The news got to me last night too, had to turn it off and watch a Seinfeld re-run before heading the bed. Scary world.

Carol said...

The media has depressed me with their coverage. I just can't watch it anymore. Why are these kids with guns in school continuing to go undetected?

Grandparent stories are so funny - I love them. And in my family's case, it's even funnier.

Thanks for everyone's support during my chemo. Just three to go.

Rebecca said...

I'm not sure where your increased use of wait for it is coming from, Jimmer. I haven't used it on the blog since November...I just checked. I know I use it conversationally all the time. And because you mentioned it in an email, I just HAD to put it in today's blog. :) I guess I'm just evil that way.

Eileen - I love that you take the insanity of the blog and perpetuate it further into the universe. Can't we arrange for you to attend some conference in Chicago??? I swear if you get your ass out here I will organize the biggest blog bonanza ever. And if you wait until after July, Tigger will be back in form. :)

Tigger? Tigger? Where for are thou Tigger? She's become a silent partner in this friggin' ordeal. As has the pea. *tear*

Anonymous said...

Wait for it...

Chick Chick BOOM!!!!

Anonymous said...

Chicago this summer? Unless Ragan pays for me to come for the Editor's Boot Camp in August (anyone? anyone?) it's a no-go because the Burmeisters are putting in new windows and ripping up carpets and re-doing our hardwood floors throughout our old house. That's our idea of vacation. Woohoo!

I know I started this blog after everyone else, but I have no idea what Chick Chick Boom means.

Rebecca said...

Oh Eileen - kathy just asked me about this as well.

I could explain it here. But I should probably make it an actual blog entry for the others who don't know. It actually has NOTHING to do with the blog, and everything to do with the eldest sibling of meg, jul and jimmer.

That will be tomorrow's entry.

Actually I should have Jim write it up, as I wasn't even THERE when it happened...was I???

Anonymous said...

WHAAAAAAT? Megan Julie and Jimmer are siblings??? I feel like I don't know any of you anymore!

(All irony intended.)

Rebecca said...

Oh yeah, Eileen - it's a family affair. :)

Anonymous said...

Pea has not been absent from the blog, you just choooose to ignore me. I really have nothing to contribute regarding the events at VTech. I have not read, nor watched any coverage of it, not by choice, just by chance.

But, I do have a funny grandparent story. We asked Gpa to go out to eat at Miller's Home Cafe (New Carlisle) and he said "yeah", now we are heading to New Carlisle on Sunday, and he thinks we are going to Miller Beach Cafe in when we hit route 6 and 2 in Westville, he finally speaks up and says "Aren't we taking the long way?"

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and a big shout out to Autie Carol....HEY :)

Rebecca said...

Ignore the pea? NEVER...I love the pea. I miss the pea. What is the pea doing tomorrow at lunch time?

Mani/pedi ????

Anonymous said...

ahhhh, that would be nice, however, pea is eating a peanut butter sandwich on the 1/2 hour lunch break whilst working in the Schererville, and besides, my pedi bff would kick my assssssss if I scheduled a pedi w/o her so it wuld haftabe a mani, and, well, I am ashamed of my nails right now...blah blah blah blah, no wonder yous ignore me


Miss you guys and am looking forward to seeing you all sometime soon

Anonymous said...

Hey Eileen, guess what?

Wait for it...Wait for it.

Joy is our mother as well.

Rebecca said...

Oh yeah - that's true, too - it really is such a family affair out here.