Monday, July 23, 2007

Now that's what I call American Idol...

You've all seen the "Now..." CD's - compilations of the top hits of that moment in time, or whatever...
the latest has not 1, not 2, not 3 but FOUR AI artists...
Chris Daughtry, Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood and Elliot Yamin. Some would still say that AI is a farce, a joke, and no indication of what music can be...and yet, 4 out of 20 songs are all AI artists. For those of us who have loved the show since minute one, this is pretty cool...

Now......go buy it....that's an order...


Anonymous said...

OK.... Let's examine this for a quick second. If I recall correctly The Monkees, Partridge Family, and Brady Bunch all had top ten singles during their moment. So to me that say's the average persons attention span during that time of non-artist, pretty face, thank god Mike Nesmiths in the band or we would never write a song, era is alot like it is now.... If you add in the short atention span.
T.V. Made those guys huge, not the other way around, and outside of Daughtry, I don't think anyone of them could be considered an artist. Their great singers, I'll give them that, but without T.V. Kelly Clarkson and her like would be working at the Knox B.K. on the fry line.
It's a damn shame that the industry (notice I leave music out of it) has diluted itself in such a way that these Kelly Picklers of the world even HAVE a friggin' audience.
You are right...The show is entertaining, but (no offense) it really doesn't produce any earth shattering acts like The Beatles, Stones, Dylan, Carole King, or even Elvis in his day.
Where is the smoke on the water of our generation...or even Neil Diamond.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant...Spot On...Well Put

Rebecca said...

Well, D, you are of course right about a lot of it - but don't ever mention Kelly Pickler on my blog again!

I never said that AI was going to produce legends, but they are producing some decent music, a lot more than ever expected. Kelly Clarkson has come into her own, writing her own stuff, getting into production and I would consider her an artist.

AI isn't to blame for our lack of "smoke on the water" or Neil (whom I LOVE, mention him anytime) - Gen Y is. They want their music synthesized canned and meaningless, and they're the target audience. I think bands like Green Day, The Killers, BEP and Nikka Costa are trying, but they're outnumbered by the sampling likes of Gwen, Rihanna and every other pop star.

I mention the Now thing because people said that AI could never produce a successful pop star, which is what the Monkees, the Partridge Family (I refuse to mention the Brady's, that's just ridiculous and now Clarkson and Elliot are...pop is what is always has been in music. The fluff.

Anonymous said...

Kelly Clarkson maybe came up with the premise of her song, but I assure that a team of writers, hired by her label, wrote it. Writing credit these days is a pretty thing to get.
Example.... "Like... I had, like a boyfriend once......" response "Kelly thats brilliant!" and poof Glen Ballard writes 'Since You Been Gone' (or whatever its called) and Kelly gets to sign her name to it.
My point is..... It's freaking mindnumbing, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

ad 'sure' and 'easy' to my first sentence and it makes more sense.

Rebecca said...

Sure...a lot of the most famous songs even "back in the day" weren't penned by the bands or singers who made them famous. How many versions, exactly, are there of "Heard it Through the Grapevine"? I'm assuming you're not going to steal props from Marvin Gaye. And no, of course I'm not comparing Clarkson to the late, great Marvin - I'm saying that pop is still the same as it's always been.

No one was dancing to Dylan before or after he was electric, they were dancing to pop music.

Elvis didn't write half of what he produced...hell, not even a quarter. Actually, I can't think off the top of my head one song that Elvis even co-wrote. I'm sure you'll correct me on that one, D.

A great percentage of Motown hits were written by songwriting teams or producers. The artists didn't have the idea.

This is not a new concept, and country music has taken it to a whole new disgusting level.

My original point still stands. AI has made an impact in pop music, moreso than anyone thought when it first started. They thought the contestants would flame out, with nothing to show, and I guess some would argue that they have.

Anonymous said...

KELLY PICKLER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rebecca said...