Owen came home from school yesterday complaining that his hands were itching, and itching badly. Not the back, the palms. And the top of his feet...which I blamed on the socks. :)
I got home and gave him some liquid benadryl and the itching stopped...but at 10:30pm it was back with a vengeance. His nose was running uncontrollably, eyes were watering, palms were itching and then his eyes started welting up and he got a rash on his nose. It was so weird....
After another dose of benadryl he was finally able to fall asleep after midnight - getting up this morning was rough to say the very least. We have no idea what caused it. He didn't eat or do anything out of the ordinary. I've been emailing his teacher today and she said he seems fine.
So what gives. Kevin thinks it's a spider bite reaction...I'm not so convinced. What do you guys think. He's fine today - got up, took a shower...no itching, no swelling. He did get quite a few mosquito bites the other day at practice???
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Teenagers suck
You know what? Teenagers suck. I thought I had this nice kid, right? Yeah, notsomuch. He's a moody smartass little shit. I can see his grades online. And in a couple of classes, he's not doing so hot. So I'm trying to help him stay on top of things. The result of this not-so-gentle-nudging? Rolling of the eyes, gritting of the teeth, general malcontent. I hate it. He tells me yesterday that he has a timed essay in English today. And that the teacher gave them examples and ideas and all sorts of stuff so that they can basically do a really great job...IF they prepare. IF they apply themselves.
He didn't even bring his literature book home. He didn't plan on preparing anything. I made him sit down last night and roughly outline what he might write today, so he wouldn't walk in completely unprepared. You would have thought I asked him to copy the dictionary. Seriously? It's not hard. BE PREPARED! You were a Scout once...figure it out.
He didn't even bring his literature book home. He didn't plan on preparing anything. I made him sit down last night and roughly outline what he might write today, so he wouldn't walk in completely unprepared. You would have thought I asked him to copy the dictionary. Seriously? It's not hard. BE PREPARED! You were a Scout once...figure it out.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Singing is truly good for the soul...
Cousin Dave said it best - "I can sit here and listen to the blues for hours, and I still feel better than when I got here." And it's true. And no, Cousin Dave is not my cousin. He's Laura's cousin, and she's always called him Cousin Dave or Cousin David, so I do, too. What I've found out jamming with a lot of different blues musicians these past few weeks is that EVERYONE calls him Cousin Dave. You'll know him if you see him - with his long gray beard and his overalls - and of course that amazingly wonderful guitar playing.
I was burnt out yesterday, I was tired, I was busy...and then a phone call from a friend saying she and her hubby were going to Bozley's. Well, since I had been bugging them to go, I couldn't ditch them. There I am in my ball cap with hat head and my Spartans football shirt, a hot sweaty mess from the day. No matter - it's the blues, no one cares what you're wearing. Killer Ray Allison was there...former drummer for every famous blues musician you can think of, and now he's a frontman for his own band. Unbelievable. Un-be-fucking-lievable. Words cannot describe the energy in that room yesterday. I wish you all were there. I recognized a riff he was playing, and where I got the balls I don't know, but I jumped up, grabbed the mic, joined him on the bridge and sang for the next 30 minutes. It was awesome!!! Luckily Kevin had the camera - got some shots while I was singing and thenI had my picture taken with Killer Ray after the set.
Darren - are you out there?? Schedule yourself to be in Merrillville some Monday coming up so you can come down with Jon and Laura on Sunday!! Steve, the drummer, has been bringing all of his friends (i.e. John Primer and Killer Ray) and he says he's bringing in someone fantastic for Sunday October 7th. I'll get more details out of Steve next weekend, but for now - anyone and everyone who can make it down on that day should certainly try!
I have the blues and I feel so.damn.good.
I was burnt out yesterday, I was tired, I was busy...and then a phone call from a friend saying she and her hubby were going to Bozley's. Well, since I had been bugging them to go, I couldn't ditch them. There I am in my ball cap with hat head and my Spartans football shirt, a hot sweaty mess from the day. No matter - it's the blues, no one cares what you're wearing. Killer Ray Allison was there...former drummer for every famous blues musician you can think of, and now he's a frontman for his own band. Unbelievable. Un-be-fucking-lievable. Words cannot describe the energy in that room yesterday. I wish you all were there. I recognized a riff he was playing, and where I got the balls I don't know, but I jumped up, grabbed the mic, joined him on the bridge and sang for the next 30 minutes. It was awesome!!! Luckily Kevin had the camera - got some shots while I was singing and thenI had my picture taken with Killer Ray after the set.
Darren - are you out there?? Schedule yourself to be in Merrillville some Monday coming up so you can come down with Jon and Laura on Sunday!! Steve, the drummer, has been bringing all of his friends (i.e. John Primer and Killer Ray) and he says he's bringing in someone fantastic for Sunday October 7th. I'll get more details out of Steve next weekend, but for now - anyone and everyone who can make it down on that day should certainly try!
I have the blues and I feel so.damn.good.
Friday, September 21, 2007
It's an interesting topic, let's go with it.
Julie commented on the last entry about the inappropriateness of advertising during the primetime "family" time television hours. Now, I have to say, especially lately, my family isn't watching TV during these hours. Football, laundry, yardwork...we've been DVR-ing a lot of stuff which means the ads are a blur for us.
Everyone seems to agree that the drunk driving commercial is really bad. I haven't seen it, so I can't actually comment on it directly, but from what you guys are saying, it sounds horrible. It's kind of like the feeling I had when I saw the anti-smoking ad where they had women carved out of ice with little baby dolls in their see-through ice bellies. The ice would melt, and the babies would fall onto the pavement. They did this demonstration in a busy part of some city. I just remember thinking that it was a bizarre/graphic way to send a message. I get it, don't smoke when you're pregnant, but WTF? And like Jimmer said in the previous post, I guess it did resonate and get the message across. But does it have to come to that? The "shock-value" that seems to be so prevalent in our culture?
I saw the drunk driving ad where they show different men driving around in cars that are full of whatever booze they got drunk on. I laughed out loud when the "martini" guy started eating the olives floating around the car. But the impression I was left with? Why were they all men? A guy driving a car full of beer, a guy driving a car full of martini, a guy driving a car full of wine...women don't drink and drive? I just thought it was just strange for it to be so gender specific.
A big bitch with me is the ED drugs advertised during sports. Not one single commercial break doesn't include me having to hear about someone's inability to get it up. Do they really think that there's anyone who doesn't know about Cialis, Viagra, et al? And lets face it, the ads aren't doing anything - it's the pharm reps who are pushing this stuff on the docs who are pushing it to the patients that are actually getting the product out and sold, so what's the point? Does a guy really sit there during Sunday football and see that commercial and think "Wow, I would love to be taking a bath with my wife right now so we can get it on, maybe I'll call my doctor tomorrow about Cialis." Asshats.
And how about the sex in films, and more specifically their trailers. If there was a trailer that included, say...Vin Diesel. And Vin Diesel goes to shut his car door and walk away and the door rips his pants off and he's standing there in a pair of whitey tighties and instantly puts his hands over his privates and runs behind the car - is that offensive? Why or why not? Why are Rated R films even advertised during family primetime? And how about shows like Two and a Half Men, which I enjoy - and it's in primetime family show time - and it's completely based on sex. I really don't even like Owen watching it to be honest with you all. And usually Kevin's good about censoring that stuff - so if it's an explicit ep, Owen gets the boot or we watch something else.
One of the acne medicines recently came under fire for being too racy. I can't remember which one. One of the ads showed a teenage boy come into his friend's house, the friend goes out of the picture and the boy says to the mom "it must be really lonely since your husband left. *pause, stare* I'm really good company" The ad's point? "May cause confidence" This ad? I find hilarious and completely harmless. I am in the minority apparently. There was a whole movie based on this - it's called The Graduate. And a hit record "Stacy's mom." The concept of the MILF isn't foreign to most teen boys and let's face it, there's not a whole lot we can do about teen boys lusting after their friend's moms. Is the acne company wrong for using that in an ad?
And my last complaint - pants with words like "cute" or "hot stuff" written across the ass for CHILDREN. Ummmm, no. No. no. no. no. no. Why? Why on earth would any mother buy pants for her 10-year-old DAUGHTER with something written on the ass? Why don't you just make it say "please look here" - it's inappropriate at any age, I think, but especially for young girls.
Where are you guys with sex in the media...
Everyone seems to agree that the drunk driving commercial is really bad. I haven't seen it, so I can't actually comment on it directly, but from what you guys are saying, it sounds horrible. It's kind of like the feeling I had when I saw the anti-smoking ad where they had women carved out of ice with little baby dolls in their see-through ice bellies. The ice would melt, and the babies would fall onto the pavement. They did this demonstration in a busy part of some city. I just remember thinking that it was a bizarre/graphic way to send a message. I get it, don't smoke when you're pregnant, but WTF? And like Jimmer said in the previous post, I guess it did resonate and get the message across. But does it have to come to that? The "shock-value" that seems to be so prevalent in our culture?
I saw the drunk driving ad where they show different men driving around in cars that are full of whatever booze they got drunk on. I laughed out loud when the "martini" guy started eating the olives floating around the car. But the impression I was left with? Why were they all men? A guy driving a car full of beer, a guy driving a car full of martini, a guy driving a car full of wine...women don't drink and drive? I just thought it was just strange for it to be so gender specific.
A big bitch with me is the ED drugs advertised during sports. Not one single commercial break doesn't include me having to hear about someone's inability to get it up. Do they really think that there's anyone who doesn't know about Cialis, Viagra, et al? And lets face it, the ads aren't doing anything - it's the pharm reps who are pushing this stuff on the docs who are pushing it to the patients that are actually getting the product out and sold, so what's the point? Does a guy really sit there during Sunday football and see that commercial and think "Wow, I would love to be taking a bath with my wife right now so we can get it on, maybe I'll call my doctor tomorrow about Cialis." Asshats.
And how about the sex in films, and more specifically their trailers. If there was a trailer that included, say...Vin Diesel. And Vin Diesel goes to shut his car door and walk away and the door rips his pants off and he's standing there in a pair of whitey tighties and instantly puts his hands over his privates and runs behind the car - is that offensive? Why or why not? Why are Rated R films even advertised during family primetime? And how about shows like Two and a Half Men, which I enjoy - and it's in primetime family show time - and it's completely based on sex. I really don't even like Owen watching it to be honest with you all. And usually Kevin's good about censoring that stuff - so if it's an explicit ep, Owen gets the boot or we watch something else.
One of the acne medicines recently came under fire for being too racy. I can't remember which one. One of the ads showed a teenage boy come into his friend's house, the friend goes out of the picture and the boy says to the mom "it must be really lonely since your husband left. *pause, stare* I'm really good company" The ad's point? "May cause confidence" This ad? I find hilarious and completely harmless. I am in the minority apparently. There was a whole movie based on this - it's called The Graduate. And a hit record "Stacy's mom." The concept of the MILF isn't foreign to most teen boys and let's face it, there's not a whole lot we can do about teen boys lusting after their friend's moms. Is the acne company wrong for using that in an ad?
And my last complaint - pants with words like "cute" or "hot stuff" written across the ass for CHILDREN. Ummmm, no. No. no. no. no. no. Why? Why on earth would any mother buy pants for her 10-year-old DAUGHTER with something written on the ass? Why don't you just make it say "please look here" - it's inappropriate at any age, I think, but especially for young girls.
Where are you guys with sex in the media...
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Is that a sock in your backpack or are you just happy to see me?
Owen strikes again.
Last Friday night, Tigger was at my house and for some reason I was going through Owen's backpack. I pull out the standard stack of crap 2 inches thick of graded homework and handouts from school, and then...then I pull out a sock. Not just any sock. An orange baseball/football sock. So it's not only orange, it's the kind you can pull up to your knee. And then a blue one. And then a green one. One of each color. Ummmmm, whodawa? We were confused to say the very least. What on earth is the child doing with 3 mismatched socks in his bag.
So the next morning, I ask him.
Me: Hey Owen, what's with the socks in your backpack?
O: What? (typical response to a question that he doesn't want to answer)
M: You heard me - why do you have 3 socks in your backpack?
O: Oh, that. *big cheesy grin*
M: Oh my - what are you doing with the socks?
O: Wearing them.
M: Wearing them?
O: Yeah, I'm wearing them in school.
M: You're wearing mismatched knee-high socks in school?
O: Yeah.
M: With shorts?
O: Yeah. Me and Brandon.
M: In school? During school? You're wearing your football socks...two different colored football socks in school? With your chucks?
O: Yep.
M: Your chucks fit you with those big thick socks on?
O: Well, they're kinda tight, but yeah.
OMG. Seriously? Seriously. Killing me. I was laughing so hard. The thought of the sight of my son walking the halls his school wearing under armor (lives in it) a pair of the nylon athletic shorts (all he wants to wear) and his football socks, pulled up to his knees, with his blue chuck taylors. And not just that - but he's putting them on when he gets on the bus, and taking them off on the way home so we don't see him do it.
Killing me. Killing me and cracking me up all at the same time. I didn't tell him to stop. I could really care less...and it seems to amuse him. No harm, but seriously? Hilarious. I wonder what his teacher thinks?
Last Friday night, Tigger was at my house and for some reason I was going through Owen's backpack. I pull out the standard stack of crap 2 inches thick of graded homework and handouts from school, and then...then I pull out a sock. Not just any sock. An orange baseball/football sock. So it's not only orange, it's the kind you can pull up to your knee. And then a blue one. And then a green one. One of each color. Ummmmm, whodawa? We were confused to say the very least. What on earth is the child doing with 3 mismatched socks in his bag.
So the next morning, I ask him.
Me: Hey Owen, what's with the socks in your backpack?
O: What? (typical response to a question that he doesn't want to answer)
M: You heard me - why do you have 3 socks in your backpack?
O: Oh, that. *big cheesy grin*
M: Oh my - what are you doing with the socks?
O: Wearing them.
M: Wearing them?
O: Yeah, I'm wearing them in school.
M: You're wearing mismatched knee-high socks in school?
O: Yeah.
M: With shorts?
O: Yeah. Me and Brandon.
M: In school? During school? You're wearing your football socks...two different colored football socks in school? With your chucks?
O: Yep.
M: Your chucks fit you with those big thick socks on?
O: Well, they're kinda tight, but yeah.
OMG. Seriously? Seriously. Killing me. I was laughing so hard. The thought of the sight of my son walking the halls his school wearing under armor (lives in it) a pair of the nylon athletic shorts (all he wants to wear) and his football socks, pulled up to his knees, with his blue chuck taylors. And not just that - but he's putting them on when he gets on the bus, and taking them off on the way home so we don't see him do it.
Killing me. Killing me and cracking me up all at the same time. I didn't tell him to stop. I could really care less...and it seems to amuse him. No harm, but seriously? Hilarious. I wonder what his teacher thinks?
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Gametime beer...
Julie posed this question in the last post, and I'm going with it. What's YOUR favorite gametime beer. Now I realize that most of you out here are not the football fans that I am. I can't help myself. I am the man in my family where this is concerned. I can watch football all day Saturday, Sunday and Monday night. I LOVE football. And when watching said football, I usually do partake in a few adult beverages. But not just any adult beverage, it has to be beer. I'm not sitting there with a nice Chardonnay cheering on Big Ben. I'm not whipping up my new favorite coco lime rickey on Monday nights...
BEER. Beer and football. Beer and football like peas and carrots. Liver and Onions. Cagney and Lacey, Britney and hot mess.
Now Julie might say that I'm a beer snob. Because, well, I prefer my beer in a bottle. And typically I'm a Coors Light girl as well. But here lately, the hubby has been willing to experiment with imports and microbrews, something he wouldn't ever do before...and I'm more than willing to jump on this bandwagon. They're usually not something I can drink too many of, however...and not just because they're more expensive. They're heavier. They taste okay if they warm up a little (unlike CL that I feel like I have to drink quickly or put in a cosi because it tastes like piss water when it gets warm).
Lately I've been drinking St. Pauli Girl, Bass (I've always loved Bass), New Castle (this is a new fave), and Goose Island Honker's Ale. Now maybe I have one or two of those and switch off to CL or water during the game. What other imports/microbrews should I be trying? I know Tigger swears by the Summer Shandy...and of course if I can get my hands on it I'll choose Yuengling over ANYTHING else, but alas, they won't distribute west of Ohio...*sniff*.
I can't believe Julie has switched! She's been a loyal Miller Lite girl as far back as I can remember. And your dedication to C.I.G (Cheapness is Greatness) couldn't have been THAT loyal, Jul - you weren't buying Old Style or PBR just because it was cheaper. Standards are good.
And an off-topic bitch - last night there was some special on about Elvis. FIRST - how much work HAS Priscilla Presley had done. Seriously? She looks like a caricature of her former self. She was gorgeous back in the day. Now? She looks like Michael Jackson. SECOND - why oh WHY does country music think they know Elvis better than anyone? Performer after performer got up to sing their favorite Elvis tune and they were all country stars. Ummm...because of MEMPHIS?? Please. Elvis is not just the king, he's the king of ROCK-N-ROLL, not country. Location does not a country star make. That's part of what made Elvis so great - he was in the South, took standard R&B and brought it smack into the faces of white America. It was brilliant. And now I have to listen to Faith Hill, Toby Keith and someone please gag me Melinda Lambert singing Elvis tunes on primetime??? Really ABC? Oh wait, there was Beyonce. And the rap guys, something Mafia, they won an Oscar. Any way...really? ABC...you can't tap Buddy Guy? Or Derek Trucks? Or his lovely wife Susan Tedeschi? How 'bout some R&B greats both current and classic? If there were 10 performances last night 8 of them were country stars. And I use that term loosely.
Just my rant for the day...what's yours?
BEER. Beer and football. Beer and football like peas and carrots. Liver and Onions. Cagney and Lacey, Britney and hot mess.
Now Julie might say that I'm a beer snob. Because, well, I prefer my beer in a bottle. And typically I'm a Coors Light girl as well. But here lately, the hubby has been willing to experiment with imports and microbrews, something he wouldn't ever do before...and I'm more than willing to jump on this bandwagon. They're usually not something I can drink too many of, however...and not just because they're more expensive. They're heavier. They taste okay if they warm up a little (unlike CL that I feel like I have to drink quickly or put in a cosi because it tastes like piss water when it gets warm).
Lately I've been drinking St. Pauli Girl, Bass (I've always loved Bass), New Castle (this is a new fave), and Goose Island Honker's Ale. Now maybe I have one or two of those and switch off to CL or water during the game. What other imports/microbrews should I be trying? I know Tigger swears by the Summer Shandy...and of course if I can get my hands on it I'll choose Yuengling over ANYTHING else, but alas, they won't distribute west of Ohio...*sniff*.
I can't believe Julie has switched! She's been a loyal Miller Lite girl as far back as I can remember. And your dedication to C.I.G (Cheapness is Greatness) couldn't have been THAT loyal, Jul - you weren't buying Old Style or PBR just because it was cheaper. Standards are good.
And an off-topic bitch - last night there was some special on about Elvis. FIRST - how much work HAS Priscilla Presley had done. Seriously? She looks like a caricature of her former self. She was gorgeous back in the day. Now? She looks like Michael Jackson. SECOND - why oh WHY does country music think they know Elvis better than anyone? Performer after performer got up to sing their favorite Elvis tune and they were all country stars. Ummm...because of MEMPHIS?? Please. Elvis is not just the king, he's the king of ROCK-N-ROLL, not country. Location does not a country star make. That's part of what made Elvis so great - he was in the South, took standard R&B and brought it smack into the faces of white America. It was brilliant. And now I have to listen to Faith Hill, Toby Keith and someone please gag me Melinda Lambert singing Elvis tunes on primetime??? Really ABC? Oh wait, there was Beyonce. And the rap guys, something Mafia, they won an Oscar. Any way...really? ABC...you can't tap Buddy Guy? Or Derek Trucks? Or his lovely wife Susan Tedeschi? How 'bout some R&B greats both current and classic? If there were 10 performances last night 8 of them were country stars. And I use that term loosely.
Just my rant for the day...what's yours?
Monday, September 17, 2007
Not sure what I'm doing, really
Okay, so Laura turned me on to this Animoto website, and they created this video, which is pretty fun, but I can't figure out how to post the vid and post a blurb about the vid. Hmmm. Still playing.
This weekend: Alex got to reunite with friends, good times. He's doing very well in school now, as I can see all of his grades online.
Owen got to be a running back, in addition to a middle lineman on defense and still the kicker. He had a great game on Sunday. Spartans beat the Mville Pirates - HOORAY! We're 3-1.
I sang my ASS off last night, people. If you haven't been to the Sunday Blues Jam in my hometown, get down here! What are you waiting for?? This is shaping up to be a fun regular gig for me. What will come of it? Who knows...maybe something. Maybe something really fun.
This weekend: Alex got to reunite with friends, good times. He's doing very well in school now, as I can see all of his grades online.
Owen got to be a running back, in addition to a middle lineman on defense and still the kicker. He had a great game on Sunday. Spartans beat the Mville Pirates - HOORAY! We're 3-1.
I sang my ASS off last night, people. If you haven't been to the Sunday Blues Jam in my hometown, get down here! What are you waiting for?? This is shaping up to be a fun regular gig for me. What will come of it? Who knows...maybe something. Maybe something really fun.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Good morning bloggers!
And a fine Wednesday it is. Apparently we all feel very strongly about public grooming. The nerve of some people. I can remember Kathy wanting to light herself on fire back in the days of cubicle hell. Now she has a cushy office and doesn't have to worry about those sorts of things. Seriously? Clipping your toenails at work? Jul - remember Mr. Balon in 5th grade?? Ewwwwwwwwwww. INAPPROPRIATE!
Speaking of toes, what does it say about me that I've lost 4 toenails in the last 6 weeks? I mean, two of them I had clearly smashed, as they were black and blue...so I expected them to fall off. But the other two? A complete shocker. It's very strange and makes me unpedicurable for awhile. Very depressing, because I really want one.
There's not a whole lot of excitement for me right now, kids...I'm glad the weather is cooling off. I'm in the mood to make chili and soup and stew...how bout you? Any good crock pot recipes to pass my way?
Congratulations Eileen on your new job. Sounds perfect for you AND I've posted her latest blog entry for the News Review...so read it, people!
Speaking of toes, what does it say about me that I've lost 4 toenails in the last 6 weeks? I mean, two of them I had clearly smashed, as they were black and blue...so I expected them to fall off. But the other two? A complete shocker. It's very strange and makes me unpedicurable for awhile. Very depressing, because I really want one.
There's not a whole lot of excitement for me right now, kids...I'm glad the weather is cooling off. I'm in the mood to make chili and soup and stew...how bout you? Any good crock pot recipes to pass my way?
Congratulations Eileen on your new job. Sounds perfect for you AND I've posted her latest blog entry for the News Review...so read it, people!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Hodge podge of information...
First - Alex finally got a good haircut!! One would think this wouldn't be worth noting, but believe me, it is. The last one was so atrocious we contemplated shaving his head and starting over. The boy has some cowlicks, and I know this can be problematic, but seriously people? Don't hairdressers learn about ways to overcome this? We've tried stylists, barbers...the works. We got a great haircut for him in the spring at a barber in Crown Point, but when we went back, some chick was there, not the older gentleman that had cut his hair before...and she was the one who botched it all up.
We went to the local BoRics, and I was just hoping for improvement. WELL, they had a BARBER there...and his name was, and I'm not making this up...FLOYD. Yeah, I said it, Alex had his hair cut by Floyd the barber. This dude was a storehouse of useless and useful information about hair and skin and all sorts of things. He gave Alex a great hair cut AND sold us some special shampoo and conditioner especially for *ahem* boys of a certain age who's voice is cracking and skin is reacting to all sorts of testosterone. The stuff wasn't very expensive AND Floyd told him to wash his face with it as well. We noticed a marked improvement already in his trouble spots (forehead, nose, chin). Alex of little words was excited not to be the breakout king of Chicago, and when we left he said "Well, I feel like I learned something." We'll definitely be going back.
Second tidbit - I slow-cooked spareribs in the crock pot yesterday. Can I just say Yummmy!!! They were literally falling off the bone when I took them out, and I lathered them up with BBQ sauce and threw them onto the grill for a bit. I have never, ever been able to cook ribs so that they are actually tender when you eat them. I've tried boiling, baking, dry rubbing...you name it. THIS method given to me by my friend Holly was a knock-it-out-of-the-park success. AND it's crock pot, which means I can do it during the week. Hooray!
Third tidbit - I couldn't sleep last night - and I was watching all sorts of stupidity on television after 11pm which is hereby known as "informercial time." I saw the most disturbing thing...Tater Mitts. Rubber gloves with some sort of rough stuff on the palm side, and you just hold a potato under water, rub it with the gloves and voila! You have peeled a potato in 8 seconds. It was so bizarre, I almost ordered them. "Peeling potatoes can take forever. Oh NO! Not with a knife that's dangerous!" Seriously? Who wrote this copy???
I was a huge lump after downing half a slab with scalloped potatoes and peas, so I rested my full belly on the sofa for Monday night football. It was also the season finale of The Closer AND My Boys, which they left us on a cliffhanger AGAIN! I love that show!
I'm still trying to get organized. I did buy new towels for my bathroom and Kevin's bathroom. Now I just have to buy paint for him and we'll be all set there. Time for the yellow to go away. Worst color decision I've made since wearing neon in the 80's.
We went to the local BoRics, and I was just hoping for improvement. WELL, they had a BARBER there...and his name was, and I'm not making this up...FLOYD. Yeah, I said it, Alex had his hair cut by Floyd the barber. This dude was a storehouse of useless and useful information about hair and skin and all sorts of things. He gave Alex a great hair cut AND sold us some special shampoo and conditioner especially for *ahem* boys of a certain age who's voice is cracking and skin is reacting to all sorts of testosterone. The stuff wasn't very expensive AND Floyd told him to wash his face with it as well. We noticed a marked improvement already in his trouble spots (forehead, nose, chin). Alex of little words was excited not to be the breakout king of Chicago, and when we left he said "Well, I feel like I learned something." We'll definitely be going back.
Second tidbit - I slow-cooked spareribs in the crock pot yesterday. Can I just say Yummmy!!! They were literally falling off the bone when I took them out, and I lathered them up with BBQ sauce and threw them onto the grill for a bit. I have never, ever been able to cook ribs so that they are actually tender when you eat them. I've tried boiling, baking, dry rubbing...you name it. THIS method given to me by my friend Holly was a knock-it-out-of-the-park success. AND it's crock pot, which means I can do it during the week. Hooray!
Third tidbit - I couldn't sleep last night - and I was watching all sorts of stupidity on television after 11pm which is hereby known as "informercial time." I saw the most disturbing thing...Tater Mitts. Rubber gloves with some sort of rough stuff on the palm side, and you just hold a potato under water, rub it with the gloves and voila! You have peeled a potato in 8 seconds. It was so bizarre, I almost ordered them. "Peeling potatoes can take forever. Oh NO! Not with a knife that's dangerous!" Seriously? Who wrote this copy???
I was a huge lump after downing half a slab with scalloped potatoes and peas, so I rested my full belly on the sofa for Monday night football. It was also the season finale of The Closer AND My Boys, which they left us on a cliffhanger AGAIN! I love that show!
I'm still trying to get organized. I did buy new towels for my bathroom and Kevin's bathroom. Now I just have to buy paint for him and we'll be all set there. Time for the yellow to go away. Worst color decision I've made since wearing neon in the 80's.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Hey now you're a rockstar...
Get the show on, get paid...
So...I think I'm getting back in the game, kids. After my little ditty at the blues jam last weekend, I have been asked to sing, not only at the blues jam, but with a blues band on a regular basis. Details coming, details coming. Having never been a blues singer, per say, this is new territory for me. It's very exciting, and very fun.
Last night John Primer was in the house...a living legend to be sure...and absolutely amazing to watch. Watching him play was like breathing, just so natural. It was like taking a step back in time. I could listen to him all day. In fact, I am! But then...then I got to SING with him. Unbelievable. Remarkable, really. Luckily the hubby took pictures, albeit not very good ones. But pics nonetheless.

Also today - Owen is a kicker! Yeah, that's right, he's now officially on the field all the time. He only had to kick twice yesterday - the first one, notsogood. The second one?? Blasted it baby. Easily 30 yards, and with the bounce? The other team had no chance. And it was right after the coach of the other team told his kids to "Move up!! He's not going to kick it that far!!!" HA! Screw you coach-man...he skied your boys!!!
Aaaaaaaand, along those lines...what up Bears fans?? Hmmmmm? Yeah, Colts win big...Steelers win big with their new coach (can we say 109 yards, Willie Parker...I think we can!!) And did the Bears even show up? (oooooooh, that oughta getta rise outta you bloggers...) Grossman is our quarterback, Grossman is our quarterback...keep saying it and maybe you can all make it true. Until then, Mr. 12 for 23 appears to be delivering what I've always said he can deliver...
Big Ben looked good, though, didn't he Carol???
Are you ready for some football????
So...I think I'm getting back in the game, kids. After my little ditty at the blues jam last weekend, I have been asked to sing, not only at the blues jam, but with a blues band on a regular basis. Details coming, details coming. Having never been a blues singer, per say, this is new territory for me. It's very exciting, and very fun.
Last night John Primer was in the house...a living legend to be sure...and absolutely amazing to watch. Watching him play was like breathing, just so natural. It was like taking a step back in time. I could listen to him all day. In fact, I am! But then...then I got to SING with him. Unbelievable. Remarkable, really. Luckily the hubby took pictures, albeit not very good ones. But pics nonetheless.
Also today - Owen is a kicker! Yeah, that's right, he's now officially on the field all the time. He only had to kick twice yesterday - the first one, notsogood. The second one?? Blasted it baby. Easily 30 yards, and with the bounce? The other team had no chance. And it was right after the coach of the other team told his kids to "Move up!! He's not going to kick it that far!!!" HA! Screw you coach-man...he skied your boys!!!
Aaaaaaaand, along those lines...what up Bears fans?? Hmmmmm? Yeah, Colts win big...Steelers win big with their new coach (can we say 109 yards, Willie Parker...I think we can!!) And did the Bears even show up? (oooooooh, that oughta getta rise outta you bloggers...) Grossman is our quarterback, Grossman is our quarterback...keep saying it and maybe you can all make it true. Until then, Mr. 12 for 23 appears to be delivering what I've always said he can deliver...
Big Ben looked good, though, didn't he Carol???
Are you ready for some football????
Thursday, September 06, 2007
I've been busy, how 'bout YOU?
So I pick Alex up from school yesterday, chat about the day - what homework he has, if he got anything back graded...general chit-chat. He makes the announcement "I think I'm on a first name basis with the people I've been eating lunch with." Excellent. He said he's been sitting with roughly the same people every day, but when I asked for their names, he had no idea. Not the award-winning conversationalist, my son...BUT he's making an effort, which is all I can ask. He says he thinks that some of them even know his name - excellent.
I was surprised by my own worry about him starting this new school, this high school, where he knew no one. Trinity was small. It was such a family feel. When there are only 14 kids in the whole 8th grade, you sorta HAVE to get along. You spend so many hours with the same 14 people, and you're bound to talk, you're bound to know names...and the teachers there were so great. Hell, they come to your HOUSE for a "hey the school year is starting let's meet" deal. They want to know you, they want to know your family.
I was worried...real worried, that my little hermit crab would crawl back into his shell. He has really changed as a person over the last two years...and Trinity was a big part of that transformation. I think being in that small setting really worked for him, helped him gain confidence, helped him grow into this teenage dude that I truly can't believe is my little baby with the blonde, blonde hair. Lots of people have seen this transformation and comment on it. He actually participates rather than runs from conversation.
So it's looking like my boy is making friends in his new environment...keeping up with his studies...participating in some stuff.
I'm so damn happy...
AAAAAAANNNNNNND - I'm not sure if she's still out there lurking every now and again...but a big birthday shout-out to TIFF-TERRIFF!! Happy Birthday, Tiffany - miss your face.
So I pick Alex up from school yesterday, chat about the day - what homework he has, if he got anything back graded...general chit-chat. He makes the announcement "I think I'm on a first name basis with the people I've been eating lunch with." Excellent. He said he's been sitting with roughly the same people every day, but when I asked for their names, he had no idea. Not the award-winning conversationalist, my son...BUT he's making an effort, which is all I can ask. He says he thinks that some of them even know his name - excellent.
I was surprised by my own worry about him starting this new school, this high school, where he knew no one. Trinity was small. It was such a family feel. When there are only 14 kids in the whole 8th grade, you sorta HAVE to get along. You spend so many hours with the same 14 people, and you're bound to talk, you're bound to know names...and the teachers there were so great. Hell, they come to your HOUSE for a "hey the school year is starting let's meet" deal. They want to know you, they want to know your family.
I was worried...real worried, that my little hermit crab would crawl back into his shell. He has really changed as a person over the last two years...and Trinity was a big part of that transformation. I think being in that small setting really worked for him, helped him gain confidence, helped him grow into this teenage dude that I truly can't believe is my little baby with the blonde, blonde hair. Lots of people have seen this transformation and comment on it. He actually participates rather than runs from conversation.
So it's looking like my boy is making friends in his new environment...keeping up with his studies...participating in some stuff.
I'm so damn happy...
AAAAAAANNNNNNND - I'm not sure if she's still out there lurking every now and again...but a big birthday shout-out to TIFF-TERRIFF!! Happy Birthday, Tiffany - miss your face.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
It was a busy weekend, it was a lazy weekend...
All rolled into one. I felt like we all got a lot done...and yet there was plenty of downtime, too.
First, I got my new car. Hooray! It's fabulous and I love it like I would marry it. Went to the Andrean football game on Friday night - it was a great game sitting on our side...notsomuch for East Chicago...a bit of a blowout.
Saturday found me running kids around and going to G-man's birthday party. It's so fun to see the little ones so excited. He was clearly having a good time, playing with his cousins, eating chips and cake, getting new toys. You know...the things the best birthdays are made of.
Then it was time for another party - my girlfriend Sandi's 40th birthday...surprise party at that. In the end, it was perfect. We got to surprise our friend (there were 14 of us all together), eat pizza, drink beer and then go bowling. We bowled Scotch doubles - which does not include any drinking of Scotch, thank heavens, because I've never been a Scotch drinker. It involves partnering up with your spouse, one of you bowls the first ball, and your partner picks up what's left. It was a great time - the bowling alley was practically empty, which was good because we were pretty loud. The highlight? Forgive me Cinde - but you did take quite a spill. She literally sailed down the lane on her ass. I'm not quite sure how it happened...but while it was happening it was like it was in slow motion...she was up, she was down, she was halfway up, she was down again and sliding. She had a horrible oil mark on her ass from the lane, too, poor thing.
I fell, too - my foot stuck, again...I think I need new shoes. I slicked 'em up and I was good for the night.
Then it was off to a local bar for some blues. Same band we saw at Hayden's pre-school fundraiser in May. Buncha kids, really - I think the bass player is 16 - but there's a lot of talent there, they cover a lot of great blues and have some originals that are great as well. We danced and drank some cocktails...it was a good time. We were still home by midnight, I think, so that wasn't too bad.
Sunday was Pop Warner football game - we won 35-6, I think - something like that...I have no idea. Owen had some good things happening for him...it was a fun game to watch. Then Kev-head and I went back to the local gin joint for the Sunday Blues Jam. It was so awesome! All of the players were great - I got up and sang a couple of tracks and got to sing with Cousin David. LOVE Cousin David. Such a talented guy...I'm going back on Friday night to hopefully sit in with Wally World and definitely going back on Sunday for the Jam. Taking the kids this time...hopefully we can get Alex up there to play drums sometime. I'm going to give him some blues stuff to work on, I know he's capable, I just don't know if he's ready.
Monday found us catching up on housework, watching movies, watching tennis...nothing really special. Got to take the bike out for awhile - that was nice. Perfect day for riding...not too hot...Busy week this week even though it's only 4 day work week. It's Tuesday, right? Gotta get my days straight...
How was your holiday weekend?
First, I got my new car. Hooray! It's fabulous and I love it like I would marry it. Went to the Andrean football game on Friday night - it was a great game sitting on our side...notsomuch for East Chicago...a bit of a blowout.
Saturday found me running kids around and going to G-man's birthday party. It's so fun to see the little ones so excited. He was clearly having a good time, playing with his cousins, eating chips and cake, getting new toys. You know...the things the best birthdays are made of.
Then it was time for another party - my girlfriend Sandi's 40th birthday...surprise party at that. In the end, it was perfect. We got to surprise our friend (there were 14 of us all together), eat pizza, drink beer and then go bowling. We bowled Scotch doubles - which does not include any drinking of Scotch, thank heavens, because I've never been a Scotch drinker. It involves partnering up with your spouse, one of you bowls the first ball, and your partner picks up what's left. It was a great time - the bowling alley was practically empty, which was good because we were pretty loud. The highlight? Forgive me Cinde - but you did take quite a spill. She literally sailed down the lane on her ass. I'm not quite sure how it happened...but while it was happening it was like it was in slow motion...she was up, she was down, she was halfway up, she was down again and sliding. She had a horrible oil mark on her ass from the lane, too, poor thing.
I fell, too - my foot stuck, again...I think I need new shoes. I slicked 'em up and I was good for the night.
Then it was off to a local bar for some blues. Same band we saw at Hayden's pre-school fundraiser in May. Buncha kids, really - I think the bass player is 16 - but there's a lot of talent there, they cover a lot of great blues and have some originals that are great as well. We danced and drank some cocktails...it was a good time. We were still home by midnight, I think, so that wasn't too bad.
Sunday was Pop Warner football game - we won 35-6, I think - something like that...I have no idea. Owen had some good things happening for him...it was a fun game to watch. Then Kev-head and I went back to the local gin joint for the Sunday Blues Jam. It was so awesome! All of the players were great - I got up and sang a couple of tracks and got to sing with Cousin David. LOVE Cousin David. Such a talented guy...I'm going back on Friday night to hopefully sit in with Wally World and definitely going back on Sunday for the Jam. Taking the kids this time...hopefully we can get Alex up there to play drums sometime. I'm going to give him some blues stuff to work on, I know he's capable, I just don't know if he's ready.
Monday found us catching up on housework, watching movies, watching tennis...nothing really special. Got to take the bike out for awhile - that was nice. Perfect day for riding...not too hot...Busy week this week even though it's only 4 day work week. It's Tuesday, right? Gotta get my days straight...
How was your holiday weekend?
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