Friday, September 21, 2007

It's an interesting topic, let's go with it.

Julie commented on the last entry about the inappropriateness of advertising during the primetime "family" time television hours. Now, I have to say, especially lately, my family isn't watching TV during these hours. Football, laundry, yardwork...we've been DVR-ing a lot of stuff which means the ads are a blur for us.

Everyone seems to agree that the drunk driving commercial is really bad. I haven't seen it, so I can't actually comment on it directly, but from what you guys are saying, it sounds horrible. It's kind of like the feeling I had when I saw the anti-smoking ad where they had women carved out of ice with little baby dolls in their see-through ice bellies. The ice would melt, and the babies would fall onto the pavement. They did this demonstration in a busy part of some city. I just remember thinking that it was a bizarre/graphic way to send a message. I get it, don't smoke when you're pregnant, but WTF? And like Jimmer said in the previous post, I guess it did resonate and get the message across. But does it have to come to that? The "shock-value" that seems to be so prevalent in our culture?

I saw the drunk driving ad where they show different men driving around in cars that are full of whatever booze they got drunk on. I laughed out loud when the "martini" guy started eating the olives floating around the car. But the impression I was left with? Why were they all men? A guy driving a car full of beer, a guy driving a car full of martini, a guy driving a car full of wine...women don't drink and drive? I just thought it was just strange for it to be so gender specific.

A big bitch with me is the ED drugs advertised during sports. Not one single commercial break doesn't include me having to hear about someone's inability to get it up. Do they really think that there's anyone who doesn't know about Cialis, Viagra, et al? And lets face it, the ads aren't doing anything - it's the pharm reps who are pushing this stuff on the docs who are pushing it to the patients that are actually getting the product out and sold, so what's the point? Does a guy really sit there during Sunday football and see that commercial and think "Wow, I would love to be taking a bath with my wife right now so we can get it on, maybe I'll call my doctor tomorrow about Cialis." Asshats.

And how about the sex in films, and more specifically their trailers. If there was a trailer that included, say...Vin Diesel. And Vin Diesel goes to shut his car door and walk away and the door rips his pants off and he's standing there in a pair of whitey tighties and instantly puts his hands over his privates and runs behind the car - is that offensive? Why or why not? Why are Rated R films even advertised during family primetime? And how about shows like Two and a Half Men, which I enjoy - and it's in primetime family show time - and it's completely based on sex. I really don't even like Owen watching it to be honest with you all. And usually Kevin's good about censoring that stuff - so if it's an explicit ep, Owen gets the boot or we watch something else.

One of the acne medicines recently came under fire for being too racy. I can't remember which one. One of the ads showed a teenage boy come into his friend's house, the friend goes out of the picture and the boy says to the mom "it must be really lonely since your husband left. *pause, stare* I'm really good company" The ad's point? "May cause confidence" This ad? I find hilarious and completely harmless. I am in the minority apparently. There was a whole movie based on this - it's called The Graduate. And a hit record "Stacy's mom." The concept of the MILF isn't foreign to most teen boys and let's face it, there's not a whole lot we can do about teen boys lusting after their friend's moms. Is the acne company wrong for using that in an ad?

And my last complaint - pants with words like "cute" or "hot stuff" written across the ass for CHILDREN. Ummmm, no. No. no. no. no. no. Why? Why on earth would any mother buy pants for her 10-year-old DAUGHTER with something written on the ass? Why don't you just make it say "please look here" - it's inappropriate at any age, I think, but especially for young girls.

Where are you guys with sex in the media...


Anonymous said...

I have seen those pants with PINK or HOTTIE, or FAT ASS on them, and to be honest the only time I have seen them on someone I really have to consider the people whom are wearing them and just walk away, DEF NOT FOR KIDS...stupid fashion and a big mistake to wear them. I may not have the same issues as the moms out there but to be quite frank I am real tired of seeing Jessica Alba's penquin, it's just not that cute...I watch Recuse Me and don't have kids so I really can't comment on that...The dd commercial is graphic and it's not the kid on the bike that is in the body bag, it's the guy in the front seat who went thru the windshield...Come on people, pay attention (just kidding) The ED commercials, OMG how gay are they, sitting in a tub, even Big R and I are not that gay, and we are pretty gay...and I too laughed at they guy eating the olives, classic

Suzi/Elizabeth whichever one works said...

I just got caught up on the blogs and let me say....laughing my butt off as usual.
As for the beer....Bud light in a bottle that has been sitting in a cooler of ice all day! That is good stuff, then to top it off...add a lime! That is perfection!

Anonymous said...

I HATE the words on the seat of pants thing. I don't even want my kid's name on her butt. I don't want more attention drawn to her butt ever.

As for the TV stuff - I've always been a proponent of, "turn it off." It's not like we HAVE to watch TV. That being said, I'm not a big censor-er as a parent. My kids seem okay so far.