Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got...

My boys are at such interesting ages...

Alex, at 14, is really becoming more and more independent - I got to meet some of his friends over the weekend (they came to my house for a school project) and they fit him so well...it was fun to see them interact, talk about their school crap, teachers, assignments. The disdain in their voices, the laughter over teachers and what they wear and say, the snide comments about girls...ah yes...teenagerdom. I remember it well. Apparently Alex is quite the ladies man. If you ask his friends, anyway. He gets hugged...a lot...by various chicks. And they like writing on his hand - whatever that means. Did I ever write on a boys hand? Probably. I know I doodled on folders and left notes in lockers. Foolish, foolish girl. NEVER put it in WRITING. Oy.

His big "garage band 101" concert is Sunday, December 16th, 4pm at Front Porch Music for any of you interested in attending.

Owen, at 10, is looking for his place in the universe. "I typed in 'who is Owen Crum' in ask.com," he says to me yesterday. (He LOVES ask.com) Really...what did it say? "Not much." Well, you're still young...you haven't had time to make an impact yet. So we googled his name and didn't come up with much there either. But we did stumble onto a site that listed all known first names with the last name Crum...and how popular it is as a last name. We started clicking on the name combinations, and then we saw the origin and meanings of various first names. Owen found this FASCINATING. He was clicking on all the names of his friends, our names, other family names...he was hooked. Then we went out to other sites to see what they said the names mean. "This is so cool" he kept saying.

He wanted to print stuff so he could take it to school and show his friends. But well, the printer is in the other room and I haven't been a good enough geek to enable the samba print sharing on the mac in there...and we were watching the Pats-Ravens game (don't even talk about it) - and yeah, no printing. (yes I've already found documentation on how to do this and I now realize I was making it too hard)

He was so taken in with the history of names and their meanings...his means "well-bred" or "well born" and "warrior." Well CLEARLY! He was terribly pleased to find this out, once I explained to him what well-bred meant. With those eyelashes and that demeanor - um, yeah, honey...you are definitely well-bred.

21 days til Christmas...


Kathy said...

Love the stories of the boys and I really want to see Garage Band 101.

That's so funny that you mentioned you found documentation...because that is exactly what I was thinking as I read that part. You answered me before I had a chance to say something geek-like about how you could totally set up the printers at your house.

Eileen B. said...

We stumbled across the same website a few weeks ago. Of course, a name like Burmeister narrows your playing field tremendously. Still, there are three Eileen B.s in the U.S. Who knew?

Rebecca said...

I should also mention to anyone who would like to come to Alex's debut garage band performance that you have to pay $5...steep, maybe, but it helps generate revenue for the music school, so it's all good. They'll also have refreshments (coffee, soda, snacks) for sale.

I KNOW katmat, I KNOW...it's just I don't actually like to do geekwork at home, so I wasn't putting in the effort I needed to. I should have done this last night, but I was just.too.tire. UGH.

Anonymous said...

So Kevin has not one but two boys to take with him to Hooters. Lucky guy.

Rebecca said...

Oh yeah...and the both of them are chick magnets...

What have I done??

Rebecca said...

An update to my geek readers...I did get the print sharing up and running last night.

Alex was thrilled since he typically has his laptop upstairs and it's a pain to bring it down and unhook and rehook the printer cable.

I really must get my home office in order.