Tuesday, May 01, 2007


26 hours.

26 HOURS. That's how long I've been without my favorite vice. My favorite mistake. My good friend and long time companion. The man in the silver can...Diet Coke. First ibuprofen, now this?? What's the world coming to?

I'm 4 weeks off ibuprofen, by the way. Thank you, thank you. Hard to believe considering I was swallowing those puppies down like a chronic halitosis sufferer on tic-tacs.

This is the turning point, people. I am a beaten woman. My 35+ years have caught up to me. I am now, officially, soft in the middle. Real soft. Charmin soft. Recent pictures of myself brought to mind an episode of Friends with Monica in her "fat years" and she said "the camera adds ten pounds!" and Chandler responded "How many cameras are on you?" (chick-chick-boom! mra3=dork)

Fixing my shoulder is the first step. It seems to be well in hand. Must call about acupuncture appt. this week.

Quitting diet coke is another. First, it's not really diet. There are studies that show it actually makes women heavier in their midsection and thighs. Ummmm, check and check. Plus the aspertame? I might as well drink rat poison every day. And after the shakes and the shimmies and the vibrations and the twitching all leading into every neurological test known to man - it's time to break up. Jul & Suz are on the bandwagon with me, and we've all shared this addiction for 20 years or more now. I feel like an alcoholic, I'm really just taking this one day at a time.

So here I sit, with my water, and my salad having just finished a yogurt with flax seed. OMG. I sound like a damn tree hugger.

And for those of you who are about to light up the comments section of this blog with "What are you thinking? You look fine. You're exaggerating" type bullshit? Save it. SAVE IT. Pants that fit me last year no longer fit. Shirts that fit me last year? The muffin top spilling over the pants that no longer fit me is bulging beyond belief. I'm not in this to lose a ton of weight, but being more fit is a good goal.

I'm starting a women's health group with my walking club. I need support. And not just in my bras. I'll keep you posted on my progress. I'm keeping the wine addiction. It's all I have left.


Anonymous said...

Just be sure that your walking club doesn't kick you out...chick, chuck, boom I am a dork...if they do, come to me sweetie, I will hold you

You can and will do it

Rebecca said...

My walking club loves me. We are uniting against "Hello Betty" arms and muffin tops.

Anonymous said...

I thought my "walking club" loved me, until they kicked me out...o.k. now I have to admit my stupidity, what are "Hello Betty" arms, well, I guess I know what they are, but where did that name come from?

Rebecca said...

You're walking club was MEAN, though...and not really committed to the cause.

You can come and be in my walking club any time you want, pea.

Anonymous said...

You're killing me here. K-I-L-L-I-N-G me! I can't even go to the blogosphere anymore and drink my third 32 oz. Diet Pepsi of the day in peace.

Is nothing sacred or "off limits" anymore on this blog?

Then again...was it ever?

Anonymous said...

If a walking club involves me in a chase lounge being pulled by crazed ex-diet coke drinkers, as I eat a whole fried chicken, Sign me up!! Is there such thing as "Ugly Betty Toe"?

Rebecca said...

I don't know where "Hello Betty" arms got their name...I just know it's what you call your flabby arms as you wave "Hello Betty" and they just.keep.waving.

Eileen - tsk.tsk. Of course nothing is off limits here. NOTHING.

Roughly 43 hours Diet Coke free. This morning I woke up and felt like I have a hangover. I still do feel that way, my head is a mess. I only had one glass of white last night - so it can't possibly be a real hangover.

And D - the vision of me and my girls pulling you in some sort of rickshaw whilst you dine on KFC - brilliant...never gonna happen, but funny nonetheless. Are you wearing a crown of grape leaves and a toga? That makes it funnier for me. Or red velvet with one of those poofy white things around your neck a la King George era? Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

Why exactly are you kicking the Diet Coke habit?

Rebecca said...

Well, knowing several people *almost* diagnosed with severe neurological and/or autoimmune disorders, only to find out they were suffering from aspertame poisoning, I think it's time. I have a loved one potentially being diagnosed with MS, but since that's so easily misdiagnosed, I think quitting aspertame is a great way to find out for sure. She's doing it, so we (me & Julie) are, too, in our show of support and fear for our own health.

Aspartame may trigger, mimic, or cause the following illnesses:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Post-Polio Syndrome
Lyme Disease
Grave’s Disease
Meniere’s Disease
Alzheimer’s Disease
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Mercury sensitivity from Amalgam fillings
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

I have, over the last 5 years, been tested extensively for
and Chronic Fatigue
It's also known to cause chronic headaches and contribute to migraines. check and check.

I have been poked, prodded, magnetically resonated, scanned, x-rayed. Either I'm a head case or I need to change something. With the denial of my being a head case in full swing, I'm choosing to change something.

I also know of 2 other people who were misdiagnosed with MS due to diet pop consumption. (one of whom being my sister-in-law, who they were saying had MS. she got off the juice and every single symptom went away, so no, I didn't get this from some email forward) My sister-in-law told me to get off the stuff, but the denial and my apparent invincibility kept me from doing it then. While attempting to get in shape and rid my bod of mysterious "metabolic byproducts" - this is one of the steps.

Hey Tig - aren't you glad you asked?? :) Miss your pregnant lopsided belly and I just saw you on Monday!

Anonymous said...

Miss you too.....And I am glad I asked, although from your response, it looks as if you were DYING to get that off your chest :)

And exactly how many were you consuming??

I'm a one a day girl, should I be concerned??

Eileen, you kill me with the three 32 ouncers!! Ha! :)

Anonymous said...

Tigger: Sadly that's on a good day. ON a bad day, apparently I'm in line for M.S./stroke/or palsy.

Rebecca said...

Tig - I actually pulled that from emails that were going back and forth when Julie and I decided to get off the juice. I was consuming anywhere from 2-6 per day, depending on the day and the availability of my own personal crack habit.

I think as with all things, moderation is the key, as is your own body's reaction. So if you've had no apparent side effects, you're probably fine. Clearly my body hasn't been happy for quite some time, and I'm choosing now to try and change that as I enter this "my body is a temple" mid-life crisis. :)

Eileen - don't let me scare you or guilt you - heaven knows I didn't quit the first time I heard about the dangers of aspertame. But as my BBFF, I'm putting it out there to you for consideration and you have a support group if you do decide to give it up.

Carol said...

According to all this information, I have only this to say - It's a good thing I've never been a fan of Diet Coke. I may have to throw out the Diet Coke stash in my garage that I offer to friends and family.

Kathy said...

WTF? How am I supposed to steal slugs of diet coke from you now? What about MY habit?

Selfish...that's what you are.