So I know - I suck. I'm a bad, bad blogger. You can't give me any more guilt than I've already given myself. I used to be Catholic for cripes sake.
I've started two different posts this week, but there was a problem. They were horrible. They weren't funny, they lacked anything interesting. Some would argue that most of my posts are that way and I've still managed to keep the the blog going for over a year. (chick-chick-boom! mra3=dork [that was for you katmat])
It's Friday the 13th, kiddies. *insert scary movie music here* Julie's birthday is on the 13th, so every now and again her birthday falls on a Friday the 13th *insert tinkling piano AND scary movie music here*. One year, and I think it was actually her 13th birthday *insert dramatic duhn-duhn-duhn music here* we rented every Jason movie there was and had a slumber party. Back then I was tough. Back then I could handle the blood-n-guts scary movies. Oh who am I kidding...Julie's brothers had to walk me halfway home for YEARS. Still do. I'm a huge scared-of-the-dark-frady-cat sissy. *insert canned laughter here...and pointing*
I can no longer watch scary movies. They freak me out. In fact, I'll share my neuroses a little further. Most of you already know this, but I really do believe that there are "killers" that follow me and are just waiting for me to be
a) alone in the dark outside
b) locking the basement door when it's late and therefore dark outside
c) getting something out of my car in the garage when it's late and dark.
And these aren't The Killers, mind you - because that would be awesome. (I want a lunchbox with Brandon Flowers pictures on it. I love you Brandon, call me.) Yes, I have their button on my jean jacket. Don't you judge me! Have you seen him? He's dreamy cute and I love their songs and oh my, it's John Taylor from Duran Duran all over again. I'm sick, I know. Shut up.
Back to the OTHER killers...lowercase k...they live somewhere around my barn, I think. I'm not sure, I've never actually seen them. They're sneaky. And I just know that if...well, let's say that I do "a)" and go outside when it's dark and scary all by myself. They are going to stalk me in the shadows, possibly whispering, wait until I'm totally freaking out with the hairs raised on the back of my neck, and then jump out of the darkness and mutilate me and put me in my trunk. Actually, that's the way all 3 scenarios end. And the death is long and torturous and drawn out. I'm not even sure if they're men or women, but they're out there. And they follow me. Like not only can I absolutely NOT go outside in the dark in MY house, I also cannot go outside in the dark at YOUR house. Not by myself anyway. Not going to happen, not unless you want me dripping my blood out of my trunk and onto your driveway. Do you want that? Do you???
I've been close to death a couple of times now. I've actually teased the killers and gone outside in the dark by myself and gotten to the hairs raised on the back of my neck part, which is after the the stalking and whispering part! Close calls - because we all know what comes next! The jumping out of the darkness and mutilating me part. Luckily I escaped by running back to the house screaming. That's how you scare them off. That's a free tip from me to you if ever you're confronted by the killers in the dark.
So happy Friday the 13th everyone. Snuggle under a blanket and watch a good romantic comedy tonight. Forget that scary stuff - it's overrated. Besides, you can come to my house anytime you want and hang out with REAL killers. Geesh.
*ETA: Click on the Eileen link to see her latest entry in her local paper. She blames ME for her Idol addiction. The nerve! You can't blame someone else for your own lack of willpower, Eileen. It's time you took responsibility for YOU.
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o.k. now some helpful information on the killers...they do hang out for you at the rest stop on route 65...waiting for you to come home from drinks with the pea and tigger and what not...BUT, the good news is, if you don't stop, they won't get you.
Now on the topic of scary movies...EVERYONE WHO READS THIS BLOG MUST, I SAY MUST, I MEAN REALLY MUST GO SEE Grindhouse...Big R and I went last night to the 9:45 show because neither of us had to get up early(like some who work in offices) and we got out of the show at 1:15...I tell you it was worth every minute...I was clapping and hooting at the end for the 2nd movie, and totally freaked from the first (we where a total of 4 in the theater, so I could hoot)...I do imagine that if one could see it a a drive in it would be that much more fun...SO DO IT, take the killers to go see Grindhouse
And my kids laugh at me for driving down the driveway to get the mail and paper at night!! I'm just skiddish about the unseen racoon, deer, or God forbid, skunk!
Yes, we had Julie's 13th birthday on a Friday the 13, in July, 23 years ago! And I stupidly let her have 12 girlfriends for a sleepover so that with Julie there was 13. Even more stupidly I let them have a water balloon fight - outside of course, it was July. What I didn't count on was everyone wanting to take a shower and wash their hair afterwards! Mothers of daughters - beware! Limit the number of friends your daughters have stay over to 3!
Finally! Thank goodness I don't have to look at those hickies on your back. Cupping my a--! We know what those were.
And you are the sole evil power behind my ever watching American Idol...I'm pointing at you. My devolution in the arena of pop culture stems from this very blog.
Hope you can sleep at night. Especially tonight being the 13th and all. Oh, I think you left something in your car...
Ouch JBrave, moms just busted out your age!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for noticing my AGE pea. Safe to say OLD. OLD. Yes, Old. I actually asked myself if I would like the sit-com '30-something' now that I'm 30-something.
More on me...
This year my birthday is on Friday the 13th! My glorious 36th birthday (insert end of happy birthday song followed immediately by music from shower scene in Psycho) and we're doing Relay for Life... as soon as I get the donation site set up, I'll let you all know so you can go and pledge to my cause.
I know those killers. When I was the nanny for Rebecca's boys (she was off honeymooning) I could defiantly feel their presence. I had a hard time sleeping because I kept thinking anyone could shoot me from the road (with the proper long-range gun…. Like a sharpshooter) and nobody would know. Until, of course, one of the boys found me, in a blood bath on their parent’s bed. Agh. That would cause them to be in therapy for, like, ever.
But that didn’t happen. I especially loved it when the dogs would bark at like, 2am. For what would seem like no reason. Ugh. Must have been the killers rustling up some chow.
Did you guys ever find Barney’s body? (Dog that disappeared)
Anyway. Friday the 13th is a lucky day. One to celebrate. One to buy lotto tickets on. One to have 13 toasts with 13 friends. ENJOY…… lucky 13.
Joy - I totally didn't even remember the water balloon fight or the showering. Huh.
Eileen - Oh sure - first it's AI, now I'm in control of your pop culture exposure and devolution of your character?!?! My poor blog is buckling under the pressure. I can't take it anymore!!!! Oh wait - that's not true. One of the main purposes of my blog is to devolutionize everyone right down to my level. It's working! Hip hip hooray! (world domination almost complete!)
Julie - you're hilarious, btw.
You still haven't addressed the hickeys, which makes them all the more real in my mind.
Alright...I'll take the credit for my own devolution (I like how that word has DEVO in it - Yay for '80s music).
This weekend if my first column in the actual newspaper (not just the online blog) ever. I can't wait.
Please, please send a hard copy to me snail mail??? How exciting! Go Eileen!
(and great pickup on the devo thing! 80's music forever!!!)
hickeys? what hickeys? You can't prove a thing.
Of course I will. I know it's a small town and a small paper, but this has always been a dream of mine since I first read Erma Bombeck's stuff in the '70s from my mom's book shelf. It's pretty exciting.
Ok, you want a story about Killers, I'll give you one. Last Thanksgiving my girlfriend was dog sitting in...Wait for it GARY!!! I was like, are you nuts? Well, her friend was on her honeymoon so she needed a hand. Well, being the man that I am, I had to go stay with her...One night we heard gun shots. (This is the Black Oaks section mind you) But the worst night was when the Rotweiler just stood there facing the front door at 3am growling. It lasted for 30 minutes and I wet myself 3 times. Ok, not really but I did have a baseball bat in my hands...Those my friends, are Real KILLERS.
Eileen, where did you pick up the "wait for it" reference from? I've been saying it for weeks, maybe months, and can't figure out where I picked it up from.
P.S. I used to think Rebecca's dad was a killer too. At least, a kidnapper anyhow.
I actually think I got it from Rebecca, no? Not sure...
Ah yes - the infamous Jimmer in the trunk story. I love that it's lasted this long.
Why did my dad tell you he was going to put you in the trunk, Jimmer??? Were you being annoying or was he just *trying* to be funny?
Jim was afraid of my dad for YEARS because of this. Still is.
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