Here's what you missed at the end of 2007:
Bowling night Thursday, 12/20: I had the shot at the $187 strike pot. It looked so pretty going down the lane - right in the pocket - a hush LITERALLY fell over the crowd...aaaaaaand...nuthin. 8. I got 8. I wouldn't care so much if a certain c u next tuesday didn't end up winning MY money. There aren't many people in that bowling alley I don't like. She's one of them. Bitch.
Waterpark weekend - a blast. A total blast. But girls, I'm here to tell ya, they didn't make 18 year old boys like that when I was an 18 year old girl. What is going on? Where are they growing these factory made 6-pack stomach, arm&hammer arms...whodawa?? Ummmm, mercy...mercy me. Am I too young to become a dirty old woman?
Christmas - busy - fun - a good time was had by all. LOVE the Wii. If you haven't bowled on the Wii, you must. It's a total blast. Even my dad bowled using his walker. We laughed and laughed. I got a locket with my boys pictures in it. I've never had a locket before. Love it.
Day after Christmas - Chicago - Shedd Aquarium - ice skating in Millenium Park. I love the city.
Thursday, 12/27 - Alex turns 15. I have to work, even though I was 'on vacation' - new copiers delivered - total drama. Late, everything was late...I still made my hair appt. Best hair of my entire life...again...I don't know how she does it. Love Liz. Bowling was...well, bowling. My Roselawn wife Linda? Kicked it in the ass. 212 first game, 222 third game. Brilliant.
Friday night - Howl at the Moon in Chicago with my college roommate & company. Good times - Chicago H@tM not as much fun as Indy H@tM...they did too many slow songs and didn't get the crowd into it as much. Still had fun and got to catch up with my gal pal, her hubby, brother and his wife. Bitch hasn't aged a DAY since our first day of freshman year. I love her - but still secretly hate her as she has always been one of the most beautiful people inside and out that I have ever known. And she teaches high school boys. (and girls) They must LOVE her.
Saturday night - gig at Blues Island. All I have to say is this:

Sunday was football and more football. Monday was party preparation.
NYE found us ringing in the new year with our Roselawn Crew. The kids ruled the roost. One broken pool cue...whoops. Boys played poker in the garage and smoked cigars. Girls played....wait for it....SPOONS in the dining room. What a hoot. My drunk ass hubby on a four wheeler plowing not just our driveway, but the entire street so people could get home. I should have stopped after one glass of champagne - that stuff is not good for your hangover the next day.
Yesterday was a lazy day of leftovers and football and whatever movie we could catch on the movie channels.
And now, here I sit...back to work. That's my vacation in a nutshell kids....what did you do over the holidays? Eat too much? check. Drink too much? check. Stay up too late and sleep in when you could so that your biological clock is all screwed up when you have to go back to work? check.
Resolutions forthcoming - welcome 2008!
Well, it appears that the 12 days off has re-ignited your blogging fire. Too bad about not getting the $187. Which two did leave? It sounds like you had a great NYE party...Thanks for the invite...I won a ham at bowling on the 20th by bowling the most pins over average for our team. I bowled a 605 which is 80 pins over my average...
Did you say resolutions at the end of the blog? Resolutions, we don't need no stinkin' resolutions...
Oh, and I totally agree with you about the 18 year old boys...what's up with that?
What about 31 year boys?
P.S. I hate bowling...I sucked last night. So, consequently (sp?), I got drunk...
I sucked last night, too, Jimmer. I think I had one good game...ugh.
Consequently, I did not get drunk. But maybe I should have.
You probably will when the Steelers get beat this weekend...
Yes, that's my prediction...
I hate to say it, but without Willie Parker, I think you're probably right.
And please, how bad did Charlie Batch look on Sunday? I'll at least be glad to see Big Ben back in the mix.
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