Monday, December 10, 2007

What a weekend, boys and girls...

Well, we finally went and cut down our Christmas tree....the boys always love this event. It was especially fun this year since there was snow on the ground. Needless to say, snowball fights ensued and I brought home 3 cold wet boys and a tree. We got a different style of tree this year, I'm usually a short needle kind of girl, but the boys wanted a tree with long know the poofy looking kind.

Well what a disaster THAT decision turned out to be.

Ummmm, those branches? Barely hold LIGHTS let alone ornaments...Oh my. And then, last night, for some reason...the thing fell over. Right now my living room is a hot mess of water, pine needles and broken bulbs. Oy.

Friday night I was cooking dinner with the boys and asking them general questions about school and whatnot when Alex pipes up that his friends think he has a girlfriend. Ummmmm, why would they think this? Because a girl has apparently laid claim to my boy informing him that he's taking her to the winter formal.

Ummmm, what?

First of all, who is this girl? And secondly...YOU'RE GOING TO THE WINTER FORMAL? When is it? A: I have no idea. Whodawa? You have no idea? Is it after Christmas? A: Maybe. Well great. A quick hop out to the school website tells me it's on January 26th. Tickets are $50 per couple. Does that include dinner? A: I have no idea. Do you want to take this girl to the dance? A: Sure, I guess, yeah.


Is there anyone else you were thinking of taking? A: No, not really. Well, do you like her, like her or is she just a friend? A: I don't know...she's fine, she's cool, whatever. Oh seriously, like pulling teeth, this conversation. So I still have no idea if this is a friend thing, or a girlfriend thing, or what. But I CAN tell you that I will be going into the homework room the next time I pick him up so I can potentially get a visual on this chick. Her mom works in the office so she's always around...that's what his friends told me this weekend. I'll be able to tell everything about what he thinks about her just by seeing how he acts when I'm around.

So my son is going to his first high school dance.


Carol said...

Alex is turning into the typical teenager.....clamming up around mom about his girlfriends. You definitely have to get a peek at her...we're all curious.

This is a big moment for both Alex and you - going to his first have to get some pics.

Rebecca said...

Are you kidding me??? He'll be lucky to not have a camera crew (Julie, I'm lookin at you) follow him.


Kathy said...

Is it the same girl that Kev-head saw him talking to after school?

Young love...isn't that precious.

Anonymous said...

I can't beleave you are going to check out this girl. Do you not realize that may be one, of I'm sure many, traumatizing moments of his life. Mom just "popping" in to scope out the chicky he's probably crushing on. We're dudes..... When in high School we don't talk about chicks with OUR MOM'S!!!!!!!!!

Rebecca said...

Oh D - you are so full of shit. Tell me when/if you have a daughter someday, and she goes to high school and starts talking about some boy she's going to the winter formal with - you're not going to at least want a VISUAL on this kid? Bullshit. I call BULLSHIT.

He informs me he's not crushing on her, that she is, in fact, just a friend, which is fine. I'd rather see him go to the dance with a friend, there's a lot less stress involved.

It's not like I'm going to go in there and gush over her and start making dance plans with her. I just want a visual, that's all. He'll know that's the reason, but she certainly doesn't need to. :)

I'm not totally evil...just a teeny weeny bit.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone is signing up for Chaperone Duty on the 26th...

Rebecca said...

Oh hell no. Won't do it. Not unless there are cocktails being served in the wedding reception in the hall next door that I can skim.

I'd light myself on fire.

Anonymous said...

noooooo, sorry, you ARE IN FACT evil

Anonymous said...

First of all the likelyhood of me spawning anything from my loins other than a Pork Roast is HIGHLY UNLIKELY AT THIS POINT!
Second, It's the classic double standard, I would'nt check out my Sons Date, but I would be contractually obligated to check out my daughters. And I would DISCOURAGE my mail order bride from doing the same.