Thursday, April 19, 2007

It's a family affair....

And we have a brand new shiny member of our blogging family to welcome today!!! Happy birthday in the truest sense to Paige Renee - born this morning to the young Kathy and her husband, Eric. Paige is 8 lbs, 20 1/2 inches long, has a head full of newborn hair, perfect skin, new baby smell and is, of course, beautiful. She is, after all, my illegitimate love child.

Phew! I'm so glad THAT'S over and this baby finally has a name.

On to less important matters...

Dear sweet blogging family that I love - I leave this weekend for the DC know - the trip I never got to take in my youth. As long as I have wi-fi, I will be blogging from our nation's capitol. We've been given very strict instructions on how we, as adults, are expected to behave as chaperones. Alex's teacher was VERY specific about reminding us that this is NOT a vacation, this is a FIELD TRIP. So that means we have to worry about school rules and image and shit like that. I guess since this isn't a vacation, I don't get to start the morning with a bloody mary, move into marguaritas for lunch and end with dirty other words, I can't act like EVERY MEMBER OF CONGRESS. HA! That was funny right there, I don't care who you are.

Seriously - I can't drink...I can't wear shirts with spaghetti straps or short shorts or ripped jeans or flip flops. Ummmmm...why am I going on this fucking trip? Actually the only part that concerns me is the flip flop thing. Those of you that know me know that the sisters prevent any spaghetti strap action from EVER happening in this lifetime, and I don't even wear regular shorts let alone some flippin' daisy dukes. And I can, if necessary, keep myself off the hooch. But really? REALLY? Stick me with 8th graders all day and you don't think I need a glass of red before bed?? What about my New Year's resolution??? Anyway, she doesn't actually care if we wear flip-flops - only when we're going to the White House, but we'll be doing SO much walking that it's probably not a good idea. Bugger. They're easier to pack.

She also said that no one needs to try and stand out and be "the fun parent." "We're all fun" she said. Ummmmm,'re not, actually. Some of these people wouldn't know fun if I showed them a map on how to get there. She was specifically referring to a dad a few years back who rented movies in the hotel room every night of their stay and kept the kids up until 2am. Okay, that's not my idea of fun...lack of sleep? Notsomuch. Lack of sleep for 8th graders? Definitely not a good time. I am an avid supporter of sleep...ask my scouts who HATE me when I make them go in the tents when other boys are still up and being rowdy.

I plan on bringing games with me. I plan on bringing Uno and Blink and Yahtzee and cards. I was even thinking about bringing my Texas Hold Em set and letting them bet with Cheetos. I'm bringing along every skit I've ever done with Scouts. I was thinking about picking up some foam visors like we did on fabulous beach vacation. If I got one for each kid it would cost me a whopping $6. We're going to have some down-time and I like my teenagers AMUSED! That's okay, right? Dontcha think? As long as I enforce proper bed times?? I don't think I know how NOT to be the fun mom. Julie would do the same thing...I know she would.


Anonymous said...

I would bring games, and maybe even little zip lock baggy treat bags. I'm not so sure Texas Hold'em is a good idea. If they are that strict, gambling is probably not a good idea. Lots of people lump that in the Booze, Drugs, Gambling, and Sex category.

Remember the time you wore a swimsuit to the POOL at boy scouts camp and that father heckled you for the next two days? That guy was a serk.

You should bring spoons too. You can play that with your cards. Plastic spoons will work. And for extra fun, play with the lights out and candles burning. That’s what we used to do growing up. My Mom had us trained like Pavlov’s dog. The power would go out and we would all yell, “SPOONS!” And consequently, the only time we played the came was when the power went out. SPOONS! (

We never ever had that version. We always used spoons from the silverware drawer.

Other good games: Miles Born (,
Pit (,
Spit, and Speed. Of course you could get these kids off to the right start (they will be in high school next year) and teach them euchre.

Anyways, what’s everyone’s favorite game?

Rebecca said...

SPOONS!! Absolutely must bring some spoons. Brilliant. And I already have pit.

You're links are cutting off, Jul, so I can't get the whole thing to make into real links..

Anonymous said...

Favorite game? I learned Nerts once I moved west of the Mississippi (yes, I had to sing that song in my head to type that state). Has anyone played Nerts before? No one, and I mean No - won (see the girl in Anchorman saying "An-ee-thing") knows a speck about Euchre out here, bloody westerners.

Rebecca said...

I don't know what Nerts is!! No euchre?? What kind of fascist place are you living in???

Anonymous said...

Well, according to Stephen Colbert Oregon is "California's Canada." You can come visit and judge for yourself... :)

Anonymous said...

I'm going to take Stephen Colbert for his word about Oregon.

I don't think you're going to have to worry about entertaining these kids. First of all, you're (they) gonna be tired. Secondly, isn't there a pool in the hotel? That was fun when I was in 8th grade.

One thing to keep in mind, don't let the kids give to the beggers...I got into trouble for that when I was in 8th grade...Mrs. Watson...Bitch.

Julie, what's a serk?

Anonymous said...

Fear not, Rebecca, I'll drink enough wine for the two of us while you're gone. Yes, it's a sacrifice but one I'm willing to make just for you.

You'll enjoy DC. I've been there a few times and still haven't seen it all. I think I'm due for another trip. Take pictures and tell us lots of stories, OK?

Rebecca said...

Colleen - I thank you. I feel better already just knowing that you're taking care of that end of things.

Pictures and stories are sure to follow. Me on a trip with a bunch of 8th graders? Yeah - I think there will be some stories.

Anonymous said...

Wow I remember the 8th grade trip to DC. Do they still tape the door shut from the outside so they know if you opened the door after curfew?
I really don't remember doing much back at the hotel. The days were packed with sight seeing.