Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Just a couple of nitpicky items...

One...Halloween apparently should be renamed to skankaween. Seriously. Do they even MAKE costumes for little girls anymore? Why in the HELL do they have a French maid costume for 8 year olds? Excuse me? Whodawa? Does it come with fishnets and condoms? I started noticing this last year, when I was looking for a costume for me...that I basically had two choices: sexy_something or medieval looking costume that covered every inch of my body. Nice. Thanks. And now they're doing the same for kids? Bullshit. BULLSHIT.

Two...When the shit is the time change? This weekend coming up or did I miss it. I'd like to think I didn't miss it. But they're really screwing with me here.

Three...Kids clothes. Holy mother. Alex? Alex is easy - he could care less what he wears as long as it fits. Actually...as long as it fits and it's black. Hmmmmm, I wonder where he gets THAT trait? Owen on the other hand is my little clothes hound. Very particular. And right now he needs new jeans. And new shoes. And well, new everything because he won't stop growing no matter what I do. We measure our kids on the laundry room wall. Owen has grown almost 2 inches since March. Oy. I asked him where he wanted to go shopping. The mall. The mall? Yeah...they have cool clothes at the mall. Ummmm, okay. Why in the shit do you know this? The thing about the "cool stores" is that they're really for teens...not for preens or tweens. The one store that did have jeans in his size? Ummmmm, yeah...$60. SIXTY DOLLARS for a pair of jeans he probably won't be wearing in 4 months. I can't do it. I just can't do it. I have no problem spending $60 on a pair of jeans for me. If I wear them like I've worn my other pairs, I'll have them for 5 years easily. That's what, $12 per year? Divided by 365 days in the year...that's....ummm...365 into 12.00...well...pennies a day. PENNIES. But $60 for Owen...can't do it. Same with shoes. He's got high dollar taste when it comes to shoes (hmmm, wonder where he gets THAT?) and I get it. I do. BUT...his feet keep growing, too - and I just can't do it. We solved the jeans problem last night and got him some shirts, and a Colts hoodie which he loves. At least he's reasonable. When I tell him that we just can't afford to buy him things that expensive while he's growing, ultimately he's fine with it. And when we found him some great jeans on sale for $21..."Mom, these are really cool jeans. Why would anyone pay $40 more for jeans?" Yes, dear...that's right. Why?

So today my youngest son left the house in new clothes looking quite spiffy and NOT wearing two different colored socks.

I love the change in the weather.


Anonymous said...

First, time change is this coming Saturday, Nov. 3. Fall back. Second, it's not just halloween costumes that are skanky, it's almost all girls clothes. I feel like I have to go to Amish country to find something for my five-year-old to wear. It's sad, really. She's going trick or treating as a pirate, but she has to wear an entire outfit under the skimpy costume. Cheap JoAnn Fabrics. Tossers all.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't anybody make their own Halloween Costume anymore? What happened to just being a ghost or a hobo?

I'm dressing up like a woman on Saturday night...Black velvet? Yes, I please...

You should see these shoes...

Anonymous said...

Halloween costumes and clothes for girls are ridiculous. It all contributes to the oversexualazation of girls theses days. Bratz dolls, old navy shirts that say 'big tease', television. The media, Hollywood, clothing industry, ect keeps objectifying females. And now they are doing it to little girls, too. Probably so they are good and used to it when they become adults.
It really irritates me.

Home made costumes ROCK. When I was a kid I was a robot made of boxes (worked on this project for weeks!), a cheerleader using my Dad's high school letter, a hippy with my own clothes, and many other wonderful costumes. Problem these days is it's so cheap to make them because poor Chinese people work their little tails off for $10 a day. And it’s easier for a household to buy the $14.99 costume when you have two working parents.
My son? Red Power Ranger. Same as last year. Glad I bought the costume in the make believe section instead of the Halloween section. Also glad I bought it a little big last year. This is all his idea. Love him.

Jimmy, when is that benefit? The one where you compete as a woman to raise money for the Duneland YMCA?

Anonymous said...

The fundraiser is this Saturday and I still have tickets left over.