The night started innocently enough, beers in the hotel room. Then we moved on to Nicky Blaine's, a cigar bar right off Monument Circle in Indy. GREAT place! Highly recommend it. Low-lighting, cigars, martinis...brilliant! I got a pack of Indian vanilla flavored cigarettes that basically made me look like I was smoking joints all night long. I kept thinking I was going to get escorted out of our various locations.
After that it was off to the Alcatraz Brewing Company. The beers were fine, and Suz and I had fabulous meals. The boys got burgers and were less than satisfied.
My plan was to go to Howl at the Moon after that, but the line was soooooo long and the boys were too whiny to stand in it. I had wanted to get to this place earlier because I knew there would be a line, but because of some work drama I refuse to talk about, my schedule (that Suzi and Brad made fun of me for) was completely thrown out of whack. We tried sending the boys to a pub next door to kill time, but in the end, we left the line and moved on to the Slippery Noodle. I was purposely avoiding this place because it is a blues joint, and my poor hubby has been inundated with the blues lately and I figured he could use a break. But off we went and the juke joint was definitely jumpin. Reverend Raven was jamming away and it was a great time. If you ever get the chance to see him at a venue near you, you should definitely do it! (Carol - they'll be in Pittsburgh on Owen's birthday!)
We did end up at Howl at the Moon - but by this time the evening is a blur! The most unfortunate part of the night is that I left my camera in the hotel room, so the only pics I have of our wonderful evening out are the drunk pics that Suzi demanded I take for the blog. So here we are at 3:30 in the morning, wasted and completely happy. The picture is less than flattering of both of us, but pretty much tells the story of our throwdown in Indy...the bathtub was Kevin's idea...
It was a wonderful reminiscing filled evening. I hope you all have those girlfriends that when you're with them, no matter where you are, it feels like coming home. We've got almost 27 years of history together...and distance doesn't put a dent in the closeness.
So the beer store called, and said that Suzi and I drank all the beer in Indianapolis, and that's exactly the way I felt when Kev-head woke me up on Sunday. Oy. Sometimes things like that must be done! Suz - I love and miss you! We will make it to the lake house SOON!
Who ever thought-- Beer in the bathtub!
Oh like you've never done it! HA!
it was a fantastic time...I truly cried sunday morning when we left. Brad is like why are you crying and I said because i was leaving home and my ya-ya's
Are you sure it wasn't the hangover that made you cry? :)
Um, yeah, the bathtub picture was cool but way too many items of clothing were involved. Secondly, where did you smoke in Indy? I thought the City banned it in public places? Thirdly, Suzi looks like she was smoking dubies all night long in that picture...
Jimmer - I think it's only restaurants where you can't smoke in Indy, I'm not sure. What I can tell you is that we obviously smoked in the cigar bar...we smoked in the Noodle, and we smoked in the Moon...
and I knew you would have something porny to say about the bathtub picture.
I think you accidently coined the work of 2008. Ladies and Gentleman I submit to you PORNY!
I'm like McDonald's right now, lovin' it.
I need a ya ya weekend like you would not believe.
No dont think it was the hangover making me cry. It is my depressing life of no real friends here in kansas.
I have friends, but no one i can really turn too,like my ya yas, and it makes me really SAD!!!!!
and it was almost 4 in the morning and i had 4 hrs a sleep the night before, that is why my eyes are shut and why i look high. cut this old women some slack
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