Oh wait...almoooooost....
It's not that I haven't had anything interesting to say, we all know I totally have...I just haven't had the time to make any of it truly interesting AND funny. Which I guess implies that I have been either a) interesting or b) funny in the past...and we'll just go with that.
So how 'bout this water? For those of you not living in NWIN, we're doing are own little Katrina impersonation literally riding on the tail of Ike. And we all know Ike was a bastard. 1.63 inches of rain in Houston, 10.5 inches of rain in Lake of the Four Seasons here in NWIN. And we all know what a JOY it's been to drive around here anyway with all of the fucking construction...109th closed, 101st closed, the exit ramps to the toll road closed, exit ramps off of 94 to 65 closed...as if that wasn't all so much fun we needed balloons, now any roadway you actually could access is closed due to flooding.
I've lived here a long time and I've never seen it like this...can anyone remember a time when 94 and 65 were closed this long? And the INDOT doesn't show any indication of re-opening anytime soon...I know, I called.
On Sunday we enjoyed the rain the way I'm sure most of you did...cooking, eating, drinking some beer and watching football. Oh happy day in my house that the Bears lost and the Colts won and of course the black and gold were triumphant as well. I don't really have it out for the Bears...I don't...but it's just fun because my husband likes to pretend he's a Bears fan. He's so not. You know how I know? The only jersey he owns is Grossman. Where's your Grossman now???
Sunday was literally the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat in my house...not just because of the football scores...
Owen had some friends over to enjoy the rain and puddles with a little football of their own:
Kev-head was the all-time quarterback and the boys were out there for a good hour or so, sometimes in the pouring rain, taking breaks to jump in the pool fully clothed...why? who knows. boys.
One boy needed a sweatshirt...so I went upstairs to get that and some towels for when they were done and I put my camera down.
I put my camera down.
I put my new, expensive, love it like I would marry it camera down.
On the air hockey table.
And forgot that I didn't put it away.
And when the wet, cold boys came in from their thrills of victory...thus began my agony of defeat. Because they decided to play air hockey.
Did it occur to them to move the camera? No. So my camera, my new, wonderful camera was launched from the air hockey table during play and was sent crashing to the floor. Where the new wonderful quite large lens, was cracked in two.
Did they tell me that this happened? No. Owen was not playing air hockey and did not witness the event. And the boys who were playing either, didn't notice or were too freaked to say anything, because I hear a panicked "Mom, is this your camera? What happened to your camera?" shouted from the basement.
I never buy the extended warranties, the replacement warranties or whatever. But in this instance, this time I did. I actually spent the $149 because I was fearful that I would do something stupid and break my camera on vacation...you know...like hike up Cathedral Rock with it strapped to me. I took it to Best Buy-they've sent it in to be repaired or replaced and now I am camera-less and praying that they just replace it because really...will it ever be the same??
Keep your fingers crossed.
The only time I can remember 94 being closed was during the snowstorm from hell...I can't remember if 65 was closed as well, but the other night, coming home from Schererville on 30, between calument and 41 was 1/2 hour travel time...could have been worse, so I will stop bitching...HEY, that looks like Tigger running thru the yard on Kev's 40th...don't cha think?
These pics TOTALLY made me think of Kev-head's 40th....only without the jello shots. Which is a good thing considering their age...
Are you loving Owie in the goggles???
OF COURSE, who wouldn't???
About time you wrote something.
It has now been a month since your last blog...I miss it. Sniff Sniff
HELLO??? Is there anybody out there?
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