Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Heartbreak hotel...

Well - our baseball season is officially over. And I can say that I'm only partially glad to see it go. Well, mostly glad. The boys have been subjected to a slaughter fest, and they are not the slaughterers...they are the slaughterees (did I just make up words? I think so....). It's pitiful. And horrible. And not much fun.

But alas - I have my life back. At least until football starts when we return from fabulous beach vacation, the sequel. 19 days. 19 days until I'm sitting on the beach with drinks in hand. 19 days until I get to go to wineries any day I want. 19 days until I get to spend time with all sorts of family and friends.

The countdown begins.


Anonymous said...

Well, that's too bad. It sounds like everyone had a good season though. I'm curious though, what was the score?

Are you sure it's not 20 days till vacation?

Eileen B. said...

Well while you're off lounging by the pool, we just started classic soccer practice yesterday. Three practices a week until the season starts Sept. 1. Craig said, "I thought this was FALL soccer. What the heck?"

Then the traveling begins, mostly in the Portland area, a good three hours from here. I'm strapping myself in for this new stage in our lives.

Anonymous said...

Oh I can't wait for your beach vacation, living thru you my sweet

Rebecca said...

No, today's the 10th, I leave on the 29th...that's 19 days...unless my math skills are waning with age.

Fall soccer - ew. Actually - Alex just had his first workout with his high school team. We're practicing 3 times per week, as well. But that will not keep me from the beach. Football conditioning is supposed to start August 1st, but we'll be missing that, too. Whoops. Screw 'em.

Anonymous said...

You are not counting today...

Becky (said like Bob Waskom)

Carol said...

It's a shame they didn't go farther, but they did have a great season.

And now we have the fabulous beach vacation to look forward to....unbelievable, I'll actually be there.....can't wait.

Anonymous said...

OMG Eileen! I can't believe you have to travel up to 3 hours for SOCCER! Holy Smolly. How do you ever get anything done on the weekends?

Owie had an Awesome baseball season... and talk about growth as a pitcher! Seriously, this kids a natural. Next Football? Is Ka Ka coaching again?

Hayden's t-ball season just started. His second game is this weekend... he had practice last night and when he got home he was excited to tell he he had really good throws and could hit the ball when the coached pitched it!

This weekend... Relay for Life... many thanks to all those that supported me. If my husband's company's donation ever shows up I'll be $1.61 short of my 1K goal.
I'm hoping it's just one of those big corporations needing more time things. Yeah for me for raising damn near $1,000 for cancer research!

Rebecca said...

And let's not forget in addition to Relay is Julie's birthday on Friday the 13th! Hooray birthdays!

Owen did have a great season, that's for sure.

Ka-ka SAYS he will NOT be coaching football this year. That's what he SAYS. We'll see what he can't say no to.

Anonymous said...

Good work Julie, you are the superstar of our team.

Kenny Erow's birthday today. Call him with Birthday wishes...