JRo is a lurker on the blog and a co-worker...the peeps here at the office almost didn't notice this:

I fried some chicken last night, and I swear I still smell like the deep fryer. Usually I'll fry the chicken in a pan on the stove, but when I picked up the breading mix from the store, it had instructions for the deep fryer. What the heck - I'll give it a try. I'll mark it up to a success. The kids seemed to like it...I could only do 4 legs at a time, but it was still worth it. mmmmmm, chicken.
I also managed to down an entire bottle of pinot by myself. Ummmm, whoops. I didn't even realize I was doing it until I was pouring the last little bit into my glass and I thought - now where did the rest of it go?? Needless to say I slept well last night! :)
Since the writers continue to strike and there's nothing good on television, the Crums played a game last night: Sequence. We're officially addicted. We've had it here at work for awhile in the lunchroom, and now Alex got it from Grandma for Christmas and we're hooked. I highly recommend it!
And PS - everyone should officially hate Sugar Snap Pea as she sits in JAMAICA right now drinking some fruity drink and getting tan and we freeze our asses off. Damn you, Pea!!
Nice work with the boots, JRo. I don't even know you but I'm gonna tease you. As for you, Rebecca, how have you put your underwear on backwards? I only do that when I'm short on laundry!
At least JRo's brown and black boots match in...it would really suck if the brown one was short and furry and the black one was long and sleek...
It happens to the best of us--
Read post on
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Mental note: wear matching shoes...
OMG... I can't stop laughing now, remembering.
Too funny - I'll never forget that day when you called...I pick up the phone and all I hear is Anton giggling...that you were trying to stifle so it wouldn't get too loud.
Absolutely brilliant.
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